is the republic good in star wars

Shortly afterwards, Palpatine secretly orders the clones to exterminate the Jedi Order. [3]:93–94, Fictional state in the "Star Wars" universe, This article is about Star Wars. [5] Coruscant became the capital planet of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic, and the entire surface evolved into one big city, with skyscrapers reaching more than 5,000 levels. Both the Jedi and Republic wanted peace for the Galaxy. This obviously is not great for the Galaxy, but what it does is provide order, it gives a firm rule. The Old Republic is, most importantly, a Star Wars game. The Chancellor is assisted by the Vice Chair, who is presumably elected in the same manner as the Chancellor; the same Vice Chair is present throughout the entire prequel trilogy. While passion is a valuable asset, for a Galaxy, the goal should be peace. A few platforms represent individual worlds of high importance, or worlds bringing special pleas to the Senate. The Republic is portrayed as a democratic constitutional republic that sustained itself peacefully for over twenty-five thousand years, but was tied up in layers of bureaucracy. As much as it may seem like change is a weak argument, think about the amount of time that the Galactic Republic was in power. But that prosperity had led to complacency. 04.30.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of May. The Chancellor is elected from within the Senate for a set term. The assembly is in turn divided into individual committees, each specializing in specific fields of government administration, and which were responsible for creating legislation to be reviewed by the full assembly. One of the many details I liked was how the galaxy is just starting the process of switching from kolto, the medicine used in the distant past in Knights of the Old Republic , to the more familiar bacta. If I hadn’t already overcome my reticence and committed to following this new era, reading Star Wars The High Republic #1 would have done it. It was mainly overseen by the Senate, a body in the Legislative Branch of the Republic government. If you think I've made a good contribution with this post, I kindly ask that you use my Refer a Friend link! He sees parallels to the Cold War. Nevertheless, it is clear, specifically throughout The Clone Wars, that the Republic and its members - such as Padmé, the clones, the Jedi, other senators - cares for people and will help those who need it. Some pockets care only for themselves, and a lot will place their needs over others. When a veritable GENOCIDE was being committed by one of the Republic's worlds against another, the Senate did NOTHING. Meet the Jedi of the High Republic! Some people preferred credits rather than doing the right thing. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massive multiplayer online game (MMORPG) that sits at the top 5 most popular free games on Steam. Birthed from the mind of Darth Bane, the last survivor of the Jedi-Sith war, the Rule states there can be no more than two Sith, a master, and an apprentice. This suspicion is also shared by some senators, including Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Bail Organa of Alderaan, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila. 2 SITH: THE REPUBLIC WAS CORRUPT Your companions are generally pretty cool too and at times can be stronger than you even are surprisingly. They're written so well imo and the game as a whole really pays homage to star wars. The Office of the Supreme Chancellor is given power equaling that of the Senate. [10], As the Republic expanded, it came into contact with the slave empire of Zygerria. Every Star Wars fan is expected to accept that the Empire just doesn’t work as a form of government, but when you look at the prequels trilogy, it’s pretty obvious that what came before wasn’t much better. The Star Wars universe is a weird construct where predestination is a thing even if people believe they have free will. The “good guys" in Star Wars depend on the era in question. Author has 483 answers and 521.2K answer views. The Sith care for nothing more than their power. 1 edition. A reorganization of senatorial representation occurs 1,000 years prior to Star Wars during the Ruusan Reformation. There were so many plots that went unnoticed right under people's noses, look at how Palpatine manipulated the Clone War. While a natural chain of succession would remove the process of election, and give way for automatic change which is necessary within the Galaxy, it is not something that compares to a democracy. The Senate gives the Chancellor emergency powers in times of crisis and removes him from office when necessary. The Sith in power care for themselves, for their ideologies and imposing them on the Galaxy with their army at their back, for example, the Empire, they represent themselves. They're written so well imo and the game as a whole really pays homage to star wars. A one-stop shop for all things video games. It is hypothesised that humans originally came from Coruscant, later settled other Core Worlds such as Alderaan, and went on to colonise other planets from there. The Star Wars movies have never portrayed the galaxy without the influence of the Sith. The Republic and the Jedi had their problems as groups, but they were not evil, particularly not the Jedi. This page was last edited on 7 May 2021, at 22:50. is the first line of the Sith Code. Although the Senate holds some degree of political authority over the Jedi, very little pressure was ever put on the Council before Palpatine took office and demanded that Anakin Skywalker become a member of the Council in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, despite the misgivings of the Jedi. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Times Jedi Showed Sith Characteristics. The book does a good job of introducing the audience to this new time period in Star Wars history while also grounding itself in what we already knew about the timeline. Blasters, grenades, and melee weapons are available--but nothing beats a good old double-bladed lightsaber. The Republic finally took control of the Mid Rim. Serenity throughout the Galaxy is the real goal. All Star Wars chronology takes the destruction of the first Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, portrayed in the first film Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977), as the basis of counting standard years. [citation needed], The New Republic was a restoration of the Galactic Republic after Palpatine's Galactic Empire was crushed following Palpatine's death and the destruction of the second Death Star in the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. [citation needed], Tension between Palpatine and the Jedi grow as the war progresses. This is not a universal quality of the entire Republic. As a long time (saw Star Wars a new hope in the theatre) Star Wars fan who also loves the new trilogy & other shows like clone wars & rebels I’m pleasantly surprised and absolutely hooked. [3] Smith (1996) claimed that '[i]t is unknown whether hyperdrive was invented by the humans of the Core Worlds or introduced by alien traders from far off in the Unknown Regions', but there is agreement that the introduction of hyperspace travel predated the Republic, and allowed the formation of a 'galactic civilisation' and central governments over multiple planetary systems, and thus the rise of the Republic. Jedi Council members hold special status as they appear to have the ability to watch Senate meetings and advise such Senators on various matters. Related: Star Wars: The High Republic Author Justina Ireland Bashes White Men. As the name suggests, Star Wars is a pop culture phenomenon that is chock full of war, battle, and conflict. Summary: In Star Wars: The Old Republic, players explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy. Much has been revealed about the future of Star Wars, yet there are still many questions left unanswered. STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ is the only massively multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven STAR WARS™ saga. The Senate has some form of judicial power as well, although the Republic has a judicial branch, in which the Supreme Court was the main body. [21] From the storytelling perspective, the story of its "fall and redemption" has also been compared to that of Anakin Skywalker. [citation needed], While the Republic had an Army and Navy for thousands of years, after the Rusaan Reformations, the Republic does not maintain a military except for a small force known as the Judicial Forces. Ultimately, the argument between which is better, and who was right between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Order comes down to one factor, the evilness of the Sith. The twist in KOTOR is nothing short of incredible, especially when the player is going through their first playthrough… Old Republic- This is when the Jedi vs Sith was at its peak. The modern Republic seen in the prequels was the political institution for a thousand years. When it became clear the Confederacy had no intention of negotiating, the Republic quickly accepted the Army made for them, and it was dubbed the Grand Army of the Republic. Senators are ambassadors of their homeworlds or systems. This meant the Republic expanded slowly. [22], Brake and Chase (2016) compared the hypothesised colonisation of the Core Worlds by Coruscanti humans to the state of the space colonisation by humans from the Earth, which had taken its first step with NASA's Apollo program of 1961–1972, just before George Lucas invented Star Wars. Each member world or system chooses a Senator to represent them in the Galactic Senate, the main body of the legislative branch of the government. [citation needed], Politicians include Senators, the Supreme Chancellor, the Vice Chair of the Senate, the Administrative Aide, various Representatives from systems, and to an unofficial extent, the members of the Jedi Council. As depicted in the Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith novelization and deleted scenes from the film itself, a bloc of senators began to emerge, even before the Clone Wars end, who opposed Palpatine's authoritarian rule and resented his treatment of the Jedi and other opponents. In this way, they are eventually the unofficial police force of the Republic. [citation needed], After Senator Palpatine of Naboo becomes Chancellor, he increases the power of the office, from acting as commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, or the Republic Military, to the institution of his personal bodyguard organization, the Red Guard. Around 1000 years prior to Star Wars, the Dark Age began and the Old Republic was brought to the brink of collapse, but with Liberation of Coruscant, Sith Empire collapsed first. Deluded by Palpatine's charisma and skill (and perhaps also by his considerable dark side power), the majority of the Senate cheered him on loudly in approval. The Sith were evil and ultimately did not deserve to rule the Galaxy. Eventually, Palpatine gains enough political power that he and his office are equal to the Senate. [3]:90–94 Thus, it's possible that the Solar System is also situated "in the Milky Way's version of the Unknown Regions", and that even if there are other species in the Milky Way, which may even have established a Star Wars-like Galactic Republic or Empire, the Earth and its human civilisation have so far been in unchartered and dangerous hyperspace-travel territory (from that galactic civilisation's point of view), and humans themselves are still too technologically limited to make contact with it. [citation needed], The members of the Senate elect a Supreme Chancellor from among their ranks who serves as the Senate's presiding officer and as the Republic's de facto leader. The conventional calendar era notation is "BBY" ("Before the Battle of Yavin") and "ABY" ("After the Battle of Yavin"). The rapid militarization of the Republic during the Clone Wars, overseen by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, had far-reaching effects. One of the longest-standing conflicts has been between the Sith and the Jedi. Star Wars: The Old Republic, or SWTOR for short, is a free-to-play MMORPG that launched in 2011. Something fans have seen sorely lacking in the Republic. And they all have fantastic butts. [citation needed], Senators receive one vote in all matters, procedural and substantive. Star Wars: The Old Republic feels like a proper BioWare RPG. While the Republic has its limits on what it would do, the Sith have no such restriction and so to protect their control would do anything, keeping the Galaxy in check, preserving a lot of it (inadvertently or not), and giving it a stable leadership. Here is more information about the program. [citation needed], The Senate serves as the unicameral main body of the legislative branch, but has immense power over the entire Galactic Republic. Despite the evil, the violence, and everything else, they are not weak, and they do and can achieve what they want to achieve. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. The Republic allows for many ideas to be heard for compromise to come to aid the needs of a variety of people. [citation needed] The power of the new Sith Empire increased as the Republic's decreased. Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMO which came out in 2011, and I absolutely LOVED it. The Sith crave power, chaos, war, and this is not good for a galaxy, war is not a good thing, it is an occasional necessity. The Sith are strong and can get things done. STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > General Discussion What Spec/Game Niche is the woads instinct set bonus good for? The Senate follows pseudo-parliamentary rules. The Galactic Senate also meets less often, as the Chancellor is voted more emergency powers to act on his own during the time of crisis. Palpatine (Darth Sidious), a Sith, controlled all three factions to a certain degree. [3] They argued that Lucas offered a solution to the Fermi paradox: indeed, most of the Star Wars galaxy was conquered/colonised and submitted to the central government of the Republic rather quickly by the expansionist humans from the Core Worlds soon after they acquired the necessary rocket technology for interstellar travel, but there are still large unchartered Unknown Regions which are simply too far from the fashionable Core Worlds to have been fully explored (as exploration of the Unknown Regions is lethally dangerous[23]), let alone colonised. Combat looks dynamic, and at a glance, you could mistake Knights of the Old Republic … [citation needed], Before the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Palpatine addressed the Senate. The Empire introduced universal currency. [18], The New Republic debuted in the 1991 Star Wars Legends novel, Heir to the Empire, by author Timothy Zahn. The Old Republic was not a good government. Together, they form a rebellion known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, almost exclusively referred to in the films as the Separatists. Star Wars Republic Commando is a bit of an oddity, or at least it was. If the story were rated alongside the movies, it would come within the top three, in my opinion. When the number of sectors becomes too large, sectors are organized into roughly a thousand regions, each represented by one delegation to the Senate. The New Republic was originally created for Star Wars Legends where it first appeared in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn. [11] It demilitarised at the Ruusan Reformation, shortly after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. Eventually, though, the Republic became a humongous superpower not only economically but also militarily. Star Wars: The Old Republic is fascinating. The official continuation of the Galactic Republic was the Galactic Empire, which was fueled by cruelty and fear. Old Republic- This is when the Jedi vs Sith was at its peak. Individual sectors also maintained their own security forces, such as Naboo Security Force or the CorSec from Corellia, and these were sometimes used to combat small threats. Because slavery was disallowed in the Republic, it disliked the Zygerria Empire, as slavery was central to the Empire's political and economic system; conversely, the Empire refused to become part of the Republic. The Republic and Jedi forces failed to keep the Empire's Forces out of Republic Space. Officially speaking it was “good” despite the points others have made in response. Palpatine announced that the Galactic Republic should be reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and he would be the emperor for life. When a disaste… There are senators from the planets within Republic jurisdiction, which give the Senate a plethora of species and voices. However, there was no centralized and official military of the Republic. They become representatives of the Senate as well, to some extent. Steam added the game on July 2020, where it found a new home amongst budget gamers and Star Wars fans. The first Sith War began, which lead to the demise of the first Republic. For more than twenty thousand years, the Galactic Republic has been the most civilized and advanced power in the known galaxy. As previously announced, Star Wars: The High Republic has enlisted top-tier, fan-favorite authors Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, Daniel José Older, Cavan Scott, and Charles Soule to craft this new era of Star Wars publishing. [2], Little is said to be known of the earliest history of the Star Wars galaxy before the Republic, but several species that evolved in the Core Worlds, including humans, later came to dominate the galaxy. The consolidation of the New Republic is depicted in The Mandalorian as it sought to wipe out remnants of the Imperial forces, and was eventually destroyed by the First Order, under Supreme Leader Snoke's direction, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The Senate was overly large, fractured into many hostile factions, and strongly influenced by corrupt corporations. The Jedi padawans remaining on Coruscant are eliminated by Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, and his personal legion. The Republic often orders the Jedi to specific areas that require assistance. [citation needed], During the Clone Wars, the Senate increasingly grants enormous amounts of power to Palpatine, who is the Commander-in-Chief. He related the story of an unsuccessful "assassination attempt" on his life by the Jedi. Related: Star Wars: The High Republic Author Justina Ireland Bashes White Men. Working with the Jedi as peacekeepers, the Republic was the central government in the Galaxy but had a lot of issues. The Sith crave power, chaos, war, and this is not good for a galaxy, war is not a good thing, it is an occasional necessity. See, back in 2005, the year Republic Commando released, Star Wars games were either dog-poo, or they were OK, but they were rarely ever honest-to-goodness first-person shooters. It is one person ruling a Galaxy stacked with people. While there is a large section of the Galaxy opposed to war, there are times it is necessary. The Rule of Two is the most famous and followed belief of the Sith. The Republic is most prominently portrayed in the prequel trilogy of films in the Star Wars franchise. For hundreds of years, the Republic ruled, with its Senate and Supreme Chancellor as head of state. [citation needed], The Sith are the ancient enemy of the Jedi and were thought to have been destroyed many years ago. If you have watched the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, surely you are of the belief that the Separatists are the villains that fought against the Jedi.However, the Separatists’ beliefs that lead to the Clone Wars were not only justified, but the Separatists were the good guys in Star Wars. NEXT: Star Wars: 5 Prequel Characters Who Grew (& 5 Who Didn't), All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The Star Wars universe is a weird construct where predestination is a thing even if people believe they have free will. Through the years with the Sith in hiding, the Republic was the institution ensuring peace in the Galaxy - until Palpatine rose to power that is. [citation needed], The story of the Galactic Republic's rise, fall and resurrection have been compared to those of the real-world Roman Republic[20] and Weimar Germany. ATTACK OF THE HUTTS! All Star Wars chronology takes the destruction of the first Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, portrayed in the first film Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977), as the basis of counting standard years. The Galactic Republic, often referred to as simply the Republic, is an interstellar state depicted in the fictional Star Wars universe, where it existed prior to the establishment of the Galactic Empire. It started off merely as an economic and protective alliance, mainly among the Core worlds. The Republic became peaceful but corrupt, and a Core-Rim distrust formed. During the third and final year of the Clone Wars, the Republic won many offensive battles in the Mid Rim and pushed the Confederate forces back to the Outer Rim with its "Outer Rim Sieges" campaign. 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