Back in 1919, a botanist by the name of Anselmo Windhausen noticed that local farmers from Patagonia, Argentina were collecting some never before seen petrified cones. During the decade that just ended (2010-2019), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) declared the extinction of 160 species. Below is a list of the 160 plants and animals we’ll never see again. Extinction of dinosaurs. 1918 – The last Carolina parakeet died in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. A rather large reptile belonging to the skink family, it hasn’t been observed in over 150 years and was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2017. The heaviest predatory dinosaurs. The bald eagle’s monitoring plan consisted of conducting annual aerial surveys of all known nesting territories. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2011. Its extinction, made official by the IUCN in 2017, is probably linked to the arrival of European colonists and the crops they introduced. NGO Free the Bears has opened a mountain sanctuary for moon bears in Laos. Hibiscadelphus woodii (Wood’s hau kuahiwi). 1936 – The last thylacine died in captivity. Timeline for other Actions: We try to complete informal consultations, courtesy responses to inquiries, technical assistance to non-federal parties, permit actions and species lists not associated with formal consultations within 30 days or less. This plant grew along a stream that crosses the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. Another Hawaiian bird with a long, curved beak, this nukupu’u was last observed at the end of the 19th century. Extinction is forever. The species was declared extinct in 2014, a loss likely caused by hunting by European colonists and the arrival of rats. A species of Georgian crayfish described in 1958 by a biologist who found a single specimen. It was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2016. It is known only thanks to documents dating back to the 19th century. No one has seen a specimen of this animal since 1930. This species of cockroach was described following the discovery of a single specimen on the Seychelles island of Desroches in 1905. During which era did the dinosaurs become extinct? The IUCN declared it extinct in 2014. 2019 – The Bramble Cay melomys was declared extinct. It disappeared around the end of the 20th century because of the introduction of another species of fish, Atherina boyeri, into its habitat by fishermen. Its extinction was probably caused by hunting and the arrival of black rats. Notomys robustus (Broad-cheeked hopping mouse). The IUCN declared it extinct in 2014. Plants previously thought extinct and subsequently rediscovered 1942 – The Texas wolf was purposefully driven to extinction. The IUCN added it to the list of extinct species in 2013 after decades passed from its last sighting. This small crayfish lived in a single spring in the Mexican desert, which was also drained for agricultural use. Myosotis laingii (Waiautoa forget-me-not). The eagle’s main prey were various species of moa, which also went extinct. At one point it even populated urban areas, but the introduction of non-native snake species caused it to quickly go extinct. 1962 – The red-bellied gracile opossum was last recorded in Argentina. This small wood pigeon lived undisturbed on the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, until 1730. 1952 – Last reliable report of the Caribbean monk seal. 2835 BCE – The Balearic cave goat became extinct around this time. 996 – The New Zealand owlet-nightjar survived until about this time. The species hasn’t been observed in the wild since 1995 and was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2016. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2014. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2018. 1994 – Saint Croix racer, a snake native to the Virgin Islands, declared extinct. It was observed for the last time in 1908 and the IUCN declared it extinct in 2014. Historic photo courtesy of Peter Maas / The Sixth Extinction. Its disappearance was probably linked to deforestation and the introduction of invasive species like rats and mongooses, which also led to the proliferation of diseases. The fish’s survival was ultimately compromised by the introduction of invasive species and no specimen has been seen in the wild since 1994. This spider lived in the forests of Mahé island, in Seychelles. The species was declared extinct in 2016. 4866 BCE – Irish elk survived in the Urals and western Siberia until this time. 1965 – Last sighting of the turgid-blossom pearly mussel, an American mussel. 100 BCE – Syrian elephant becomes extinct due to overhunting for ivory. The disappearance of this citrus plant, which used to grow in Kalalau Valley on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i, was caused by the introduction of non-native herbivores such as goats, pigs and deer, which devastated the native vegetation. 2017 – The Christmas Island forest skink was declared extinct, three years after the last known specimen died. Native to Lake Gölçük, a volcanic mountain lake in Turkey, this species went extinct in the 1980s due to non-native fish being introduced to boost fishing activities. It was observed for the last time in 1908 and disappeared with the destruction of its ecosystem. Under normal conditions, the “rate of speciation, meaning the birth of new species, is higher than the rate of extinction,” writes science journalist Pietro Greco, and one to ten species disappear each year. It’s likely to have disappeared following the arrival of European colonisers and the non-native mammals they brought, such as rats and mongooses. This large lizard lived on four islands in the Lesser Antilles at least until the 17th century. Last observed around 1850, the IUCN declared it extinct in 2016. The existence of this bird of prey was discovered thanks to the study of fossil remains dating back to the 17th century. This mussel, which used to be common in the Nile delta, hasn’t been observed since the beginning of the 20th century. It lived on the island of Praslin, in Seychelles. 950 – Sinoto’s lorikeet and the conquered lorikeet survived until about this time. This mollusc, whose habitat was a single spring in Spain, was lost because of a road being built near the area where it lived. It was officially declared extinct in 2011. This large ground beetle was native to the high-altitude forests on Pico Island, in the Azores archipelago. Poachers in Africa are encroaching on wildlife land and killing rhinos in travel hot spots now devoid of visitors due to the coronavirus pandemic. Today we present you the most complete list of extinct species over the centuries. 2013 – The Cape Verde giant skink was declared extinct. Not much is known about this spider who lived on the island of Mahé, in Seychelles. This research has suggested that there is only one subspecies, the North American cougar. -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. Ornithogalum visianicum (Visiani’s star of Bethlehem). It hasn’t been observed since and the IUCN declared the species extinct in 2018. This small fish of the Cyprinodontidae family was native to the Santa Cruz River in the US state of Arizona. Its habitat has remained mostly unaltered so the cause of its extinction, made official by the IUCN in 2018, is unknown. Animal and plant species declared extinct between 2010 and 2019, the full list, Tartaruga gigante in un centro di riproduzione nel parco nazionale delle Galapagos nell'isola di Santa Cruz © RODRIGO BUENDIA/AFP via Getty Images, climactic and chemical balance of the oceans, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The first mammal has become extinct due to climate change, The strange ritual migration of 50 million red crabs on Christmas Island. counti E d d S ities. According to analyses of these fossils, it would appear that the species went extinct between 326 and 496 years ago, possibly because of hunting and competition with domestic dogs. Or at least this was thought to be the case until a few months ago: in 2019, researchers found three specimens on a rocky outcrop of the island using drones. A woodpecker native to Bermuda, the species was recently described thanks to the retrieval of fossilised remains. The causes of the quick population decline aren’t clear but are probably linked to changes in land use and farming activities on their mating grounds. The species hasn’t been seen since and the IUCN declared it extinct in 2011. The history of the Earth is inseparably connected with the extinction of animal and plant species. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2016. Short-faced bear – the largest bear of all time? 1627 – The last known aurochs died in Poland. Erythrolamprus perfuscus (Barbados racer). This small rodent can claim the unenviable posthumous title of being the first mammal species to go extinct directly due to the effects of anthropogenic climate change. 1180 – The Maui Nui moa-nalo survived until around this time. The species hasn’t been seen since 1909 and is believed to have disappeared due to the destruction of its habitat. The taxonomy of this bivalve mollusc is still uncertain; only one specimen was ever found, in Madagascar, in 1909. It’s believed to have disappeared due to hunting and the introduction of non-native species. This freshwater mussel lived in some parts of the Mississippi River and the Mobile River Basin, in Alabama, in the US. 1937 – The Bali tiger was last definitively seen around this time, but likely persisted into the 1940s or possibly even the early 1950s. Acrocephalus yamashinae (Pagan reed-warbler). Declared extinct in 2014, this spider was also native to Mahé island and paid a dear price for the arrival of invasive plants that compromised its habitat. Its definitive disappearance was caused by the growing diversion of water for agriculture and introduction of the largemouth bass. 685 – The lava shearwater survived until around this time. Zosterops semiflavus (Marianne white-eye). This beetle of the Carabidae family lived in a small parcel of land on the island of São Miguel, in the Azores. This plant was native to the Katanga Plateau in the Democratic Republic of Congo and was last seen in 1959. The IUCN declared the species extinct in 2014. Its extinction was probably caused by the introduction of black rats. Scientists believe it may have suffered the introduction of non-native species such as the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes), oriental wolf snake (Lycodon capucinus), cats and rats. It was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2016. 1964 – The Hawaii chaff flower of the Hawaiian islands becomes extinct because of habitat loss. The extent of disappeared species hasn’t yet reached the threshold that characterised previous extinction events, but it’s happening at a faster pace than ever before. It was added to the IUCN’s extinct species list in 2017. 1997 – The Hainan ormosia (a species of legume) which was native to China is no longer seen. 1860 – The sea mink becomes extinct because of hunting for its fur. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2013. 2003 – The last individual from the St. Helena olive, which was grown in cultivation, dies off. 200 – The coastal kagu, Kanaka pigeon, New Caledonian gallinule, pile-builder megapode, and powerful goshawk survived until around this time. Pyrocephalus dubius (San Cristòbal flycatcher). Pesticides and agricultural wastewater probably caused its extinction, declared by the IUCN in 2016. 1933 – The cry pansy from Europe becomes extinct due to habitat loss and overcollection in the only place where it grew, France. 1420 – The South Island giant moa survived on South Island until around this time. It too didn’t survive the introduction of cats and rats into its ecosystem, as well as the arrival of an Asian bird species that became its competitor, the common myna. Scientists only ever observed one specimen, in 1933, and it hasn’t been seen since. The species has become an iconic symbol of animal extinction. 1780 BCE – The last known population of woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island died out, possibly due to a combination of climate change and hunting. The IUCN declared it extinct in 2016. The largest coral reef in the world is severely threatened by climate change, but researchers are developing strategies that could contribute to saving the Great Barrier Reef. This mussel lived in rivers near the southern coast of Madagascar. This species of snail was observed only in a limited part of Malaysia. 1994 – Levuana moth from Hawaii goes extinct. Much like the greater ‘akialoa, the Lana’i ‘akialoa probably went extinct at the end of the 1800s due to the introduction of illnesses and destruction of the forests that gave it shelter and sustenance. 1400 – New Zealand’s Haast’s eagle, a giant bird of prey, becomes extinct. This led to the species being declared extinct in 2019. This article is a list of biological species, subspecies, and evolutionary significant units that are known to have become extinct during the Holocene, the current geologic epoch, ordered by their known or approximate date of disappearance from oldest to most recent.. Cause of Extinction: It became extinct within its natural range due to habitat loss. This large snake native to the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia went extinct around 1800. A moss belonging to the Brachytheciaceae family, this species was once found at the margins of laurel forests in the northeastern part of Madeira, in Portugal. The Catarina pupfish was a small fish native to a spring in the Mexican region of Nuevo León. The last plant in the wild had died in 1994. 1967 - The bald eagle is on the brink of extinction and is listed as a federally endangered species under the Endangered Species Preservation Act across the United States in all areas below the 40th parallel north. 2013 – The Formosan clouded leopard, previously endemic to the island of Taiwan, is officially declared extinct. This shrub with bright yellow flowers used to grow on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i, one of the last survivors of a disappearing genus. In 2008, the population was of only ten individuals. 2006 – A technologically sophisticated survey of the Yangtze River failed to find specimens of the baiji dolphin, prompting scientists to declare it functionally extinct. The last sighting dates back to 1983 and the species was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2016. The reasons behind their disappearance aren’t clear. Naturalists observed this plant for the first and last time in New Zealand’s prairies in 1847. This rodent belonging to the Cricetidae family was the only species in the Pennatomys genus. Human consumption of groundwater drained the body of water and reduced the species’ population. It hasn’t been observed since the beginning of the last century and the IUCN declared it extinct in 2012. It hasn’t been seen since, and the IUCN added it to the extinct species list in 2011. Its decline has been linked to the arrival of invasive fish species and urban development in the Bay Area. Nyctanassa carcinocatactes (Bermuda night heron). There’s no way back from extinction and the loss of a species determines the definitive disappearance of a particular tile in the mosaic of life, which had evolved and adapted to a certain environment. This bird used to inhabit the bamboo forests of two French Polynesian islands. Due to heavy water use for agriculture, the lake dried up for over twenty days in 1981. It was declared extinct by the IUCN in 2012. However, many animal species have disappeared from the Earth’s surface as a result of human activity. Neoplanorbis tantillus (Little flat-top snail). Hunting and the arrival of non-native cats probably caused its extinction, which was made official by the IUCN in 2014. This freshwater gastropod lived in a single spring in the US state of Utah. It used to be one of the most common invertebrates in North America: a report from 1875 describes an uninterrupted swarm extending 160 kilometres wide and 2,800 kilometres long. Plants and animals we ’ ll never see again scientists disagree on the island in! Who died in captivity at the beginning of the introduction of non-native species the..., on the Rocky island of Réunion in the 19th century and the Mobile River Basin in... Islands, declared by the IUCN in 2016 scientists, on the island of Praslin, in Madagascar, the! Passed since the beginning of the former existence of this waterfowl dating back to the arrival of predators. 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