Virtual Console games (Wii U, Game Boy Advance), I'm just starting Golden Sun for the first time, so bear with me if the answer is obvious, but when you start a new file on the original Golden Sun and use the button combos that allow you to name each of the characters you can name the playable characters in TLA except for Piers. [3] To complete puzzles, players must either push pillars to construct negotiable paths between elevated areas, climb up or descend cliffs, or obtain a special item to progress through the story and game world. Changing a character's Djinn will change what Psyenergy they have available, change their in game class and even (sometimes) improve your current Psyenergy. Ronin, Master and Chaos Lord are the better physical damage dealing classes. [31], Some publications found fault with complaints which remained from the original, including the combat system. » Golden Sun: The Lost Age » Class Guide; Index. Some people find it easier to defeat enemies using the default classes (only Venus Djinn on a Venus Adept, only Mars Djinn on a … [34], The Lost Age sold 96,000 units in its first week in Japan, being the best-selling game of the period. Isaac and the gang from the original do not make as much of a … The Mercury Clan were once the guardians of the Mercury Lighthouse , the Elemental Lighthouse of Water, located near modern-day Imil, and it is the bloodline oath of the Mercury Clan to ensure that the Mercury Beacon is never lit. To give alternate names to Jenna, Sheba, and Pierrs, press select 3 times while naming Felix. They keep the pressure on Felix to ensure he proceeds with his quest as he is supposed to.[13]. While navigating the world, the player can use Psynergy to solve puzzles. Release Date(s) When looking at the characters, one can understand what class of Adept a character is by using these tropes as guidelines. Garret's Classes X. Sheba's Classes XI. The Lost Age contains both random monster encounters and compulsory battles that advance the story. Category:Characters in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. [16] The North American version of the game was playable at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2002,[17] and IGN noted that the opening of the game did away with the notoriously boring opening sequence of Golden Sun, introducing the characters in between the action. NA: April 14, 2003 JP: June 28, 2002 EU: September 19, 2003 [11][12], For much of the game, the player controls four characters: Felix is an eighteen-year-old Venus Adept from the village of Vale, who was an anti-hero in Golden Sun but serves as the game's new protagonist. In the original game, Felix was among the villains. [28], IGN gave the sequel high praise;[22] while most of the game mechanics remained unchanged, the addition of more complicated puzzles was welcomed. ACB ==(#5)TRIPLE QUADRUPLE(ACR: 8.9) == There are three items in Golden Sun: The Lost Age that can change an adept’s class. For Golden Sun: The Lost Age on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "A very useful password with TLA items". NA: August 6, 2015 JP: July 23, 2014 EU: November 13, 2014 AU: November 13, 2014 Golden Sun Best Djinni Combinations In Golden Sun one of the main ways to increase your character's effectiveness is by changing around their Djinn composition. In the original game, Felix was among the villains. Golden Sun is a series of fantasy role-playing video games developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo. Golden Sun: The Lost Age, released in 2003, is a Perspective Flip starting at the end of The Broken Seal, centered around the least dangerous of those antagonists. Interestingly, if the player completed the events in the original Golden Sun, they can transfer some of the data over to the new game, including the playable characters (Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia). Matthew | Karis | Tyrell | Rief | Amiti | Sveta | Eoleo | Himi | Blados | Chalis | Volechek. Gaia Rock is a dungeon featured in Golden Sun: The Lost Age.One of four similarly presented locations in the game called the Elemental Rocks, it is representative of the Venus element and is a gigantic, mountainous locale with an ancient and labyrinthine maze built inside. In each battle, the player is required to defeat all the enemies using direct attacks with weapons, offensive Psynergy spells, and other means of causing damage, all while keeping their own party alive through items and supportive Psynergy that restore life and supplement defense. The group also discovers that their former companion Alex has allied himself with Menardi's younger sister Karst and her partner Agatio in order to keep Felix on track. It is located at the island later identified as Nihan, east of Angara; a nearby human settlement named Izumo … [33] GameSpy felt that Camelot could have added more features, and criticized the long opening sequence which either alienated players of the previous game, or confused new players by swamping them with unfamiliar places and characters. The official English site for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn has been updated with character information: The former party ( Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Mia) also join late in the game. You will start off in the Sanctumof the town you most recently visited, rather than the exact point in the game world you would have left off otherwise. The player gains more and more Psynergy spells as the game progresses, either through levelling up or acquiring and equipping, or using, special items, and with each "utility" Psynergy spell the party gains access to more locations and secrets hidden within the game world. This can be done by inserting a password or by using a Game Boy Advance Link Cable. Bunza. Trading Djinn is a key into exploiting the character's strengths, and doing so can ultimately change the difficulty of the game. [30] The publication later named The Lost Age the best Game Boy Advance game of April 2003. Genre(s) Credits • Gallery • Cheats • Videos • Soundtrack. Because most equipment from Golden Sun will be quickly outclassed by equipment found later in The Lost Age, it's relatively futile to spend dozens of Eoleo (レオレオ Leoleo), introduced in Golden Sun: The Lost Age as a minor NPC, is a playable character in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.He is the son of Briggs and Chaucha, and is from Champa.Unlike his parents, he is an Adept, and becomes a member of Matthew's party. [22][32] Ethan Einhorn of GameNOW felt that the only elements that set the fighting system above "typical RPG fare" were the graphics. A sequel to Golden Sun, The Lost Age continued the story of various characters from the video game including Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers. Guru, Oracle and Paladin are the better healing classes. For much of the game, the player controls four characters: Felix is an eighteen-year-old Venus Adept from the village of Vale, who was an anti-hero in Golden Sun but serves as the game's new protagonist. Isaac; Garet; Ivan; Mia; Felix; Jenna; Sheba; Piers. 01 Chaucha. His younger sister, Jenna, a seventeen-year-old Mars Adept also from Vale, and a fourteen-year-old girl and Jupiter Adept named Sheba, as well as a sharp-witted elderly scholar named Kraden, are all hostages that Felix was forced to take with his now-deceased masters, the Mars Adept warriors Saturo… USK The player can summon a monster by placing a Djinn on standby, which means that while the user cannot use the Djinn, they will be given access to unheard of powers thanks to the monsters. Magician; Apprentice; Page; Wind Seer; Medium; Pilgrim; Ranger; Sage; White Mage; Pierrot (Mysterious Card) Tamer (Trainer's Whip) Dark Mage (Tomegathericon) Magician This both serves as an incentive for the player to collect Djinn (and hence complete the associated optional, but … Welcome to my Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age Transfer Password Page. It … [10] Djinni may also be used to directly attack an opponent, and once used, Djinn no longer contribute to a character's class but can be used to summon a powerful elemental spirit to attack an opponent. [2] When a battle begins, a separate screen is brought up where the enemy party is on the opposing side and the player's party is on the battling side. It was eventually followed by a third installment, titled Dark Dawn, released in 2010 and set thirty years after the two original games. The story takes place just moments before Isaac and company's battle at the Venus Lighthouse. The group searches for a ship to cross to the western half of Weyard, and learns of a man named Piers who has been falsely accused of piracy and owns a ship they can use. was released on June 28, 2002 in Japan, and through 2003 in North America and Europe. The plot progression of Golden Sun: The Lost Age spans many c… Clockwise from top: Mia, Ivan, Isaac, and Garet. One of Saturos' original companions, a powerful and enigmatic Mercury Adept named Alex, allies himself with a second pair of powerful and imposing Mars Adept warriors, Karst and Agatio. [20] Other publications singled out the graphics and audio as particularly strong features. But when Isaac's pursuing party enters the lighthouse, they are trapped and ambushed by Karst and Agatio. Secondly, they act as a balancer, as the player gains more Djinn to set, the improvement in classes give the player access to get more powerful Psynergies, such as Wish and Revive. [35] The game sold a total of 249,000 copies in Japan and 437,000 in North America by November 21, 2004. Many seeds planted in the first game grow here, while loose ends are tied up. 03 In this game, the player takes the role of Felix as he strives to complete Saturos and Menardi's original objective to restore Alchemy to the world of Weyard, and joining them early on is a Mercury Adept named Piers, a mysterious young man whose ship Felix's party uses to explore the world throughout their journey. Unlike the original game, in which the overworld was explored on foot except for a brief, non-navigable boat ride, a large portion of The Lost Age's gameplay involves navigating a magical ship across a large sea, visiting continents and islands. Golden Sun: The Lost Age,[a] released under different names in some regions, is a 2002 role-playing video game for the Game Boy Advance, developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo, as well as their last game released before Hiroshi Yamauchi retired as President of Nintendo. He warns them that mankind could very well destroy Weyard themselves if they had possession of such a power, and when Isaac insists on breaking the seal regardless the Wise One summons a giant, three-headed dragon for the party to battle in the final struggle. Colosso Gladiators. For Golden Sun: The Lost Age on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Requesting Character Help". [15] The Lost Age was highly anticipated; it topped IGN's list of Game Boy Advance "Most Wanted" games for 2003. Game Boy Advance Jenna's Classes IX. Golden Sun is a series of fantasy role-playing video games developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo. Golden Sun follows the story of a group of magically-attuned "adepts" who are charged with preventing the potentially destructive power of alchemy from being released as it was in the past. Golden Sun: The Lost Age - Codes Name Extra Characters . It was released in August 2001 for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance, and became the first installment in the Golden Sun series. He also reveals that his parents and Isaac's father are alive and currently being held hostage in Prox in order to coerce Felix's initial cooperation. On the American Golden Sun website, a description stated that Eoleo was "...captured by Morgal forces and is being … On Metacritic, The Lost Age has an 86% aggregate rating,[23] compared to Golden Sun's 91%. [7] If all the player's characters are downed by reducing their hit points to zero, the party is returned to the last village that the player visited and suffers a monetary penalty. Publisher(s) "[19], The Lost Age generally received positive reviews, but critics were divided on whether or not the game was better than the original Golden Sun. While a battle being is conducted, the characters and background swirl around and change positions in a pseudo-3D effect. Isaac and his company agree to aid Felix, and the group sets out north to activate the Mars Lighthouse. Players can transfer their characters and items from Golden Sun to The Lost Age by means of a password system or Game Link Cable, and players are rewarded for fully completing both games.[1]. Adepts are able to use Psynergy and take control of the Djinn that are scattered across the game world. By doing this quest, you gain access to an optional dungeon, the Islet Cave. Many of these puzzles revolve heavily around the usage of the game's resident form of magic spells, Psynergy, requiring the player to find items that grant the bearer new forms of Psynergy in order to accomplish tasks. Camelot Ivan's Classes XII. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn North American box art DeveloperCamelot Software Planning PublisherNintendo DirectorShugo Takahashi ProducerHiroyuki Takahashi Shugo Takahashi Toshiharu Izuno DesignerHiroyuki Takahashi Shugo Takahashi ArtistShin Yamanouchi WriterHiroyuki Takahashi ComposerMotoi Sakuraba SeriesGolden Sun PlatformNintendo DS Release JP: October 28, 2010 NA: November 29, 2010 AU: December 2, 2010 EU: December 10, 2010 GenreRole-playing game ModeSingle-player Golden Sun… Golden Sun: The Lost Age (JP:) is a Game Boy Advance game that is the second installment in the Golden Sun series.A sequel to Golden Sun, The Lost Age continued the story of various characters from the video game including Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers.In the original game, Felix was among the villains. [26] Conversely, The Lost Age was ranked 78 on IGN's Readers Choice Top 100 games ever, higher than its predecessor. Along the way, the player uses psynergy to defeat enemies and discover new locations, help out local populations, and find elemental djinn which augment the characters' powers. 01(Rerel.) There are eleven Djinn for each of the four elements (not counting the ones that can only be found in the original Golden Sun) that may be allocated to each character. [4][5], Whereas many role-playing video games limit the usage of their forms of magic to battles as offensive and defensive measures, Psynergy spells are also heavily used in puzzles and exploration. » Golden Sun: The Lost Age » Class Guide; Index. Golden Sun: The Lost Age is the sequel to the RPG, Golden Sun.It features four new characters. PEGI Alternatively, choose from the Classes Index below to find information about a specific class. This doesn't affect your starting stats, items or djinni, however. Knight; Swordsman; Dragoon; Apprentice; Ninja; Water Seer; Wind Seer; Brute; Samurai; Pierrot (Mysterious Card) Tamer (Trainer's Whip) Dark Mage (Tomegathericon) Knight Some of the passwords are mine, some of the passwords are just learned from someone else, and some of the passwords are made from an application. In The Lost Age, all of the characters are called adepts (as the fours characters in Golden Sun were called). It is the second installment in the Golden Sun series. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The best class for each character is an opinion. Firstly, they add a great deal of diversity to the game, opening up a large number of Psynergy and statistical (and hence strategic) combinations. Overall, these are very unique and adaptive teams. Warlock Piers is slightly less useful than the other adepts but he can attack with the Excalibur’s unleash Legend and use Pyroclasm, Resist, Bind, and Break. Piers Classes XIII. Other actions the player can perform in battle include using their weapon, summoning a monster and using Djinn. IGN ranked the game as the eighth-best Game Boy Advance title of 2003 and the 22nd-best GBA game of all time. ". For example, using a Psynergy with water properties will prove especially effective against a fire based enemy. The group discovers that Karst and Agatio have been transformed into mindless dragons and are forced to defeat them - they return the Mars Star before succumbing to their wounds. Gameplay in relation to The Lost Age's battle mode is similar to traditional role-playing video games. For Golden Sun: The Lost Age on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "What is each characters' best class? [11] This is the game's most powerful method of attack, and also the riskiest, as it requires Djinn to be on standby and therefore not available to bolster the statistics of whichever character the Djinni is equipped to. [4] Still other Psynergy can be used for both situations; for example, the “Frost” spell can be used to damage enemies in battle, or to transform puddles of water into elongated pillars of ice as part of a puzzle. You'll see a new option. Welcome to our collection of Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GBA .Visit our dedicated Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age message board to discuss this game with other members. Characters of the Golden Sun games.. [27] It was also rated the 69th best game made on a Nintendo System in Nintendo Power's "Top 200 Games" list. ESRB Djinn form the basis of the game's statistics enhancement system, and the way they are allocated to different characters modifies the characters' classes, increasing maximum hit points, Psynergy points, and other statistics, and also alters the available Psynergy that the characters can perform. [25] Likewise, GameRankings gives The Lost Age an 87% overall rating,[24] slightly lower than Golden Sun's 90%. Golden Sun: The Lost Age takes place on the same fantasy world as its predecessor: The world of "Weyard," a massive earth-like environment modeled off the old Flat Earth idea of the world; it is a flat, vaguely circular plane whose oceans perpetually spill off the edge of the world's entire perimeter into what seems to be an endless abyss, although no one knows what is over it. Djinn are given to characters, though can be traded. To. [ 13 ], Several groups of characters serve as 's! `` Weyard '' Mia ; Felix ; Jenna ; Sheba ; Piers ways, depending on enemy!, weighing in at 260 characters Psynergy with water properties will prove especially effective against a based! Installment in the Lost Age the best class for each character is an opinion continues to pursue.... From the original 31 ], the Islet Cave 's possession the difficulty of the game sold a of... 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