Śri Priya Jī Kī Nāmāvalī -Sri Radha's Divine Names. -: 108 Names of Radharani :- aviksatmesvari kascid vrndavana-mahesvarim. Don’t forget to hit the BELL BUTTON to never miss an update from our channel. You are gifted with natural expression, both verbal and musical, but you would find it … Fair use is a use permitted by the Copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Lord Krishna enchants the world, but it is believed that Krishna gets enchanted by his beloved Radha. Krsna-Vallabha – Lord Krsna’s beloved. Her name appears before Krishna's in the mantra because She's known for Her compassionate nature; devotees of Krishna approach Her before approaching Him. More Videos. 16 NAMES OF RADHARANI || WITH ENGLISH MEANINGS || Radha Krishna flute. Radharani’s Favorite Pets. Also read this: Is worshiping Radharani alone sufficient without Krishna? The name of Radharani creates an easy-going, good-natured personality, meeting and mixing easily. Therefore, she is the supreme goddess of all and together they are called Radhakrishna. © 2021 Times Internet Limited. Nav komentāru: Komentāra publicēšana. Intern of Krishna - Son Jesus Messenger Mohammed Meditative Buddha. Surabhi cows: Sunada, Yamuna and Bahula; Calf: Tuege Female monkey: Kakkhati; Parrots: Sükñmadhé and Subhä; Radha-tattva is a very confidential subject matter which is hidden even from the Vedas. Sri Radharani is sweeter than her beauty as she reins the world of love. 2021 is going to be lucky for these three zodiac signs! Krsna-Vallabha - Lord Krsna's beloved. The 16 Names of Srimati Radharani by Lord Narayana in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana || Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare || Mandir Radharani also appears in the Hare Krishna mantra as "Hare (ha-RAY)," the vocative form of "Hara." In describing Srimati Radharani, it is also said in the Vidagdha-madhava by Rupa Gosvami, "The beauty of Srimati Radharani's eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses. Hence, one who chants her name before and along with Sri Krishna, for example- ‘Sri Radhakrishna’, is sure to reach Sri Krishna’s source full Bhakti. 2. “Those who sing, chant and have strong faith in Radharani’s Name, and those very blessed souls who worship Her, achieve the friendship of Radharani in Vrindavan.” (Radha-ras-sudha-nidhi, verse 96) I am aware of the most intimate pastimes of Radha and Krishn which are not to be heard by everyone. Sūtīt pa e-pastu BlogThis! That is why she is called 'Rasikeshwari'. tat padamboja-matraika gati dasyati katara. Radharani has many names according to Her qualities and characteristics. Vadana, 159 * Vadhu, 83 * Vaijayanti, 103 * Vaikuntha-natha-grhini, 66 * Vaikuntha-paramalaya, 66 * Vaikuntha-sundari, 67 * Vaikunthadeva-devadhya, 67 * Vairagyakula-dipika, 72 * Vaisali, 123 * Vaisnavi, 34, 49 * Vakra-rupa, 80 * Vakra-viksana-viksita, 80 * Vakresvari, 80 * Vallabha, 11, 99, 166 * Vama-bhaga, 87 * Vama-devi, 87 * Vamanga-harini visnoh, 126 * Varahi, 76 * Vasana-harini, 156 * Vasanta-raga … You are the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and You are very dear to Lord Krishna." Her name is Radharani be-cause She excels all in worshiping Krish-na. Śrī Pārvatī said: O lord of lords, O master of the universe, O master kind to your devotees, if you are kind to me, if you have mercy for me, then, O lord, please tell me all you have heard, the most secret of secrets in your effulgent heart.. Texts 3 and 4 Sixteen names of Srimati Radharani The only girl desired by the prince of Vraja, 4. Who is worshipped by the Gandharva-angels, 5. Gosthayuva-rajaika-kamita – The only girl desired by the prince of Vraja. Hara is the feminine form of Hari, another name of Krishna. FAIR COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMERCopyright Disclaimer Under section 107 of the Copyright act 1976 allowance is made for the purpose of “fair use” for the purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Some maidservant, unable to find her mistress, has fallen on the bank of Radhakunda, crying in great anxiety, being very eager to take exclusive shelter of Her lotus feet, glorifying Her by singing the following names of Her: radha gandharvika a-kamita gandharva radhika candrakantir madhava-sangini (1) Radha, 2. 4. 16 names of Srimati Radharani Autors: Unknown plkst. Vadana, 159 * Vadhu, 83 * Vaijayanti, 103 * Vaikuntha-natha-grhini, 66 * Vaikuntha-paramalaya, 66 * Vaikuntha-sundari, 67 * Vaikunthadeva-devadhya, 67 * Vairagyakula-dipika, 72 * Vaisali, 123 * Vaisnavi, 34, 49 * Vakra-rupa, 80 * Vakra-viksana-viksita, 80 * Vakresvari, 80 * Vallabha, 11, 99, 166 * Vama-bhaga, 87 * Vama-devi, 87 * Vamanga-harini visnoh, 126 * Varahi, 76 * Vasana-harini, 156 * Vasanta-raga … THE TWELVE JYOTILINGAM:Radiant Sign of The Almighty Shiva! Therefore, she is the supreme goddess of all and together they are called Radhakrishna. Gandharva radhika – Who is worshipped by the Gandharva-angels. 09:49. The Fundamental Practices for a Good Life, Hilarious Laws which you have not studied in school. Sixteen Names of Srimati Radharani. This video is about the 16 names of Radharani with English meanings. ; You appreciate the company of others, to the point that you do not like to be by yourself for very long. Gandharvika – Gandharvika, she who is expert in singing and dancing. Gandharvika 3. the prince of Vraja, 4. The Glories of Srimati Radharani, Srimati Radharani, Radha, Jaya Radhe, Radhastami, tapta-kancana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye "I offer my respects to Radharani whose bodily complexion is like molten gold and who is the Queen of Vrndavana. Lord Krishna enchants the world, but it is believed that Krishna gets enchanted by his beloved Radha. Eight dearest friends of Radharani (Asta-Sakhis) Lalita; Visakha; Sucitra; Campakalata; Ranga-devi; Sudevi; Tungavidya; Indulekha. JAI SRI RADHE! Non-profit education or personal use tips tha balance in favor of fair use.NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED.For more Visit Mandir me, 16 NAMES OF RADHARANI || WITH ENGLISH MEANINGS || Radha Krishna flute mandir me, Pyaas Darash Ki Ankhiyo Me Radha Krishna Serial Prem Ki Lagan radha krishna mandir me, दुर्गा सप्तशती पाठ 1 @Radha Krishna Shringar radha krishna mandir me, Radhe Krishna | Swaraj | Bhumika | Saswat Joshi | Tarang Cine Utsav 2021 | Coming Soon | TCP radha krishna mandir me, Preethiya Noota Kannalli | Radha Krishna Kannada serial song | Exclusive | #Radhakrishna radha krishna mandir me, #Hara Hara Mahadeva | Lord Shiva Advice To Mankind In Telugu lord shiva mandir mein, श्री हनुमान जन्मोत्सव Special : Pawan Putra Hanuman | Ritik Gupta | Chalisa| Hanuman Ji Bhajans 2021 bajrangbali mandir mein, Vighnaharta Ganesh – Ep 790 – Full Episode – 17th December, 2020 ganesha mandir mein, LIVE : हनुमान जयंती Special | Shri Hanuman Chalisa | श्री हनुमान चालीसा | Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar bajrangbali mandir mein, 30 Shiva Tattoos For Men | Om Mahadev Lord Shiva Tattoo Designs for men | trending spot lord shiva mandir mein. Reciting of these will definitely give us the edge of reaching nearer to the LORD KRISHNA. On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth. 108 Names of Radharani… CHANT THE HANUMAT STAVAN & RECEIVE THE INFINITE BLESSINGS! Krsna-Samyuta - Lord Krsna's constant companion. Sri Radha Radhika – Lord Krsna’s greatest worshiper. Kopīgot sociālajā tīklā Twitter Kopīgot sociālajā tīklā Facebook Kopīgot vietnē Pinterest. She Who is the bestower of ultimate divine bliss, She Who always lives within the rasa-dance, She Who is the Goddess of those who relish divine mellows, She Who is dearer to Krishna than His own life, She Who is Krishna's most dearly beloved companion, She Whose form resembles Krishna's in many ways, She Who is generated from Krishna's left side, She Who is the personification of supreme ecstacy, She Who bestows the best form of supreme liberation, She Who always lives in the company of Her girlfriends, She Who enjoys many pleasures in Vrindavana. Radha, 2. Ananga Manjiri was the younger sister of Radharani and the daughter of Maharaj Vrishabhanu and Devi Kirtida. These SIXTEEN NAMES of Shrimati RADHA RANI, Chanting these Holy Names grants a Devotee the boon to become a Sakhi in Nikunja and enter Her abode Nikunja in service to Her Divine's holy feet. She is the younger sister of Srimati Radhika and the expansion of Lord Balarama. The essence of the life, saviour and worshipful deity of all the 'Rasiks' is 'Shri Radha' Maharani. “ sarvasan rasikanan ch devi namishwari, para pravadanti pura santasten tan rasikeshvarim || ” - Brahma Vaivarta Purana - Sixteen Names of Radharani The best among all the devotees are called "Rasiks". Whose luster is like the moon, 6. Who accompanies Madhava. mukunda dayita-vrnda dhammilla mani-manjari. Srimati Radharani is a tenderhearted feminine counterpart of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature. 3. As a result, there are many misconceptions – or no conceptions at all – about Radharani. 1. Between 1922 and 2019 there were 11 births of Radharani in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Radharani per year on average throughout this period. Krsna-Samyuta – Lord Krsna’s constant companion. Radha – Radha. ), (Be, Bye or Beside Forever?). Srimati Radharani considers Sri Krsna millions and millions of times more dear than Her own life’s breath”. Usually we are told that Sri Radha rani was a Gopi who was most dear to Lord Krishna’s heart, but it … Some maidservant, unable to find her mistress, has fallen on the bank of Radhakunda, crying in People, in general, do not know about Radharani. Madana-Mohini - more charming than Kamadeva. The essence of the life, saviour and worshipful deity of all the 'Rasiks' is 'Shri Radha' Maharani. Shri Radha is hladini-sakti, or the pleasure-giving potency of Krishna. In the Sruti-sastra Radharani is known by the name Gandharva-devi. All rights reserved, THE SIXTEEN NAMES OF SHRIMATI 'RADHA RANI', Lord Parashuram Jayanti: Haiku on virtues of valor and prudence, Kannada Mahatma Basveshwar: Teachings told in haiku on birth anniversary, Meaning of each word of four lines of Gayatri Mantra in Hindi. Srimati Radharani is the eternal consort of Lord Krishna. 16 NAMES OF RADHARANI || WITH ENGLISH MEANINGS || Radha Krishna flute. If you found this video helpful please do hit the LIKE BUTTON and SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more such videos. Website: www.brajrasik.org Krsna-Priya - beloved of Lord Krsna. patita tat-saras tire ruda tyartha-ravakulam. 108 names of Radha. Some of the names that Radharani is known by include Govinda-anandini--She who gives pleasure to Govinda [Krishna]; Govinda-mohini--She who mystifies Govinda; Govinda-sarvasa--the all-in-all of Lord Govinda; Shiromani Sarva-kanta--the crown jewel of all the Lord's consorts; and Krishnamayi--the one who sees Krishna both … HANUMAN STAVAM: the supereme chanting for all purpose, The magical BF (Best or Boy Friend? This Shri Radha’s (Priyaji’s) Namavali (index of names) is based on Her Nitya Vihar Rasas. Sri Radha Radhika - Lord Krsna's greatest worshiper. Jaunāka ziņa Vecāka ziņa Sākumlapa. - Brahma Vaivarta Purana - Sixteen Names of Radharani The best among all the devotees are called "Rasiks". Meaning of Name Radharani: Information on origin, gender, religion, nicknames and meaning of Radharani. damodaradvaita-sakhi kartikotkirtidesvari. The Money Stays at Home | Sivarama Swami; COVID-19, Past, Present and Future with Nandapriya Das Five thousand years ago, when Lord Krishna came to this planet to perform His pastimes, Srimati Radharani also appeared. 2. No one can be a greater devotee than She. … Gandharvika, 3. She Whose face glows like the full moon of August. 3. Vrndavanesvari - queen of Vrndavana. Radharani is a manifestation of Krishna’s love. This video is about the 16 names of Radharani with English meanings. tac chri-vaktreksanavaptyai namanyetani sanjagau. the sixteen names of shrimati 'radha rani' These SIXTEEN NAMES of Shrimati RADHA RANI, Spoken by Lord Narayana in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana. Don't do this in initial five years of marriage. 1. Radha Goddess of Love, Compassion and Devotion 19th century painting of Radha, Rajasthan. 1. Abonēt: Ziņas komentāri (Atom) Spoken by Lord Narayana in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana. Srimati Radharani is the embodiment of pure devotional service. … The very name Radharani comes from the San-skrit word aradhana, which means "worship." Her bodily luster seems to place even gold in a painful situation. HARE KRISHNA!! Although Krishna is so beautiful that He can attract millions of Cupids and is (RKG) When we compare the gopis, it appears that Srimati Radharani is most important because Her real feature expresses the highest ecstasy of love. The Names of Srimati Radharani. Intern of Krishna - Son Jesus Messenger Mohammed Meditative Buddha. Also find names with similar meaning as Radharani Meaning of Name Radharani… Point that you do not like to be by yourself for very long names ) is on. `` worship. you found this video is about the 16 names of shrimati Radha,. The company of others, to the point that you do not like be! Feminine form of Hari, another name of Radharani the best among all the devotees called. 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