metal beak villains wiki

I.M. Sebastian | Mrs. Prysselius | He is F.O.W.L's chief agent and also a rooster. Baraka | Phantasm | Steelbeak is a smooth talker. Steelbeak is a super-villain from the animated TV series Darkwing Duckand the 2017 version ofDucktales. Darwinistic Warlord, High TytoMy Lord/Husband (by Nyra)The Destroyer, CharismaIntimidation and fearSharp talons. The Banana Splits Movie Villains | Principal Deedle | Anubis | You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Poison Ivy (Batman vs. TMNT) | The Conjuring Villains | Tom | Metal Beak/Surtr, better known as Metal Beak, is the leader of the Pure Ones and the primary antagonist in Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Powers and abilities He is basically based off a 1920's gangster. Seto Kaiba | Metal Beak led the Pure Ones from the fortress of the Beaks as the mastermind of the series of kidnapping that occurred throughout the owl kingdoms in an attempt to muster his forces. Buzz Bronski | Harley Quinn (Batman vs. TMNT) | DC's Legends of Tomorrow Villains | Scut Farkus | Soren and Kludd later go branching with Noctus where Soren suc… Brain Gremlin | Frederick Sykes | He is seldom seen angered but has been seen to throw tantrums when his plans start to fail. Alicia Hunt | Monstars | Affiliations Giant Carpenter Ants | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Apex Cybernetics (Walter Simmons, Ren Serizawa, & Maia Simmons) | Arthur Slugworth | Catwoman | Lewis Prothero | Additionally, Metal Beak promised Allomere that if he led the Guardians into the trap created by the metal flecks, then he would make him the King of the Great Tree, but, since Allomere was heavily blinded by a desire for power, Metal Beak betrayed him as he had him dragged off by the bats. He had even tried to kill Ezylryb when the owl was bested by Metal Beak and his mate. This article is a stub . Heat Miser | Luckily, Soren is able to grab the branch and stabs Metal Beak through the heart, killing him. Barkis Bittern | Two-Face | Goal Shao Kahn | He also planned to even kill many people, showing his cruel nature. Lord Garmadon | Dark Yugi | Clarice Kensington | Old High Tyto Steelbeak is a character from Darkwing Duck. Bane | Stripe | Mr. Chairman | Poison Ivy (Lego) | Luna Ghost | Freeze | Ben 10 Villains | Another differenece is that Kludd's book counterpart is more wicked and cruel. Mal Cobb | Allies He was the leader of the Pure Ones who resided in the canyonlands. A lot of his past is shrouded in mystery including what happened to his natural beak. Gerald Broflovski | Surtr , better known as Metal Beak (voiced by Joel Edgerton) is a Sooter owl and the main antagonist of the 2010 film, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Hexagon (Trigon (TTG) & Trigon (Original)) | Angelique Bouchard | Steelbeak is a top agent for the evil criminal organization F.O.W.L. 1 Appearances 1.1 Darkwing Duck 1.2 Ducktales (reboot) 1.3 The DT RP: improvised Steelbeak made his first appearance in the RP while it was still rolling in the Disney wiki. Skull Devil | Kano | Chef | Butch | Chuckie Sol | There is only room for one king!”. Metal Beak was a Greater Sooty Owl, or Tyto Tenebricosa. Beetlejuice | Dolores Umbridge | Villainfan1919's TV Spoof Of Marsupilami Marsupilami -MetalBeak(Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole) Maurice the Gorilla -Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (The Fifth Element) Stewart the Elephant -Verminious Snaptrap (T.U.F.F. Colonel Coetzee | Ruber | 5. Fate During the battle, Surtr was bested and maimed by a Guardian named Lyze of Kiel, resulting in him wearing a metal ma… 6. Two-Face (Batman vs. TMNT) | Cousin Mel | Quan Chi | However, Kludd being the next Metal Beak is alluded to briefly in the end of the film. Queen Gnorga | Additionally in the books, Greater Sooty Owls are the second-lowest ranking Pure Ones (the lowest being Lesser Sooties), and are never promoted past soldiers. The Red Tailed Hawk is a hawk and the quaternary antagonist in the film Rango. Steelbeak is a villain from the animated Series "Darkwing Duck". Lex Luthor (Teen Titans Go!) Minions Karai | Eddy's Brother | The hawk then snacked up a frog instead. At one point, he made a deal with Allomere, a Guardian of Ga'Hoole who had become a turnfeather. Gilderoy Lockhart | Basilisk | Cushing Catheter | Zodiac Killer | Stan Beals | Vinnie Ricorso | Demons | Two-Face (Lego) | Batman Villains | Robot Chicken Villains | Warbats | MonsterVerse Villains | Duplo Aliens | The Biology Teacher | Robo Dog | Ripslinger's defeat. Darla Dimple | She was mate to Metal Beak, the main antagonist in both the book and the film. Mojo Jojo | Brett Wyden | Spinel | Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F’Nale Zandor & Sixers) | Due to his high rank in F.O.W.L., High Command allows him to do as he wishes and constantly back him regardless of any circ… Enemies Ruber's Minions | Penguin (Batman vs. TMNT) | Spice | Lorraine Massey | Ezekial Gallows | Dislikes Kent Mansley | Grant Frost | Mr. Occupation Socs (Bob Sheldon, Randy Adderson, Paul Hoden & David) | He is a member of the villainous organization FOWL. He is blind in his left eye; on the other side of his face, he has no feathers, which is strange, as normally one wouldn't have feathers on his or her blind side. Middle-Earth Villains | Jay Gatsby | Originally it was all grey, but after losing his upper beak to Ezylryb, Surtr added a new, golden part to the helmet to cover his ruined beak. In an attempt to take over the Owl Kingdoms, Surtr led a group of owls known as the Pure Ones that tried conquering owls and believed barn owls were superior. Carl Grissom | Instant Martians | Ezylryb, Soren, Gylfie, Twilight, Digger, Boron, Barran, Strix Struma, Bubo, Otulissa, Dewlap, Guardians of Ga'Hoole Surtr Nolan Sorrento | Steel Beaks appears as yellow rubber duckies. Motaro | Dr. Mann | Ann Laurent | Foot Clan | Cats & Dogs Villains | Alias Surtr was even willing to force Soren to watch as Ezylryb, Lyze of Kiel, was going to be killed by Nyra. Meanwhile, Soren navigates his way through a forest fire by successfully gizzard-flying and manages to disable the fleck trap by burning the wooden winch holding the lids of the fleck containers up, slamming them shut and nullifying the effects. Lenny | Steelbeak is a recurring antagonist in the Disney television series Darkwing Duck. George | Cypher | Santiago | Esther Coleman | He is featured in an much more efficient role in the second Disney Heroes vs. Villains War, assembling new villains to join F.O.W.L. This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. Wanda Grubwort | N' Goo Tuana | Nyra, a female barn owl (Tyto alba), is a main villainess in the Guardians of Ga'Hoole book series and the 2010 movie Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Mokuba Kaiba | Max | DC Animated Movie Universe Villains | Electric Gremlin | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Carmine Falcone | Marik Ishtar | 7. Full Name However, during one battle, the one known as the Battle of the Ice Claws. Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki is a free, public and collaborative encyclopedia for everything related to Warner Bros. and Time Warner: film companies, television networks, films, characters, and more.The wiki format allows anyone to create or edit any article, so we can all work together to create a comprehensive database for all the Warner Bros. fans. Tom Buchanan | Powers/Skills Scarecrow (Batman vs. TMNT) | Backson's "defeat" Ned and Zed's defeat. Metal Beak was cunning, rude, sarcastic, and quite the charmer (almost). George Wilson | Ruling the Pure Ones. Audrey II | Dr. Julia Hoffman | Surtr is a character made for the film as in the books, Kludd served as Metal Beak and Nyra's husband. Ferguson | Nagini | Joker | Mr. Igoe | This indicated that Kludd, The Metal Beak in the books is never referred to as, Whether or not if Surtr felt truly betrayed by Allomere or if he just wanted to get him out of the way is unknown, though the latter is more likely from his line, “You should know, Allomere. Steel Beak is an enemy from Battletoads. Character information Antagonistic, villainous, cruel, evil, manipulative, bloodthirsty, unforgiving, loving to Nyra "Surtr" in Old Norse means 'black' or 'the swarthy one', which fits Metal Beak due to being a Greater Sooty owl with prominent black to grey feathers. Master Little | Voice Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Shelly Marsh | Joker (Lego) | Xiaolin Showdown Villains | After being given a moonblinked Eglantine and another owlet by Kludd, Allomere returned to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and told the Guardians the Pure Ones plan, which made the Guardians decide to fight them. Asher Jonah | Norsefire | Sergeant Nagata | Thrax | King Llort | New Line Cinema Villains | Mathias Vogel | Source. Pure Ones Surtr was a cold, brutal, and ruthless individual. Thrax's Henchmen | Paws | He had a blind left eye, which was white as the moon, while his good eye was amber, and the skin around it was bald. Mileena | Surtr was a very large, muscular, and battle-worn male Greater Sooty Owl with thick, white-spotted black feathers, and a grey belly and face. Sir Trenton | Ms. Fieldmouse | Howard Clifford | Surtr, during the Battle of the Ice Claws, lead thousands of Pure Ones into battle with the Guardians. The hawk has a metal beak meaning she probably lost it during a clash. He is basically based off a 1920s gangster and Jaws from the James Bondseries due to both having metallic teeth/beak which they use as weapons to cut through anything. Kelly | Ditto | Griffin | Joker (Batman vs. TMNT) | Victor Zsasz | Jeremy Melton | He is a Tiger He plays Rasputin in Webbystasia Gallery: The ending of the film indicated "Metal Beak" to be a title, with Kludd being the next to bear it. Charles "Chip" Shreck | While confronting Ezylryb for the last time, Surtr tells him that he can finally have his vengeance for the scars on his face and his missing beak, but when Ezelryb tells him that it is an improve and thus should thank him for it, Surtr immediately attacks him, later brutalizes him with Nyra, and attempted to kill him before Soren came to his rescue. Catwoman | Mrs. Cade | Feeling ashamed of his appearance, Surtr began wearing a mask that concealed his scars and began being called "Metal Beak." Regular Show Villains | Poison Ivy | Metalbeak Mountain Troll | 'Kludd, also called Metal Beak, is a major antagonist in Guardians of Ga'Hoole, and the upcoming CGI animated film Legend of the Guardians. Surtr, also known as Metal Beak and Lord High Tyto, is the main antagonist of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. He is voiced by Joel Edgerton, who portrays Owen Lars in the Star Wars saga. Powerpuff Girls Villains | Lestat | Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Ezylryb, heroism, defeat, failure, betrayal, his upper beak being ripped apart, peace Lord Voldemort | Randall | Benson Dunwoody | Mr. Clowns (Joker) (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | However, Soren and the band arrive to save the Guardians (after Eglantine revealed to him that Kludd had moonblinked her and gave her to Allomere). Wasps | Mortally wounded by Soren with a burning branch in self defense Dr. Charles Nichols | Jack Morris | Max Eckhardt | To conquer the Owl Kingdoms (Failed) To get revenge on Lyze for tearing his upper beak of. He would give All… HAL 9000 | Max | DC Extended Universe Villains | ... Villains deafet Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Bane (Batman vs. TMNT) | David | Foot Clan (Shredder) | Reiko | Mr. Tinkles | Aguila | Max Shreck | Mr. Swackhammer | Metal Beak's death. Jack Torrance | Kludd, Pure Ones, Grimble (formerly) Joker's Thugs | Terrance Mendoza | The feathers on his neck and chest were particularly thick. Tabaqui | His real name Ammonia Pine (if any) and origin are both unknown. Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet | The Jokerz (Dee Dee Twins, Chucko & Woof) | John Wesley | Tasmanian Devil | Sugar | Lord Business | | Agent 23 | The True Knot | Future Mordecai | After Metal Beak's defeat at the talons of Lyze of Kiel, aka Ezylryb, Allomere participated in an attack on Grettir's hollow with the Pure Ones, killed Grettir and his mate Lygeia before the Guardians showed up and rescued Shard, Grettir's infant son, and returned to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree with him and raised him to be a Guardian, with Allomere as his mentor, who easily kept his betrayal a secret.Years later, Allomere … Joker | Mr. Gray | Count Grisham | Clara Dalrymple | Daffy | Saying that there was only room for one king, Metal Beak ordered Allomere killed; the treacherous Guardian was then attacked and dragged by several bats. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, Antagonistic, villainous, cruel, evil, manipulative, bloodthirsty, unforgiving, loving to Nyra, King and Leader of the Pure Ones, Nyra's mate, Kludd's mentor, Ruling, powers, killing, revenge, war, destruction, torturing his enemies, hatred, fear, despair, leading the Pure Ones, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Ezylryb, heroism, defeat, failure, betrayal, his upper beak being ripped apart, peace. FlightFightingMaster Manipulator He is actually Metal Beak while the original Metal Beak was killed by Kludd and his mate, Nyra. Joe Cramp | Lord Henry Blackwood | Blue Jones | Bellatrix Lestrange | Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. Owing to his status as the leader of Pure Ones, Surtr may possibly inspired by an unnamed High Tyto whom Kludd killed in the books with aid of Nyra to overthrow Pure Ones' leadership as well as responsible for Kludd's scarred face that forced him to wear the mask. Percy Wetmore | Harry Potter Villains | Pink Diamond | Seeing the group, Metal Beak believed that they were Guardians, and felt betrayed by Allomere, who was meant to bring all the Guardians. Concept art reveals that only a large part of his upper beak is missing. Soren is first seen playing as Lyze of Kiel (whilst donning a leaf helmet) in a reenactment of the Battle of the Ice Claws with Eglantine, whilst an annoyed Kludd (who in this film is a separate owl from Metal Beak, whose real name is Surtr) watches on. 's chief agent, and one of Darkwing Duck's greatest enemies. Sub-Zero | Hellhawks | Severus Snape | Bladebeak | He even was mocking Soren cruelly, especially of learning Ezylryb's connection with the younger owl. Steelbeak is an anthropomorphic rooster and top agent of F.O.W.L.. 1 Description 2 Behind the scenes 2.1 Voice actors 3 See also 4 References A suave villain in a tuxedo with a metallic muzzle that serves as his namesake, the clever and manipulative Steelbeak is a frequent foe of Darkwing Duck, as the hero's affiliation with S.H.U.S.H. Sandworms | Leo | Riddler | He was voiced by Joel Edgerton, who also played Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, Gordon "Gordo" Mosley in The Gift and Rameses in Exodus: Gods and Knights. Daffy Duck | Scorpion | Saddam Hussein | Berkeley Beetle | The LEGO Movie Villains | Shere Khan | Villains. Jonathan Jacobo | Slime | Along with his wife, Nyra, and the Pure Ones, Metal Beak began plotting his revenge against Lyze (now going by the name Ezylryb) and the other Guardians of the Great Tree. Wile E. Coyote | Witches (Grand High Witch, Susan Irvine, Nicola Cuttle, Pamela, Lois Leffour, Mildred, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Jacqueline & Beatrice) | Hunter | Surtr and Ezylrub have been enemies since before the Battle of the Ice Claws as Metal Beak was the leader of the Pure Ones and Ezylryb was the leader of the Guardians of the tree. Red Triangle Circus Gang | Arthur Leigh Allen | Based on the James Bond's villain Jaws, Steelbeak is portrayed as one of the heads of the terrorist organization, F.O.W.L., with only the High Command surpassing his authority. Dusty | Mrs. Toad | Wall Street Three | Reptile | Penny Fleck | Rex Dangervest | However, he was implied to care for Nyra, as she was easily distraught when she saw him get killed by Soren. Joe Chill | Reptile | Kralahome | Karl | Miss Minchin | Emma Russell | Surtr, or also better known as Metal Beak, is the main antagonist of the 2010 computer-animated Warner Bros. film Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, an adaptation of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole novel series. Muscle Man | They are indestructible when closed, and shoot in four different directions when open. Later in the battle, Metal Beak battles Lyze of Kiel (now known as Ezylryb), who despite his age is able to overpower his enemy, until Nyra's arrival. Also, Eglantine was frightened in Metal Beak's presence, believing him to be a myth. Primal Villains | Yu-Gi-Oh! Hobby Scooby-Doo Villains | The difference however, the unnamed High Tyto is a Tyto Alba, not Greater Sooty Owls like Surtr. Thunder Karlsson and Bloom | You can help Non-Disney Villain Wiki … Harley Quinn (Lego) | Sal Maroni | Gremlins Villains | Bad V | Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole He was also willing to enslave hundreds of owlets and force them into horrific conditions, first having them "moonblinked" where an owl collapses under the moon and forgets his or her own identity, and then forced to pick at other owls' pellets so they can carry the metal flecks from them and carry them to the bats, as the owlets are tortured since the magnetic field from the flecks severely damage their gizzards. Sarah | Joel Edgerton Background information The Grinch | Surtr | 's chief agent he is always shown as a boss wearing a white tux and giving orders to his henchmen. Mr. Mole | Yosemite Sam | Artemisia | Acromantula (Aragog & Acromantula Colony) | He seemed to be proud of his own title and had proudly called himself "Metal Beak", and stroke fear in the heart of many people. Hotel Caretaker | He later fought his old enemy, a Whiskered Screech owl, Ezylryb, known as Lyze at the time, tore off his own upper beak. Paraphernalia Many years later, Metal Beak, his wife Nyra and the rest of the Pure Ones, took over St. Aegolius Acadamy for Orphaned Owls (St. Aggie's for short) and would send out his minions to capture owlets (among them Soren and his brother Kludd, who becomes a Pure One) in order to either convert them into Pure One soldiers or make them pickers to pick through pellets to find flecks to power his device to use against the Guardians. Zarkos | Captain Poison | Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) | Joker | Rick and Morty Villains | Barsad | LeadershipCharismaIntimidation and fearSharp talons It | Nitara | Allomere (formerly) Sylvester | Lucius Malfoy | He a barn owl, the first son and eldest child of Noctus and Marella, the older brother of Soren and Eglantine, the mate of Nyra and the father of Coryn. Origin The Principal | Biography. Steelbeak is suave, smooth talking, sarcastic, calm, collected, and very sharply dressed. Kano | This may have been done, however, to make him appear more battle-worn. Animated Features Penguin | Near the end of the film, Kludd (who had survived falling into a forest fire during his battle with Soren) comes across Metal Beak's body and gazes down at his fallen leader's mask, possibly taking it for himself. Talia al Ghul | During the battle, Surtr was bested and maimed by a Guardian named Lyze of Kiel, resulting in him wearing a metal mask to cover his facial scars and going under a new name: Metal Beak. Myrtle Wilson | For one, in the beginning, he was planning on leading the Guardians into a trap and kill them all while under the influence of the flecks that would weaken them. He was the mate of Nyra, and his greatest desire was to create a world in which to glorify the pure and perfect being of Tytos. Grover Dill | Occupation Metal Beak was originally called Surtr and took part in the battle of the Ice Claws with the Pure Ones against the Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Rhedosaurus | Cheswick | Velociraptors (Lego) | Despite this, Surtr was also narcissistic. Kidou Keiji Jiban. Penguins | Personality He is the counterpart of S.H.U.S.H. Cry Baby | Metal Beak is a Greater Sooty Owl, or Tyto Tenebricosa. League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT), Ubu (Batman vs. TMNT) & Talia al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT)) | Metal Beak's arrogance and overestimation would get the best of him, for he believed that he'd be able to defeat Soren, but the young owl was able to take his burning stick and impale the old Owl. Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains, Jonas Miller | Jim Whitlock | Priya Singh | 4. Tom Rogan | Dementors | Mouse King | Type of Villain The Banana Splits (Fleegle, Drooper, Snorky & Bingo) | Armand | Steelbeak is F.O.W.L. Phantom Zone Criminals | showing up in the ponds and above water areas of the Terra Tubes, they slowly float back and forth, attemping to bite the player if he gets close and killing in a single hit. Alvin Marsh | Decoy Queen | Wolf Pack | The chameleon barely avoided a death at the bird's talon. Destroy the Guardians.Rule the owl kingdoms (both failed). Steven Universe Villains | Léon Rom | Nyra's defeat. Siegfried | Jatt and Jutt | Mama Fratelli | Arthur Reeves | Bob Smith | Snow Miser | The Meg | Bruiser | Quirinus Quirrell | Also, even though it is heavily implied that Nyra cared about Surtr's life as she was shocked and angered upon seeing that Soren killed him, there's nothing to prove that Surtr ever loved her back, especially since he treated her not as an equal, but as his second-in-command, and he didn't give her any armor to protect herself when she went out to battle with the Pure Ones against the Guardians, none of which he loved nor showed sympathy for when any of them died, despite calling them his "soldiers" and "sons" during his speech. His mask Butch Bowers | | (Failed) Wild Wild West Villains | Pure Ones | However, unbeknownst to Metal Beak, Allomere escaped the bats, but was later killed by his former apprentice Shard, after discovering that Allomere killed his parents. Switchblade Sam | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rotten Robots | Metal Beak was originally called Surtr and took part in the battle of the Ice Claws with the Pure Ones against the Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Eric Cartman | Rose the Hat | He was the leader of the Pure Ones who resided in the canyonlands. King Ghidorah | Bane | Tokusou Exceedraft. Pokemon Villains | Kanker Sisters | Blaster (ブラスター, Burasutā), known as Beak in some English sources, is a wall-mounted gun with a beak-like armored shell that opens and closes. Steelbeak is a recurring antagonist from the Darkwing Duck series. BrainwashingMurderAbuseSlaveryMany other offenses | However, before they can kill Ezylryb, Soren arrives with a flaming branch to defeat Metal Beak to stop him destroying another owl's soul, after battling Kludd. Kludd | He had made an alliance with Allomere, a Guardian who had became a turnfeather for the Pure Ones as Metal Beak has promised him a portion of the owl kingdoms to rule as King if he helped them. Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) | Steelbeak got his name after he had a metallic beak grafted onto his face. It was more ornate and resembled a bird's skull. Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains | Ruby Deagle | The two owls battled, but the veteran warlord is able to overpower the younger owl and swoops at Soren with talons out to kill him. Goals Nyra | Crimes Two-Face | League of Shadows (Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) | Bob the Goon | Pigeon Toady | 's chief agent Gryzlikoff. Metal Beak. He is voiced by Joel Edgerton, who portrays Owen Lars in the Star Wars saga. This is a category associated with the main villain or villains of every Metal Hero series; the ones who stands in the way as the main threat for the hero. Susan McCallister | George, Ralph and Lizzie | Samurai Jack Villains | Cartoon Network Villains | Trenton's Pride | It's later revealed that the bats take the metal flecks to set up a trap for the Guardians when the latter try to save said owlets, which Allomere led them to since he was a mole from within the Guardians of Ga'Hoole because he was really one of the Pure Ones. Sheila Broflovski | Draco Malfoy | Cerberus, Live Action Films He held his fanatical belief that the strong must dominate and overpower the weak, hence why he wanted the Tyto class to dominate the rest of the owl kingdoms, even though he was going to kill another owl in the Tyto class if he or she fought against him; in this case, it was Soren. Pegasus J. Crawford | He is the husband of Nyra and the leader of the Pure Ones. Due to his high rank in the organization, Catwoman Villains | Community content is … Steelbeak is suave, smooth talking, sarcastic, calm, collected and very sharply dressed. Relatives John Daggett | Lake Monster | Preston Packard | She is first seen in the fourth book, where she is the mate of Kludd (Metal Beak) and aspires for them to rule the owl kingdoms together. Stonekeeper | Goro | Secretary Gremlin | Puppy) Eduardo the Leopard -Douche(Sausage Party) Norman … Joe Chill | Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Lawrence Van Dough | Leader and king of the Pure Ones Feature films He was also sarcastic, manipulative, and very charismatic, as he got Grimble to supposedly join the Pure Ones as he had his entire family captured and promised him that if he does what he says, then his family will be left unharmed, though Grimble was never an ally of the Pure Ones and was just doing it to free his family, and there is never any indication that Surtr ever left them unharmed. Randy Marsh | M.U.T.O. Other names Mayor Brown | Leopard Seal | William Wharton | Daisy Buchanan | Kevin | Mayor Phlegmming | The Matrix Villains | Maudeline Everglot | Super Secret Police (Bad Cop & Sheriff Not-A-Robot) | Kludd is later killed by Twilight to spare Soren' of the grief. Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Noah the Elder | Arthur Fleck | Evil-doer Even though it's implied that Surtr lost his whole beak, parts of it are still visible in the movie. Alan Jonah | Main Villains Uchuu Keiji Gavan - Don Horror He is a member of the villainous organization F.O.W.L and a secondary antagonist, right behind Negaduck. Dick Dastardly (2020) | Shang Tsung | Rigby | Chef Bergen's defeat (1st Scene) Creek Troll's defeat (1st Scene) Chef and Creek’s death (2nd Scene) Otto Von Walrus' Defeat.PNG. Mortal Kombat Villains | Eraser Villains | Kaiju (Trespasser, Knifehead, Mutavore, Otachi, Leatherback, Raiju, Scunner & Slattern) | Mr. Garrison | Gremlins | Precursors | He was the mate of Nyra and was killed by Soren during the Battle of St. Aegulius. Grundel Toad | While not appearing in the books, Metal Beak is possibly inspired by the Old High Tyto who was killed by Kludd and Nyra in between The Capture and The Journey. Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya. Kitty Galore | Scarecrow | Willem Dafoe, Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson, Jacek Koman, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Jason Isaacs, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Irons, Charles Dance, Andy Serkis, Ben Kingsley, Jude Law, Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, Ian McShane, Josh Brolin, Bill Nighy, Eric Bana, Ralph Fiennes, and Sam Neill (who voiced Allomere) were all considered for the role of Metal Beak before Joel Edgerton was selected. Orin Scrivello | He is … Choujinki Metalder. Metal BeakHigh TytoMy Lord/Husband (by Nyra)The Destroyer Inspiration Game of Thrones Villains | Gambol | His real name is only revealed in the film's videogame adaption. Stone Generals (Gato & Mono) | 1 Personality 2 Appearances 2.1 Darkwing Duck 3 Book Appearances 3.1 Darkwing Duck (comic book) 3.2 House of Mouse: Donald's Heroes Vs. Villains 4 Gallery Steelbeak is suave, smooth talking, sarcastic, calm, collected and very sharply dressed. Nyra (wife) Twilight, Gylfie and Digger fend off the bats sent by Metal Beak to kill the Guardians, and Metal Beak has Allomere taken away by several bats. After having Allomere dragged away by the bats, he told him that there is only room for one king while referring to himself, meaning that Surtr wanted to be king himself. For instance, when Kludd was first in Metal Beak's presence, he was so scared that he couldn't even say Metal Beak's name. Metal Beak (originally known as Surtr) is the main antagonist of the 2010 computer-animated Warner Bros. film, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Surtr, also known as Metal Beak and Lord High Tyto, is the main antagonist of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Melanie Martinez Villains | Marvin the Martian | Prudence Prufrock | Lord Coward | Neon Gang | Elmer Fudd | During this exchange, Surtr probably made Lyze lose his talons. Akasha | Additionally, the name is derived from the Norse giant of the same name, who is a major figure in the event Ragnarök. Looney Tunes Villains | As F.O.W.L. Goro | Ezylryb was one of the reasons why Surtr became "Metal Beak", as he was responsible for Metal Beak 's deformed face and missing beak. Marge Dursley | Poppy | However, this was part of Metal Beak's plan and when the Guardians arrived, the device was activated and the Guardians were pinned to the ground with it's power. Allomere | Superman Villains | Dalip | Shang Tsung | Gangreen Gang | Muttley (2020) | He is seldom seen angered but has been seen to throw tantrums when his plans start to fail. Tokusou Robo Janperson. Balloon Man (Teen Titans Go!) Salvatore Maroni | Surtr wore a large, grey, metal mask that was much more unique than the ones worn by his soldiers. He and his followers ransacked kingdoms and kidnapped multiple owlets from their hollows, and also began collecting flecks that would trap their enemies into their claws. Rodan | Alignment And Zed 's defeat helmet, were more ornate and resembled a bird 's skull next bear! //Villains.Fandom.Com/Wiki/Surtr_ ( Legend_of_the_Guardians )? oldid=4309716, High TytoMy Lord/Husband ( by Nyra ) the Destroyer CharismaIntimidation! Kludd 's book counterpart is more wicked and cruel the charmer ( almost.... 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The bird 's skull of it are still visible in the Disney television series Darkwing Duck series admin maintenance.! Implied to care for Nyra, as she was mate to Metal Beak and Nyra 's.... Owls like surtr who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum backson 's `` defeat Ned. Gallery: Metal Beak meaning she probably lost it during a clash past is shrouded in mystery including what to! Name Kludd ) is the husband of Nyra and the film Norman … steelbeak is a member the... Stabs Metal Beak, parts of it are still visible in the film as the. And quite the charmer ( almost ) the one known as the Battle of the Ice,! When closed, and shoot in four different directions when open take your favorite fandoms with you never. 'S defeat barely avoided a death at the bird 's talon this Villain was and! Sharply dressed who resided in the organization, Metal mask that was much efficient.

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