Just think the kind of exposure Konami may have gotten if they had put a Belmont in SSBB. The series will only have four 30 minutes-long episodes. If it can't even keep all of the old fans interested, I really doubt it's going to generate any new ones. Castlevania games, like Rockman, are mainly popular with kids in Japan. awesome games not finding an audience is pretty heartbreaking. and SotN is basically Dracula X2. The DS and GBA games rock. Editor On Netflix's Castlevania Discusses The Potential For A Legend Of Zelda Anime "Anyone would chomp at the bit to make a show like this” by Ryan Craddock 9 hours ago When was Dracula X NOT called Dracula X? Castlevania is an American adult animated streaming television series on Netflix produced by Frederator Studios.Based on the Japanese video game series of the same name by Konami, the first two seasons adapt the 1989 entry Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and follow Trevor Belmont, Alucard and Sypha Belnades as they defend the nation of Wallachia from Dracula and his minions. The PSP game rocks (yeah its slow and insanely hard, but it's also gorgeous and has the best unlockable in history.) needs more action with higher difficulty, ayami kojima artwork implemented into the game engine, kukeiha club, scratch levels to keep balance, challenging bosses, high quality 2D, money and time. Sadly IGA will continue releasing his poorly thought out filth, and the series will just sink closer and closer to the septic tank. Damn you trin!! I personally think its not an anime because it doesn't look like an anime … I'm surprised it was never popular before, but post SotN, you can't exactly blame people for not getting into the series. It would be totally awesome if Konami uses the MGS4 engine and do a whole "I am Legend" kind of vibe with the next Castlevania. Anime has long since transcended national borders, and Castlevania is so obviously borne from a deep passion for Japanese animation that it feels dumb and pedantic to say it doesn’t deserve to be called anime. Whatever you think of the game, it was series suicide to release a game on the at the time rapidly fading Mega Drive. You are using an out of date browser. While Castlevania the games were made in Japan, Castlevania the show was mostly made in America with Korean studios helping with the animation. Indie World April 14: the big summary (OlliOlli World, Cris Tales, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Oxenfree 2...), Top 20 Franchises That Deserve Another Chance. First of all, the game never came out in America before the PSP remake, and the Japanese version is called Akumajou Dracula X. Though the aesthetic look of the series is really not the point of the thread, as the Metroidvania formula really has grown stale. At first I thought making a Metroid animated series would be good. Reboot darn thing, get me outside of the damn castle walls like part 2. Maybe if they turned it into a turn based JRPG. Following the teaser trailer and key art reveal earlier this month, Netflix has released a new extended trailer for the fourth and final season of Castlevania. Which is they're NOT! Debatably, Silent Hill: Homecoming was the best chance for SH to become a mainstream IP like Resident Evil, but factors+fanbase killed it. Anime is also an avenue for older teens and adults to enjoy animation that is more mature. No avatar = slips through the cracks. This month will bring about the end of Castlevania, and the loss will smart for fans of the Netflix original. Netflix's Twitter … Im not Japanese but for some reason I have yet to play a Castlevania that was enjoyable to me. Limited Run Reveals Four Castlevania Anniversary Collection Physical Editions. An anime is basically a cartoon made for japenese audiences so with that said since castlvania is made made by non japanese people and made by non japanese companies or studios and is made more for worldwide and north american audiences than for japanese ones i think it's a cartoon that is heavily anime … The Castlevania Season 4 release date is May 13, 2021. The almost exclusively Nintendo fans of the series were not going to buy a whole other console for one game. Its story is originally based on the events from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and unites some of its aspects with elements from other games, such as Symphony of the Night and Curse of Darkness. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The games started out as linear straightforward action romps set in a gothic world. IGA was quoted in an interview that they wanted to try and get a broader audience with the anime style. The sub-series is called 'Akumajou Dracula X' (think Rockman X) in Japan. Most anime outsources production to other countries, and Castlevania was a video game created by Konami, a Japanese company. But look at how Konami ran Mega Man into the ground and the series still kept selling. Don't you find it stupid that the game is called 'Dracula X Chronicles', referring to an abridged westernised version of the Japanese title of the series (only ever used in the west in the SNES game, not included). If so, are they less interested in Western themes than adults? They need to model Gackt as the next Belmont for a 3D Castlevania. Many Castlevania titles have been released for markets in Japan, North America, Europe and Australia on various video game consoles, personal computers (PC) and mobile phones, with additional remakes and re … I don't know what it is I just can't get into the games. The series hasnt been same for me since Symphony of Night. They got Kazuma Kaneko to do some work for ZOE2, I'd love to see him do the designs for a Castlevania game. and somewhere along the line i guess they dropped it or forgot about it or whatever. The PSP game makes more sense in the context of CV:Chronicles. And furthermore, while I'm thinking of CV3...damn them for changing Grant from the knife throwing bad-ass he was in the JP version, to a schmuck who had to stick with a close-range shank in the US release. That's not to say it is bad, just CoD is one of Michiru's best compositions in her career as a game music composer. Horror Anime, TV Horror, US TV Shows, Anime Series, Anime based on a Video Game, Action Anime. It's just too bad about those laughable attempts at 3D... Wow, I haven't seen this many twats gather in a thread in a long time. Good balance between exploration, powering up, and boss fights. The series first debuted on September 26, 1986 in Japan, with the release of Demon Castle Dracula for the Nintendo Famicon. They just need to pry IGA off the damn series. And they just got lucky with it is the answer. I thought the reason they changed it from awesome art to generic animu art was because they were working on Dawn of Sorrow and the last console game at the same time and wanted Ayami Kojima to focus on the Curse of Darkness art? I have never understood why the CV series has fallen out of favor in Japan. No. Now with metroidvania the new standard, their not easy for newcomers to pick up and play, so sales have dwindled. Some installments (Circle of the Moon, Symphony of the Night) have obviously done better. 3.8K views A better westernisation of the same would be 'Castlevania X' (ala Mega Man X'). Personally, I woud say no. JavaScript is disabled. It's just too bad about those laughable attempts at 3D... Lament is better than CoD in every way except the music. A different version of the game, Vampire Killer, was released for the MSX2 platform a month later. back then at least. CV3 had the excuse of being limited by technology of the time, but PoR came off to me as just a rather lame way to split up the "SOTN Alucard" play-style into just a fighter and mage, and market them as two separate entities. Whatever you think of the game, it was series suicide to release a game on the at the time rapidly fading Mega Drive. anecdotal evidence, yes. While some anime is created for children, anime is mostly aimed toward an older audience. I thought that looked awesome. The streamer released … Debatably, Silent Hill: Homecoming was the best chance for SH to become a mainstream IP like Resident Evil, but factors+fanbase killed it. I mean, I always thought it catered well to the Japanese demographic. I dunno, it's good for a couple hundred thousand in the US, usually. More importantly, you were able to tackle the game through different paths each time. Much like everywhere else, Capcom (!) You are using an out of date browser. And I really like the compositions from Harmony of Dissonance, good stuff. It has old school 2D platforming, RPG elements and gothic enviroments done european style. The new popular Netflix show Castlevania is out but people are confused whether or not its an anime. Sadly IGA will continue releasing his poorly thought out filth, and the series will just sink closer and closer to the septic tank. It has nothing to do with creative bankruptcy. Game Arrives In Japan … The only game that ever was wasn't included (SNES DX). And Trevor controlled well enough for a Belmont. Castlevania is a horror action-adventure animated series set in a dark fantasy Medieval world loosely based on the video game series of the same name, released on Netflix worldwide. I think the one thing no one can deny is that Castlevania has time and again brought some of the best music to gamers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Slightly ot, but who did the cover art for The Dracula X Chronicles? While I'm ranting about DX Chronicles, why was it called Dracula X Chronicles in the west (or Japan for that matter, it should have been ADX) when neither of the included games was ever called Dracula X? There WAS a game called just 'Dracula X' - the US SNES semi-sequel to RoB ('Akumajou Dracula XX' in Japan) . CV4 and Rondo of Blood is the pinnacle of the old school 2D series. The fourth and final season will have 10 episodes in total, which is the same length as the third season. What was important that CV3 did was give you 3 alternate characters, giving you choice in the alternate playstyle you wanted, as it were, for every playthrough. i think it was back in the famicom/sfc/pc engine days.... Maybe if they turned it into a turn based JRPG and added RPG elements to Metroid. Konami doesn't make Mega Man, Nintendo does. As in a Belmont versus a Vampire dominated society with Dracula as the leader of the world. Takamasa Sakurai, a famous Japanese culture and anime expert, stated, “Japanese anime broke the convention that anime is something that kids watch” (Jez). Dracula's Curse is a perfect example, with almost every track kicking ass. While I don't like how much it rehashes old concepts, it's still one of the most consistently high-quality 2D action game series today. CV is one of those series that is, to me, what gaming is all about. It's not a smash, but it's a better seller than most. As good as Portrait of Ruin was, and as desperately as it tried to differentiate the damage was long done especially with the "Sorrow" introductions. Castlevania was made by Americans after the Japanese video game, therefore, it's hard to tell whether it could be considered an anime. Hell, I'm even starting to resent the fanbase. What? He's really damn annoying (and perhaps the first sign of 42 ALT ACCOUNTS!!! While I'm ranting about DX Chronicles, why was it called Dracula X Chronicles in the west (or Japan for that matter, it should have been ADX) when neither of the included games was ever called Dracula X? The series is by famed comic book writer Warren Ellis and produced by indie film producer Adi Shankar. STARTINGLY SO. CV4 and Rondo of Blood is the pinnacle of the old school 2D series. Standard, Classic, Bloodlines and Ultimate. The guy already was in a bad way when it came to taking the hits, he didn't need a further handicap. You must log in or register to reply here. Indie World April 14: the big summary (OlliOlli World, Cris Tales, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Oxenfree 2...), Top 20 Franchises That Deserve Another Chance. CV is one of those series that is, to me, what gaming is all about. (IIRC). These are the only two games ever referred to directly as just 'Dracula X' anywhere externally (it did say it in part of the intro of Japanese Symphony), one Japan only, and DXC didn't include either of them. Cyberpunk 2077 is EVERYTHING I Needed it to Be, [Den Of Geek]PlayStation Bets on Big Games as Game Pass Slowly Wins a Console War. Ya'll is hating!!! Metroid itself is no longer a blockbuster franchise either. Netflix is focusing on producing original anime since early 2016, and Castlevania is probably the most popular anime on the platform right now. Watch and download CASTLEVANIA English Dubbed and Subbed in HD on Anime Network! Is anyone else surprised Castlevania isn't popular in Japan? i think dracula X was meant to be a spinoff series, a la mega man X. like, Rondo is supposed to be the first. Even further than that, in the past few years the production of anime series outside of Japan has accelerated, with the most prominent recent example being the Netflix US anime series Castlevania, which was at one point the most popular SVOD title in that country. The only game that ever was wasn't included (SNES DX). Crappy 3D attempts and the same old uninspiring DS titles so I cant say I am. As one of the best new Anime of the decade, a Castlevania Season 1 recap is the best way to revisit the Netflix original. ... Comedian Ryuji Akiyama satirizes top “creators” in Japan with a deadpan, unerring eye for humor, with help from some surprising celebrity guest stars. online for free in high quality. Are kids the main audience for 2D platformers in Japan? Everyone is loving the new animated Castlevania series on Netflix and they have good reason to. The boss fights are certainly more fun (although less challenging), and at least IGA and co. tried to fuse in some puzzles within the mazes. Castlevania Season 4. I'd really like to see them mix up the art style some. It’s basically an anime version of Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse with Warren Ellis as the writer, which should have been pretty awesome but I walked away a bit disappointed. Favor in Japan the best music to gamers ' ) the CV series has fallen out favor. The context of CV: Chronicles to model Gackt as the Metroidvania formula really has grown stale by! Platform right now Japan, anime is created for children, anime shows exist a. The hits, he did n't need a further handicap ran it is castlevania anime popular in japan a turn based JRPG is that has... 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