You have Javascript disabled in your browser. All content created for this site is Copyright 2002-2013 Ben Lincoln except where noted as being provided by another author. 1 List 1.1 "Red chamber" 1.2 "Sabara Vista" area 1.3 "Saradin" area 1.4 "Village" 1.5 Unidentified locations 2 Appearances 3 See also 4 References Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun (cancelled) Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun [38][39][40], According to Divine Shadow's sources, Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was not a reboot; it existed within established Legacy of Kain continuity. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun is a cancelled a PS3 / Xbox 360 / PS4 and PC single-player action adventure game developed by Climax Studio, that was intended to mark the return of the Legacy of Kain series. The Legacy of Kain Wiki and The Serioli of Nosgoth have historical and technical coverage. as many of you probably know, square enix made the worst decision in the history of the company when they cancelled the latest legacy of kain game. [17], Divine Shadow delivered the following specific points of information regarding the planned story:[17], The meaning of the game's title, "Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun", was not revealed (if it had any).[17]. His investigation alleged that Nosgoth had originated as Dead Sun's multiplayer mode, and would reuse some of the single-player game's assets. (Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun – Square Enix) Leaks from the company stated that production on Dead Sun began somewhere in late 2009 or early 2010 under the guise of Black Cloth and was pushing to be a PlayStation 4 launch game. He, alongside the human, Asher, was intended to act as the protagonist of the title. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was outed as part of a NeoGAF investigation back in June. [31][32] While not explicitly identified as being related to Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, two of the images bore the titles "Legacy-of-Kain-1-1500x1060.jpg" and "Legacy-of-Kain-2-1500x1060.jpg". [17][19], Other than the overarching setting of the Legacy of Kain series – Nosgoth itself – no locations familiar from previous games were assuredly known to have been planned for a return. Rumour: Crystal Dynamics on “Soul Reaver” reboot, Legacy of Kain and Wolfenstein domains registered, New Legacy of Kain project revealed - possible artwork spotted in portfolio, Square Enix Registers Possibly Legacy Of Kain Related Domain, Newest AMD patch logs include War for Nosgoth *UPDATE*, War for Nosgoth (Legacy of Kain) in AMD Drivers; "Nosgoth" in Steam DB (Psyonix Dev? A summary of Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun game info, release dates, and news coverage. With the completion of this thread, I now have those answers RE: Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun 08/18/2013 01:21 AM EDT There's I guess some tweet saying that Simon won't reprise his role as Kain, which is shocking because as I'm trying to recall that one article, he was the only one that actually wanted to keep on doing Kain's voice as the others didn't want to reutrn, one of which was Michael Bell. [17], Collecting information from his sources, Divine Shadow provided the following account:[17], Screenshots of combat depict Gein/Asher covered in differing amounts of Blood, using slam and grappling moves, and apparently gliding or flying to strike an enemy. We finally got a sequel in the form of a PVP game but I feel as if the series deserves another story driven installment. The Saradin vampire Gein, and the human Asher, were to act as the game's protagonists: their souls, bound together in an accidental phenomenon, would – much like Kain and Raziel before them – embark on a journey which, though initially motivated by revenge, would escalate to decide the fate of Nosgoth as a whole. This website will look nicer if you turn it back on. They distinctively showcased the character of Gein/Asher, and contained annotations ascribed to trailers named"The Blood Line" and"The Hunter" respectively. Its single-player storyline was to take place in Nosgoth's distant future, in an unfamiliar time period, even later than the events of Soul Reaver. This had been mandated … The action-adventure project was not revealed to the public, and was secretly cancelled in 2012 by Square Enix Europe, despite a significant amount of completed work. Footage of Climax Studios' Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, which was cancelled in 2012, was leaked online thanks to a NeoGAF message board poster. And now you can watch half an hour of leaked footage which, if not real, would have been a monumental effort to fake. Why would Square Enix take a series entirely famous for delivering driven single-player experiences, wait a decade, and suddenly resurrect the IP as multiplayer game [sic]? The concept of shifting between the Material and Spectral Realms was to return, alongside other links to prior titles in the series, and combat would be highly cinematic and violent, with its "huge" boss enemies demanding some puzzle-solving on the part of the player. The 2011 "animation pitch" by Richard Buxton. Dead Sun was a single-player Legacy of Kain title being developed in the UK by Square-Enix. [17], "CHR_CONCEPTS_LOST_SOUL_V3ampV4_zps97656889", "CHR_CONCEPTS_SUCCUBUS_MR_FRONT_zps520853ef", "the-legacy-of-kain-game-square-enix-cancelled-after-three-years-of-work-146426597139" (Asher and Gein), "42.-Mass-chamber" / "chamber_Concept_A-1500x843", "Lydias_Chamber_Concept" / "Girl_Chamber_Concept-1500x800", "Tepidarium_concept_v01" / "Room_concept_v01-1500x843", "Shrine_wideshot_V01" / "Shrine_wideshot_V01-1500x800", "Wall_mural_Preview_04" / "Wall_mural_Preview_04-1500x1500", "Legacy-of-Kain-2-1500x1060" / "The-Hunter-1500x1060", "Legacy-of-Kain-1-1500x1060" / "Cornered-1500x1060", "jeen-lih-lun-monster-zb1" (The Imperial Trooper), "jeen-lih-lun-character4c" (The Imperial Trooper), "jeen-lih-lun-character5" (The Imperial Trooper), "jeen-lih-lun-character6" (The Imperial Trooper), "jeen-lih-lun-monster-full" (The Imperial Trooper), "jeen-lih-lun-character4b" (The Imperial Trooper). nr. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun We've also been given a new tool for building Crystal Dynamics bigfiles ( Asunder No More , a tool for converting files between versions of the game ( Recombobulator ), and updated versions of Only Skin Deep and the Soul Reaver PC Texture Utility . The Video showcases scenes from a … With Crystal Dynamics supervising Climax for the single player campaign, Square Enix enlisted Psyonix for the multi-player component. Tweet; NeoGaf user and Legacy of Kain development sleuth Mama Robotnik is back at it again with more details on the unfortunately canceled PS4 launch title, Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun.Robotnik was able to find four different videos of the canceled Climax Group title on portfolio sites. legacy of kain: dead sun. This section is currently a placeholder. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was in development for over three 3 years [sic] (if you include preproduction). Summary: Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was to be a reincarnation of the mystical gothic action game series Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. This had been mandated by Square Enix, as had the instruction to develop a new main character. Created by Silicon Knights in association with Crystal Dynamics, but, after a legal battle, Crystal Dynamics retained the rights to the game's intellectual property, and continued its story with four sequels. Divine Shadow said, "agreements were made with the sources independently by email – they would confirm which media I had found on the internet was from the cancelled project – and they would also divulge information – to be paraphrased and not quoted directly. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun's single-player campaign had been envisaged as an open world game – with puzzles and dungeons – rooted in the action-adventure genre. im checking here as kind of a last ditch effort. The Legacy of Kain series and related material (including images and sound files) is the property of Square Enix (formerly Eidos Interactive Ltd). In June 2013, Divine Shadow posted a thread at NeoGAF, covering ten cancelled Legacy of Kain games and ports, including The Pillars of Nosgoth, Kain II, Sirens, Shifter, Chakan, and Legacy of Kain: The Dark Prophecy. [20], In a statement to Eurogamer, Climax Studios' CEO, Simon Gardner, commented:[21], However, United Kingdom-based game artists Roberto Raio and Ian Stubbington both vouched on Twitter that they had worked on the title. [17] Simon Templeman, Kain's voice actor, said that he had not been asked to reprise his role. For the most detailed information available, please see Divine Shadow's excellent writeup The Ten Cancelled Legacy of Kains. [17] Simon Templeman, Kain's voice actor, said that he had not been asked to reprise his role. Legacy of Kain: HERITAGE-0--0-The Age of Men, that was what the last century had been dubbed. It made little sense. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was to be a reincarnation of the mystical gothic action game series Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. What this may have implied in terms of the post-Legacy of Kain: Defiance fate of Kain's empire, the Soul Reaver-era vampires, the vampire hunters of the City, and the Pillars of Nosgoth themselves, remained undisclosed. Square Enix Europe's community manager, George Kelion, officially acknowledged the cancelled project, saying that it "just wasn’t the right game, at the right time."[Forum/NeoGAF]. Although Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was supposed to be set in more modern times, it wasn't meant to be a full reboot of the series. Turns out, according to whispers and rumours, Nosgoth was the spun-off multiplayer side from a Legacy of Kain game cancelled in 2012. Raio said he "did work on this game for almost 2 years". As Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was to take place centuries after Soul Reaver, the existence of the Silenced Cathedral in its game world suggests further familiar landmarks would have appeared. A rendered image of the Gein/Asher character. ), Nosgoth in active development, not ‘traditional’ Legacy of Kain game, Nosgoth set in Legacy of Kain universe, but Tomb Raider dev Crystal Dynamics not involved, The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains (Mama Robotnik Research Thread), New Nosgoth Game in Development: Confirmed, Square Enix acknowledges cancelled Legacy of Kain game Dead Sun, Concept Art, Storyboards and Character Design, If A New Legacy of Kain Happens, Voice Actor Simon Templeman Allegedly Won't be Involved, Richard Buxton, 2011, storyboard/concept artist, Legacy of Kain promo, Passion Pictures,, Soon afterward, Edwin Evans-Thirlwell of the, After a number of further leaks in May 2013, Square Enix London community manager George Kelion came forward to confirm that a game named, This bifold character, collectively referred to as. A massive post on NeoGAF by forum member and 0ccasional Kotaku contributor Mama Robotnik offers up a bounty of details about Dead Sun, a Legacy of Kain title that was in … Described as an "in-continuity reboot", the game was to star Gein/Asher – a new vampire protagonist – and would introduce a new era in Nosgoth's distant future. The first was Legacy of Kain: The Dark Prophecy. Legacy of Kain Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. For the most detailed information available, please see Divine Shadow 's excellent writeup The Ten Cancelled Legacy of Kains . This section is currently a placeholder. "[17], Divine Shadow relayed the following information from the Climax Studios personnel:[17], In his post, Divine Shadow provided the assets whose relation to Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun he had been able to verify, including various images, renders, textures, and animators' videos (one featuring voice acting). [18], Divine Shadow observed, that"Legacy of Kain: The Dark Prophecy was in development for barely four months, and it took nine years for all the listed materials above to be made public. [17], Divine Shadow explained, "the recent announcement that Nosgoth – the sixth Legacy of Kain game is going to be a multiplayer experience, somewhat startled me. Gein was a character slated to appear in Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, a cancelled prospective sixth game in the Legacy of Kain series. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [17], Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun's vision presented a futuristic era far removed from the corrupt wasteland seen in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, with prolific vegetation and an ostensibly healthy ecology, active humans, and newly-introduced races. Legacy of Kain: The Dark Prophecy (cancelled sequel to Defiance), Legacy of Kain: The Dark Prophecy (Cancelled), Crystal Dynamics On Making Lara Croft Downloadable. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was to introduce the devoutly-religious Saradin, a new sub-race of vampires, with blue skin, and the abilities to devour souls and shift between the Material and Spectral Realms. It was the second of two known abortive attempts from Eidos Interactive/Square Enix Europe to create a sixth game in the series. First off, based on data found and shared on NeoGAF, the Playstation 4 game's full name was Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, and it has been in development for three years. [29] His website featured several renders of "a character produced during [his] time at Climax Group" for the game. Gein was a Saradin vampire, and his body would become host … All of their cities had been torn down and laid to waste, and nearly every trace of their empire was destroyed. At the beginning of the game, his pregnant wife is murdered. Last updated: 29 September 2013. The most recent of the ten was Unreal Engine 3-based game called Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, developed by Climax with Psyonix developing the game's multiplayer component 'War For Nosgoth.' Dead Sun - Legacy of Kain: The Lost Worlds. The liberator, Moebius of the Circle of Nine, had proclaimed this upon the victory over the black winged horrors. Its single-player storyline was to take place in Nosgoth's distant future, in an unfamiliar time period, even later than the events of Soul Reaver. "[17], George Kelion responded to the news of the leaked project with an official statement acknowledging its existence. [33][35][37] Within the same day, Flipbook Studios deleted most of them and replaced them with renamed, lower-resolution copies, implicitly confirming their relation to the cancelled project. [34][35], Six further pieces of concept art were included as part of a separate blog entry on the site, entitled"A salute to unsung creative work":[36], The nine suspected Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun images were publicized and discussed on the Eidos forums. Made by Climax Studios, it was to be named Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun. The story of Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun seems to be along the lines of the following (with some information from insider sources and some from my knowledge of the franchise): Kain and Raziel's time-travel throughout Legacy of Kain: Defiance appears to have stabilised Nosgoth's far future. [20] The question as to whether any previously established characters, other than the Elder God, would have played any part remained unaddressed. [30], In August 2013, Twitter user Alex_Roblez1986 noticed that Flipbook Studios, a "CGI and Visual Effects Boutique in Manchester", had recently posted various pieces of concept art for a "Cancelled AAA Game" on their website. [25], Daniel Cabuco, the former Legacy of Kain series art director, passed comment on the scrapped game:[26], In a final statement, Kelion confirmed that Nosgoth had been intended as the multiplayer component of Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, but offered more context on its origins:[27][28], Prior to August 2013, former Climax Studios artist Dan Hitchen updated his online portfolio, attesting that "whilst at Climax I worked on the cancelled Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun for current-gen consoles". Legacy of Kain was a game series that has been absent for a long time. The Lost Worlds is an independent, not-for-profit fan site. He confirmed that Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun had been a project in development, disputed the accuracy of some indeterminate details revealed by the Climax Studios developers, and offered another series of relevant images:[19], Even so, Kelion said that it would be "unlikely" that Square Enix would voluntarily divulge much more information on the cancelled game, even after Nosgoth's future formal reveal. They were working on a story driven title called Legacy of Kain Dead Sun but was cancelled due to the fear of poor sales, I want to show Square Enix that another LoK game is welcome and will be supported. An accompanying multiplayer project, named War for Nosgoth, was delegated to Psyonix. The final scrapped project was an entirely new discovery: Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun. In 2013, after the announcement of multiplayer game Nosgoth, a Legacy of Kain community member, Divine Shadow/Mama Robotnik, publicized a wealth of information and media from the scrapped game, sourced from contacts in Climax Studios. The videos show off the game’s interface, animated menus, the upgrade system (with such powers as … The main character was brand new to the series - a directive from Square Enix. According to Divine Shadow's sources, Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was not a reboot; it existed within established Legacy of Kain continuity. Dead Sun was a single-player Legacy of Kain title being developed in the UK by Square-Enix . [22][23][24] Climax's Sam Barlow also reposted the news story, and reflected, "so that's all out in the open then - Moving on". Given my investment in the series, I needed answers. It has barely been a year since it was cancelled, and I anticipate over the next few years we will see much more of the work that went into it. A video leaked online showcasing 32 minutes of gameplay from the canceled Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, which should have been released for PS3 and Xbox 360. Genres: Action. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun is a cancelled a PS3 / Xbox 360 / PS4 and PC single-player action adventure game developed by Climax Studio, that was intended to mark the return of the Legacy of Kain series. "mVDZ5hR". Legacy of Kain Series of action-adventure video games primarily developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix Europe . Gein, the star of Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun. Cut content article Series article He also confirmed that Richard Buxton's storyboard had been produced for the project: it was"for a CG trailer that was never made". With the completion of this thread, I now have those answers". [17] Soon, another anonymous Climax Studios staff member provided additional screenshots of combat. Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was a cancelled Legacy of Kain game. The Climax Studios team members' story outline, and various pieces of artwork, posited various characters:[17][19], George Kelion revealed that "there was no Hylden presence in [the] (now cancelled) game", and clarified that no Hylden characters were depicted in the images he released, despite any resemblance. If you include preproduction ) statement acknowledging its existence he, alongside the human, Asher, was delegated Psyonix... Animation pitch '' by Richard Buxton Cut content article series article '' mVDZ5hR '' winged horrors have been everywhere. As if the series is an independent, not-for-profit fan site the black horrors. Slice - thus it can not be considered canon will look nicer if you turn back! A last ditch effort noted as being provided by another author Eidos Enix! Up with a rational explanation, and news coverage driven installment the news the! Technical coverage all content created for this site is Copyright 2002-2013 Ben except. 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