If you have cable you’re aware of Flo from Progressive, whether you like it or not. 1 Progressive. Everything You Need to Know About Your Electric Car Battery, How to Choose the Best Electric Car Charger. Posted by 2 years ago. . I'd hit it with the fury of a thousand suns. Nothing has changed about Flo and plus, they're just boring. I Hate Progressive Insurance For Waking Me Up Over And Over 10.24.12 10:15 AM EDT By Laura Northrup @lnorthrup badvertising insurance commercials progressive progressive insurance flo Admiral Group plc. I don't know why, but I just find it so fucking funny, so no OP, I disagree. In the latest commercial she is just coated with makeup. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I hate any commercial that involves Flo from progressive. In just the last six years the online insurance company has used Flo in their commercials 94 times. adage.com. Her commercials are quite possibly my least favorite commercials of all times. The Queen is back. They literally killed her off in an ad a few years ago and she's like the ####in Terminator Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. There’s usually one person like her in every workplace. How realistic is … Joined: 02/04/2015. I dislike all insurance commercials and despise the philosophy behind them. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Conveniently, Progressive sent me an email wishing me a Happy Birthday with a perfectly shoppable photo of my television viewing arch nemesis. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I do agree that Mara is just a "Negative Nancy", someone who sees the dreaded things in life. I hate Flo. JavaScript is disabled. I’m also pretty sure we all hate her too. ©2021 Compare.com. It is live action...I think you're referring to E-surance. People talk about her sexually and it makes me want to vomit. Mar 24, 2021 ... Progressive Insurance is surely longing for the days when the Internet's most pressing question about its spokeswoman Flo was whether she is ... www.adweek.com. We all know Flo from the Progressive commercials: the bright-red lipstick, the starched apron, the blue headband, and the ever-perky personality. report. The words “quirky” and “amusing,” says a … Fucking Jamie from Progressive. I hate Flo and I really hate Jan from the Toyota commercials. That said, Flo from Progressive has struck a very strong chord among a large group of consumers and she’s definitely a driving force for Progressive. She was on Mad Men a few times, how could I hate her? Flo is a fictional salesperson character appearing in more than 100 advertisements for Progressive Insurance since 2008. It’s possible that the new ads will have a similar effect on Millenials. Too funny! Flo's great, and if I remember right, the actress' stand up is pretty good (or at least okay). You may not think of her often, but I’m … You can tell she's tired of it. is a majority member of compare.com. Had to X out with the quickness. Even in the porno she was in*. 259. Log in or register to post comments; In reply to I hate any commercial that involves Flo from progressive. If she's axed, then some other horrible commercial will fill the void. Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad. 2 years ago. I hate Flo and I really hate Jan from the Toyota commercials. But not … The Left-Wing "Progressive" Hate-Hysteria That Starbucks Helped Create is Now TURNING on Them! Sick of Flo and her super gang of unfunny and annoying partners. Reddit Advertisement. One major difference lies in the fact that both Allstate and Nationwide employ celebrity voice-overs in their campaigns, while Progressive does not. I have gotten used to Flo, played by actress Stephanie Courtney, and am happy for the gig, enabling this actress to rake in the cash, as well as giving her a career blip to be remembered by. All Spokespersons have a finite lifetime. What is Gap Insurance & What Does it Cover? She makes me so irrationally angry. 22,970 53,606 posts; Gender: Male; Interests: Soap fusion. You might not know standup comedian and actress Stephanie Courtney by name alone, but you definitely know her by her TV persona, Flo, from the Progressive … 6. The commercials are terrible, especially the one with the guy in the big foam dollar sign suit. I could be having a great day, and i mean cheese curds great. The actress hates Flo too. report. save. Progressive.com. Tomorrow is my Birthday. Man, I think the best/funniest insurance commercial on tv right now is the Progressive ad where Jamie and Alan are like "Psh Flo" all badass like then Flo's right there and it just cuts to Jamie sprinting full speed. You Might Be Losing Money on Your Auto Insurance – Who is this lady and why should I hate her? by WorldwideTJRob. medz said Tue, Mar 12th 2019 at 10:51am eastern. BLEEN. I've never liked her -- but, hey, what does it hurt me if others love her? I'd rather bang Erin Esurance, but they got rid of that advertising campaign. I wish he would get sodomized by a bull elephant. Jamie is like Flo's equally annoying brother, but he likes to boost about his achievements. 94% Upvoted. That said, Flo from Progressive has struck a very strong chord among a large group of consumers and she’s definitely a driving force for Progressive. those commercials are hilarious what are you talking about dude. But Geico makes the worst commercials. 8 notes. Can I get a shop thread out of it to help me truly have a wonderful birthday? hide. Close. I hate that I'm not smashing Flo right now. She has simply gained weight. Flo’s face, voice and overall demeanor, which makes 50 year old women chuckle, makes me want to take my roomates’ droid and … Yep, good call. Statements from the company have made it clear that they have no intent to remove the insurance marketing icon that rocketed them to the top of the insurance ladder. I hate her too. The website will showcase the other group’s efforts while reinforcing that the values that drive them are values shared with Progressive. Check out what we’ve put together so far. Stephanie Courtney used to be born on February 8, 1970, in Stony Point, New York. Wondering if Flo & Progressive can provide you the cheapest car insurance rates? The idea is that Millenials will engage more with a humanized brand with which they share something in common. The Geico Gecko commercials have been on for 12 years now. Her outfit has never changed Furthermore, she is dressed in the exact same outfit. OK, Flo. The company hopes that when viewing these ads and the accompanying website, their target audience will see a company of substance instead of a thirty-second bit of entertainment focused solely on selling a product. Tomorrow is my Birthday. There is a raging debate in the Captain's social circles about whether she is hot or not. Progressive says they still have full confidence in her as a pitchwoman. But Progressive is horribly bad and awful. We had this thread in 2009. The element that ties them all together is the use of the apron, which has been a signature part of Flo’s look from the very beginning. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We’ve all seen the Progressive commercials, which feature the perky red head Flo. Member. I hate Flo the Progressive Girl. 04/19/18: 5: Why Do Liberals and Progressives Hate Muslims So Much? Conveniently, Progressive sent me an email wishing me a Happy Birthday with a perfectly shoppable photo of my television viewing arch nemesis. I hate Progressive Insurance commercials really bad Thread starter gutter_trash; Start date Jan 28, 2019; Forums. Flo Progressive Net Worth. She would look better without the bright red lipstick and that haircut...but I guess that's part of the character. Flo Is a Problem for Progressive in Social-Media Crisis. Something, anything. I hate this company. hide. This TV spot isn’t the only thing that Progressive is doing to reach Millenials. The highly attractive main character of a continuing series of auto insurance commercials, in which she sells her product through her quirky antics and overall likability. That said, the company is adjusting its strategy when it comes to how they make commercials and who they’re making their commercials for. You can watch the spot below. What happened? Has anyone but me noticed..especially as Flo grows larger and more immense..that Jamie, the obnozious anemic nerd sidekick..seems to be more the STAR of this adverfeces than the Floster? Portrayed by actress and comedian Stephanie Courtney, the character has developed a fan base on social networks and has become an iconic advertising mascot. Did Flo quit or get fired? I've been over it for a long time. down with Flo!! "Flo" makes regular appearances now on "The Goldbergs" as a neighbor. They’ve instituted an outreach and recognition campaign they’re calling “Apron Projects”. Progressive Insurance launched a new ad campaign this fall which did not feature their ever-present auto insurance saleswoman “Flo”. Both the name of the campaign (“Apron Projects”) and the imagery of the ad directly tie in to the famous spokesperson. My aunt dressed up like Flo for a haloween party. And no, I am not posting the damn ad..you all will be seeing it time after time soon enough. 94% Upvoted. Can't stand that woman... Don't understand how any GAFers can find her hot. 3 comments. There are many Heavy Flo days ahead for her. You are using an out of date browser. The same thing will probably said of Jim Cashman, who plays Jamie on the Progressive commercials, but, damn he is annoying. If I wasn't legally required to have auto insurance, I wouldn't buy it. Commodore_Perry said: I hate Flo. Progressive, instead of focusing in on their own employees or corporate efforts, will be featuring organizations and other companies who share their values on a special, dedicated website. There is no redeeming qualities at this point. As a TV viewer or internet user it’s impossible to avoid her. If you're one of 3.3 percent of American households who do not have a TV, you are either in a monastery, a Luddite or way too self-sufficient. The volume of commercials and the type of humor is off-putting to others, described as "love her or hate her" or "badvertising". Compare.com does business in California as Comparedotcom Insurance Agency, LLC (License: 0I22535). That was mine! Flo is not gone, r7! Yes, I have always hated her. #idk why #she's super annoying #Progressive is disgusting. I'm just waiting for the day Progressive retires Flo and her team because after seeing them on TV for at least 15 years, they're not being funny, just plain annoying. According to a statement made by Progressive, which was reiterated on Adweek’s website, their goal now is to connect with Millenials by showing the humanity of their company. She is 50 and even though I didn't see her dressed up it still ruined all my Flo fantasies. There are multiple websites and social media groups that are either dedicated to or talking about her. They want to show that the company behind Flo is made up of ordinary, hard-working, and honest people. I wish he would get sodomized by a bull elephant. As a TV viewer or internet user it’s impossible to avoid her. She’s a key branding element for the company, so it makes sense that Progressive wouldn’t just drop her like a hot rock. Her commercials are quite possibly my least favorite commercials of all times. Flo From Progressive Not in New Commerical. Share; Posted August 4, 2018. Even progressive hates Flo. Like liver, Flo does have her admirers — which are probably why her ads have been running for more than half a decade. Really, how can you not? Progressive says they still have full confidence in her as a pitchwoman. Nothing interesting came up, what should I really search for? No one is that happy without being on drugs. 11/09/14: 7: I *hate* the Progressive Insurance commercials with that actor FLO: 12/02/10: 8 Progressive is so corporate with a fake employee cast with a false corporate subculture which absolutely terrible and the characters are bad. Rumors abound on the internet, but we’ve managed to get some hard facts on what’s going on with the popular Flo from Progressive. Compare.com Insurance Agency, LLC is a Virginia domiciled licensed insurance agency in 51 US jurisdictions. Flo has forced her way into becoming a minor part of our lives. Since when is slapstick humor necessary to try to sell a product. Stephanie Courtney is the actress and the comedian who played the role of the Flo for the Progressive Corporation. share. According to a statement made by Progressive, which was reiterated on Adweek's website, their goal now is to connect with Millenials by showing the humanity of their company. Michwolverinefreak. 45 … There are two adamant camps; Camp 1. Would absolutely hit it. At some point a company will rebrand and, in the process, they often get rid of or alter their spokesperson or mascot. Go. 27. OK, I haven’t watched commercials for a few years, primarily because of one commercial character: Flo from Progressive. The only redeeming factor is the supermarket-like setting which I thought was a pretty neat idea. The same article also reported that she was the subject of a popular Halloween costume. She has simply gained weight. Fucking Jamie from Progressive. In one commercial, he shows off altered pictures of him doing these … Joined: 07/05/2010. Polygon: The Anita Sarkeesian Story, 10 Years of Feminist Frequency. If you have cable you’re aware of Flo from Progressive, whether you like it or not. This thread is archived. level 1. You know who they are and if you don’t, you’re probably the Flo of your office. I decided to be "Dark Flo" from Progressive and will wear this will an all black outfit. Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of Mother 3's Japanese release. Did Flo get fired from the Progressive commercials? My most hated ad campaign. shuke 22,970 Posted August 4, 2018. shuke. Flo from the Progressive Auto Insurance commercials truly ruins my day. 3 comments. It looks absolutely terrible in HD. save. Courtney is also noted for her recurring roles on several television series, including the voices of Renee the Receptionist and Joy Peters on the Adult Swim comedy Tom Goes to the Mayor, Marge on the … In October 2009, the Boston Herald referred to Flo as "the commercial break's new sweetheart" and said Courtney was "attaining TV ad icon status". I'm on a roadtrip and I've heard Flo at least 5 times on Pandora commercials...singing... God help me... 7878. Discussion. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Archived. Jan 28, 2019 #51 Flo is annoying as fuck. And pulling no punches: “I hate Flo,” says the leader of a major actor-director-playwrite organization. Progressive understands Flo is now a liability, at least for now, though the company was way too slow to replace her avatar with the corporate logo on its main Twitter account —leaving Flo … I think she is a total MILF. Check out Compare.com compare car insurance rates from tons of different insurance carriers, including Progressive! Reply; Whisper; @cinoclav Lily the AT&T girl should do all commercials. share. Progressive isn’t the only company taking a more holistic, personal approach to their marketing efforts. MGoPoints: 21064. You may not think of her often, but I’m willing to bet she pops into your mind every now and then. It may not display this or other websites correctly. All rights reserved. I'm so pissed off . If it does, we can expect to see more of these types of ads in the future—but Progressive’s Flo will continue on until she loses her grip on her target demographic, which doesn’t appear to be any … #Progressive is disgusting. nice job people, im glad im not alone! So I just flew in from an 8 day hold in a psych ward, and BOY, are my arms tired! @lisaviolet I agree and I actually have Progressive insurance. Looking for compare.com Commercials? This thread is archived . Nah i hate all buffoons equally--its a crutch for non-creative adtards to base any kind of schmaltz and just let a Gecko-Emu or female (Flo) or male (Pat) clown schlep their way through 30 or 60 seconds and then throw the brand at the end--its the WORST and u just know theres a lot of self-back patting on how CLEVER their 'creative' is It’s possible that the new ads will have a similar effect on Millenials. They've continually modified the Gecko though. You can't keep the same campaign forever.. it just experiences fatigue. Both Allstate and Nationwide have launched their own “soft” ads that match the same model as Progressive’s “The Thread” campaign. Stephanie Courtney, from the Progressive commercials. These ads are not informative or relevant. And by Flo, we're talking about the Flo of the Progressive Insurance ads, the lady with the white-tunic wardrobe, uber-eye liner, mega-cherry lips and what looks like borrowed hair. April 28th, 2015 at 7:16 PM ^ Dammit, dammit, dammit! However the second this fucking bitch shows up on my screen with that jolly ass sarcastic stupid fucking humor, my day is ruined. I find her completely obnoxious. Does anyone actually like her? :/. EtcetEra Forum Prev. @lisaviolet I agree and I actually have Progressive insurance. In the new Progressive ad the voiceover is actually done by Sean McBride, the Senior VP and Creative Director of Arnold Worldwide—the agency responsible for inventing Flo the Progressive Girl. In order to establish this position, Progressive introduced their newest commercial, titled “The Thread”. To many of my friends and to me, the worse commertials on TV are from Progressive, They are so annoying, they are everywhere and it is sickening, there should be a way to block Flo from our lives, at least Jamie so far has been irrelevant.Even when I called Progressive to compare prices with my insurance, the guy that answered tha call wasn't too happy with Flo, it was obvious in his voice, and … They want to show that the company behind Flo is made up of ordinary, hard-working, and honest people. I hate Flo the Progressive Girl.. 1,653 likes. Traumatize your self by searching flo with safesearch off. Progressive's Flo has evolved over the last 100 ads to include a full network strategy with an ensemble cast, set changes and spin offs. ! This is hilarious and perfect for a Halloween party ill be going to this week. 08/25/10: 6: Do Statists/Progressives /Democrats realize how hated they are? Progressive.com. best. We'd be still be looking at dancing silhouettes every commercial break if that weren't the case. Oct 27, 2017 11,920. When it comes to Progressive Insurance’s use of their spokeswoman, Flo, in commercials, they’ve been nothing short of prolific. MGoPoints: … Sort by. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Mute or … Am I crazy or insane? . Compare.com is a registered trademark. Fucking Jamie from Progressive. I hate Jaimie, Flo and the whole corporate cast of fake employees Her commercials are quite possibly my least favorite commercials of all times. Why look at photoshops? Licensing information may be found above. I hate Flo. I hate Flo from the Progressive (ew) commercials. Im reallly liking all the comments im getting on here! . It should also be noted that the campaign, while not including Flo the Progressive Girl, it does reference her. Black Ice Skeptic; Members. Find Out by Comparing Rates! I wish the two of them and the damn Geico gecko would all disappear. Despite an ongoing rumor (given weight by pundits from credible publications such as BusinessInsider.com) that Flo from Progressive was going to be “killed off” or, in other words, cease to be used as the company’s spokesperson, Stephanie Courtney has continued her role as Flo. They need a new campaign or to change it up again a la going from animated to live action. My nightmare threesome would be Flo and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Flo is a floosy dumbass bimbo etc. Stephanie Courtney is an American actress and comedian, best known for playing the advertising character Flo in television and radio commercials for Progressive Corporation beginning in 2008. Then they need to go live action to animated instead. If it does, we can expect to see more of these types of ads in the future—but Progressive’s Flo will continue on until she loses her grip on her target demographic, which doesn’t appear to be any time soon. Flo was playing a Mom of a teen EVEN BACK THEN..now shes the appropriate AGE for such madness I saw that House rerun a few weeks ago, binge watching old episodes on Amazon Prime. I was one of the few that hated her then, and still do. I wish the two of them and the damn Geico gecko would all disappear. She is an American actress and comic who has a net worth of $8 million as of May 2021. Flo has forced her way into becoming a minor part of our lives. I've decided that I find women with jowls utterly disgusting. N'T see her dressed up it still ruined all my Flo fantasies 's social circles about whether is. Action... I think you 're referring to E-surance break if that n't. Bright red lipstick and that haircut... but I guess that 's part of our.. Wondering if Flo & Progressive can provide you the cheapest car insurance rates Courtney used to be born February! Their campaigns, while not including Flo the Progressive commercials, which feature the perky red head Flo 're... 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