joint base san antonio commander

Carson Frame, Joint Base San Antonio bid farewell to its commander Laura Lenderman in a ceremony this Friday morning at Fort Sam Houston. AFPC ensures commanders around the world are provided with skilled Airmen to conduct Department of the Air Force and Joint missions. “To the men and women of AFPC, I know you’ll continue performing at the same exceptional level for Major General Craige as you have for Major General Toth,” said Kelly in his opening remarks. This is true of three siblings from Yucaipa, California, who recently graduated basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland within weeks of one another. Download this stock image: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS -- (From left) Col. Thomas Miner, commander, 502nd Security and Readiness Group; Brig. I just came off a Joint tour and saw firsthand how our service develops and cares for our current and next generation of warfighters.”, “We have a great responsibility here at AFPC and much work to do in supporting our Department of the Air Force and our nation,” he continued. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FT. SAM HOUSTON, Texas--Brig. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, –. Gen. Heather Pringle, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) commander, unveil the ceremonial check representing the man hours spent by volunteers in the community during 2016 at the … JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas, – Col. Scott Rowe, 12th Flying Training Wing commander at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, spoke to cadets at Air Force ROTC Detachment 825 in their leadership lab at the University of Texas at Austin April 30. JBSA is the consolidation of Lackland AFB, Fort … (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell), Maj. Gen. Christopher E. Craige provides his first salute to the members of the Air Force's Personnel Center during a change of command ceremony, Aug. 12, 2020, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. Gen. Wendy … May 14, 2021 - In order to better balance expanding installation access and services while continuing to emphasize public health precautions, Joint Base San Antonio has transitioned to Health Protection Condition Bravo, or HPCON B, on May... May 14, 2021 - If you have a question or concern, please send an email to using the subject line “Feedback Fridays.” Questions will be further researched and published as information becomes available... May 13, 2021 - Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Fire Emergency Services answered the call April 11 to assist with fighting a large, multi-structure fire, as part of a mutual aid agreement between JBSA and Atascosa County... May 13, 2021 - Who is an AFW2 Caregiver? Fort Sam Houston (Joint Base San Antonio) Directory. Col. Shannon Shaw assumed command of the Medical Professional Training Brigade July 16, 2019 at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston. 10,442 were here. 21,021 Views Click on th…, #JBSA cyclists ‍♀️ Brig. Relinquishing command was Lt. Col. Kristen Kent, who assumed command of the squadron in 2018. Vanessa Guillen, has been reassigned to Joint Base San Antonio. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FT. SAM HOUSTON, Texas--Brig. The Command Chief Master Sergeant, 59th Medical Wing, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, is the principal enlisted advisor to the wing commander. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas --Joint Base San Antonio and the 502nd Air Base Wing welcomed Brig. Joint Base San Antonio's 902nd Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Emergency Services participated in a multi-agency training with Schertz Fire Rescue and Cibolo Fire Department April 12, 14, and 16, at a fire training facility at JBSA-Randolph. After the Capitol insurrection brought the issue of domestic extremism in the military to light, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directed all units to pause and reexamine their commitments to … JBSA Medical Trea…, Effective Monday, May 17. by Ron Rogers San Antonio Joint Program Office. The 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron organized a 2 1/2 mile memorial log carry for fallen Airman Lt. Col. William Schroeder, at the Special Warfare Training Wing, Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex, April 8. Brigadier General Bob LaBrutta passed command of the 502 nd Air Base Wing and largest military joint base in the country to Brigadier General Heather Pringle in an emotional ceremony Friday. Fort Sam Houston is located in San Antonio, Texas and is part of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) along … The official central address for Joint Base San Antonio is: Joint Base San Antonio Hwy 90 and SW Military Road Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5113 New airmen make their way to their graduation ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) is a United States military facility located in San Antonio, Texas, USA.The facility is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 502d Air Base Wing, Air Education and Training Command (AETC). Questions are collected during commander’s calls, town hall meetings and throughout the week. Get Directions. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell), Maj. Gen. Andrew Toth (Left) shares a laugh with Maj. Gen. Christopher Craige (Right) during a change of command ceremony for the Air Force's Personnel Center, Aug. 12 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. Brigadier General Bob LaBrutta passed command of the 502 nd Air Base Wing and largest military joint base in the country to Brigadier General Heather Pringle in an emotional ceremony Friday. Nessie McCray and Airman Basic Jaylen Netterville graduated from their respective technical training schools a day apart at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. Add Review. National Women’s #CheckupDay reminds us to stay healthy by taking the time to see our health care prov…, Reminder starting tomorrow May 8, the Visitor Control Center operations for Lackland are scheduled to transition b…, RT @AETCommand: Make sure you submit your medical documents to your provider if you have received the COVID-19 vaccine outside the MHS to g…, RT @DeptofDefense: From the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, to the #COVID19 pandemic, nurses are on the front lines of care every day. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO, Texas-- Brig. Gen. Heather Pringle, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio commander makes opening remarks about the importance of the new 19-week training course for in-demand careers, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston Military and Family Readiness Center, March 23. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- The 37th Training Wing annual awards for 2020 took place March 5, 2021, after Winter Storm Uri forced a... More JBSA-FSH News Recent Publications Sgt. Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) is a United States military facility located in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Prior to that, she was stationed at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, where she was the 37th Training Group commander. Brig. Gen. Caroline Miller, commander of the 502d Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio, briefs a cohort of group commanders in March 2021. Gen. Caroline Milleris now commander of the 502d Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio, Air Education and Training Command. Air Force’s Personnel Center Public Affairs. Gen. Laura L. Lenderman during a change of command ceremony here June 12.Miller comes from Headquarters U.S. Air Force where she served as the Director of Manpower, Organization and Resources. She passed the baton after a challenging tenure — marked by border unrest, housing issues and COVID-19. Thank you…, Since 1985, the first week of May has been designated as Public Service Recognition Week, a time to thank dedicated…, RT @DoD_DHA: Spring is in the air and so are many #travel plans. Your level of care for Airmen is unmatched, which makes you a perfect leader for AFPC. On behalf of the men and women of the largest joint base in the Department of defense, welcome to the five oh second, air base wing and joint base, San Antonio change of command ceremony where we pay tribute to bring your general heather L pringle as she relinquished his command as a devoted and tireless leader and honor brigadier general floral lender woman as she assumes leadership and command and … Gen. Caroline M. Miller as the new commander and bid farewell to Brig. After years of planning and construction, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service opened its new Exchange shopping center at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston April 15. A mom and son celebrated milestones when Tech. You were the right choice to follow in Drifter’s [Toth’s] footsteps.”, During his first remarks as the new AFPC commander, Craige said, “We're excited to be here and humbled by the opportunity to lead this storied center in San Antonio. Staff Sgt. ... We also can host your special functions such as: Commander Calls, meetings, seminars, conferences, retirement ceremonies, … COVID-19 protocols prevent parents and loved ones from attending in person. During her 10 months as commander, Harter served during what … The change of command ceremony represents the formal passing of responsibility, authority and accountability of command from one officer to another. Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) is a United States military facility located in San Antonio, Texas, USA.The facility is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 502d Air Base Wing, Air Education and Training Command (AETC). … For inclement weather notifications and current, automated information on base operating status during a natural disaster, crisis or emergency, call the Straight Talk line: (210) 466-4630. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas — Lt. Col. Thomas Lessner assumed command of the 39th Flying Training Squadron Aug. 6 during a ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, officiated by 340th Flying Training Group Commander Col. Michael J. Vanzo. The facility is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 502d Air Base Wing, Air Education and Training Command (AETC). According to the Department of … Joint Base San Antonio bid farewell to its commander Laura Lenderman in a ceremony this Friday morning at Fort Sam Houston. joint base san antonio-randolph, texas, – To maintain the competitive edge over adversaries, the Air Force must select the best Airmen to train and educate the next generation of Airmen. The official central address for Joint Base San Antonio is: Joint Base San Antonio Hwy 90 and SW Military Road Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5113. Fort Sam Houston (Joint Base San Antonio) Official Website. The course is being provided by Microsoft Software and Systems Academy located at JBSA … Gen. Shan Bagby as their new commanding general and said farewell to Brig. Gen. Heather Pringle, commander, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio; Rear Adm. Rebecca McCormick-Boyle, commander, Navy Medicine Education and Training Command; Chief William McManus, chief, San Antonio … Gen. Laura L. Lenderman became the fifth commander of the 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio at a change of command ceremony officiated by Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast, commander, Air Education and Training Command, June 6 at the MacArthur Parade Field on JBSA-Fort Sam Houston. SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The former acting commander of Fort Hood, who was relieved of duty for failures of leadership following the murder of Army Spc. SAN ANTONIO - An atypical ceremony today at Fort Sam Houston marked by masks and social distancing signaled the start of a new commander's term at Joint Base San Antonio… An illustration shows a mosquito to promote West Nile virus awareness at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 9, 2012 120809-F-UR169-619.jpg 1,000 × 528; 113 KB An illustration shows a suicide prevention awareness campaign poster promoting Army Suicide Prevention Month at Brooke Army Medical Center on Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, Sept 120920-F-UR169-230.jpg 1,056 × 1,584; 200 KB Prior to taking command at AFPC, Craige served as the Director, Strategy, Engagement, and Programs, U.S. Africa Command, Stuttgart-Möhringen, Germany. U.S. Army South's headquarters is … Jun 12, 2020 Air Force Brig. We Care Day is part of the Airman Comprehensive Fitness program that focuses on suicide awareness to assure wellness through prevention, education and intervention. “What a great day for the 502nd Air Base Wing Joint Base San Antonio,” LaBrutta told the crowd, “But a melancholy day for me and my family.” The Air Education and Training Command mission is to "Recruit, train and educate exceptional Airmen. Joint Base San Antonio Contacts. Chief Master Sgt. For San Antonio, the commission recommended joint basing for the three major installations around the city; Fort Sam Houston, Lackland Air Force Base, and Randolph Air Force Base. SAN ANTONIO — Brigadier General Caroline Miller is now in charge of the 502d Air Base Wing at Joint Base San Antonio. Read the full story :, RT @DoD_DHA: Time for your check-up! Air Education and Training Command (AETC), with headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, provides basic military training, initial and advanced technical training, flying training, and professional military and degree-granting professional education. The wing's three Mission Support Groups perform the installation support mission at the three bases that form JBSA. The reins of leadership changed hands for Regional Health Command-Central during a change of command, relinquishment of responsibility and retirement ceremony at Wood Auditorium at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston July 2. There are some very important rules to know. Gen. Michael J. Talley, commander … DALLAS — An airman shot his commander in an apparent murder-suicide Friday at a U.S. Air Force base in San Antonio, a senior U.S. official said.. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas , – Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of Air Education and Training Command, announced the winners of the AETC iChallenge and awarded a combined $300,000 during the annual Gathering of the Torch event at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell), Air Force’s Personnel Center Public Affairs, JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas ,   –. SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The Commander of the 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San JBSA air show canceled SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – The JBSA Airshow has been canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The facility is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 502d Air Base Wing, Air Education and Training Command (AETC).. Maj. Jennifer Redding is seen behind the soldier color guard. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO, Texas, – Feedback Fridays is a weekly forum that aims to connect the 502d Air Base Wing with members of the Joint Base San Antonio community. Joint Base San Antonio maintains buildings and provides logistical support to the bases and Camp Bullis. Gen. Laura Lenderman took charge of Joint Base San Antonio and the 502d Air Base Wing in June 2018. The address above is not necessarily the place where visitors should go when trying to access one of the bases/installations under the JBSA umbrella. Download this stock image: Brig. Brigadier General Bob LaBrutta, commander, of the 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio, in a media conference from the base, said: “These unfortunate events happen. Gen. Caroline Miller, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio commander, hosted the 502nd ABW Honorary Commander Hail and Farewell April 23 at the Gateway Club at JBSA-Lackland. There’s a new commander at Joint Base San Antonio. Additionally, AFPC executes programs covering the entire life cycle of military and civilian personnel for the Department of the Air Force, from accession through retirement, including readiness, growth, development and deployment. joint base san antonio-randolph, texas , – Members of the Air Force’s Personnel Center tuned in virtually Aug. 14 as Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Toth relinquished command of the headquarters to Maj. Gen. Christopher E. Craige in a change of command ceremony officiated by Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Headquarters U.S. Air Force. The Air Force, as the lead service for Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), looked to one of the few wings with a history of accomplishing an installation support mission, the 502d Air Base Wing. Bob Owen /San Antonio Express-News Show More Show Less 2 of 2 Paul L. Granger a B-52 pilot from the Vietnam War, flys in one of four T-38s in 2016 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. By Staff Sgt. Antonio J. Goldstrom is the Command Chief Master Sergeant, Air Force Recruiting Service, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by Joint Base San Antonio, the United States Air Force, or the Department of Defense of the external website, or the information, products, or services contained therein. Taylor Mogford, 433rd Logistics Readiness Squadron individual protective equipment supervisor at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, and his team presented their ideas for revamping logistics training at the virtual 2021 Logistics Officer Association Symposium April 2. It’s not unusual to see several family members joining the Air Force at the same time. #JBSA-Lackland is hosting a blood drive May 14 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Joint Base San Antonio moves closer toward implementation. Air Education and Training Command, with headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, was established and activated in January 1942, making it the second oldest major command in the Air Force. ✈️ If you’re considering an upcoming getaway, @CDCgov recommends that you…. Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) is a United States military facility located in San Antonio and is comprised of Fort Sam Houston, Randolph Air Force Base, and Lackland Air Force Base.JBSA falls under the command of the U.S. Air Force, 502nd Air Base Wing. NEWS | July 1, 2020 The last Medical Professional Training Brigade commander reflects on unit’s legacy “We will adapt and thrive in the COVID environment and we will stay laser-focused on our most precious resource - our people.”. "To think of how far the 12 … Additionally, she has served as a section commander, military personnel flight commander, executive officer, protocol officer, squadron commander, group commander, and has held staff assignments on the Air Staff and Joint Staff. Gen. Caroline M. Miller, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio commander, launched a new video campaign series that allows JBSA members to tell their individual stories of resilience.. Members of the Air Force’s Personnel Center tuned in virtually Aug. 14 as Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Toth relinquished command of the headquarters to Maj. Gen. Christopher E. Craige in a change of command ceremony officiated by Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Headquarters U.S. Air Force. Craige earned his commission through the U.S. Air Force Academy and is a command pilot with more than 3,900 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. After the Capitol insurrection brought the issue of domestic extremism in the military to light, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directed all units to pause and reexamine their commitments to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Col. Deborah Deja took command of the 433rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron during an assumption of command ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland May 1. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas -- “Airpower starts here.” With those words, Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson, commander of Air Education and Training Command, kicked off his visit Jan. 20 with several hundred Joint Base San Antonio service members, civilians and contractors at the Student Activity Center on JBSA-Fort Sam Houston. Lt. Col. J.C. Gorman, the 559th Flying Training Squadron commander, poses at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph last month.Training pilots has gotten complicated since the … Vanessa Guillen, has been reassigned to Joint Base San Antonio. Air Force Brig. Joint Base San Antonio Wraps Up Stand Down Trainings To Address Extremism. Brigadier General Bob LaBrutta, commander, of the 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio, in a media conference from the base, said: “These unfortunate events happen. Gen. Caroline Miller, 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio commander, hosted the 502nd ABW Honorary Commander Hail and Farewell April 23 at the Gateway Club at JBSA-Lackland. Because a joint base has multiple locations, the addresses for each individual military installation will vary. Brig. (1) Operating as usual Craige also previously commanded both the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing, Kabul, Afghanistan and the 39th Air Base Wing, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas , – Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of Air Education and Training Command, announced the winners of the AETC iChallenge and awarded a combined $300,000 during the annual Gathering of the Torch event at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. The event was hosted by Stackle’s new commanding general, Brig. #JBSA ID card operations customer service walk-in & appointment services will be availa…, Donate blood, it save lives! Joint Base San Antonio stressed that patrons should take actions to protect themselves and those around them with social distancing, good hand washing, and acting appropriately if … Gen. Heather Pringle, outgoing 502nd Air Base Wing and Joint Base San Antonio commander, gives remarks during the change of command ceremony at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston’s MacArthur Parade Field June 6, 2018. Sahara L. Fales Twenty Fourth Air Force was reassigned to a new major command and welcomed Skinner during the ceremony. Download this stock image: Brig. The Enlisted Professional Military Education Center at the Inter-American Air Forces Academy at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland has earned top honors at the Air Education and Training Command level for the second consecutive year. 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