nj transit monthly pass rules

Do not return your pass to NJTRANSIT. Children (ages 5-11) save 50 percent and up to three children (ages 4 and under) ride free with a passenger paying any valid fare. Unlimited trips between two rail stations during a calendar month (valid until noon of the first business day of the following month). Starter checks and checks payable to a second party will not be accepted. The customer's address must be imprinted or hand-printed on the check. To calculate a bus fare in New Jersey, please enter start and end destinations in the control and then click on Calculate Fare button. Passengers must board/deboard at the NJ TRANSIT Atlantic City Bus Terminal, within one block of the Absecon, Egg Harbor City, and Hammonton rail station, or directly in front of the Lindenwold rail station. For adults, monthly pass … You can use it to make unlimited trips on NJ TRANSIT bus routes for an entire calendar month for the number of zones indicated on the pass. Ticket agents/sellers will refund 10-trip tickets only if a complete set of ten wholly unused tickets is presented. (At local outlets passes are sold through the 5th of the month for which they are valid.). Simply show your valid rail pass to the bus operator or light rail fare inspector. But the threat of the $100 fine may not be enough to … The organization's name, address, and telephone number. Wait for August 19th @ 5:00pm. To locate a CTA near you, access the county list, then locate the merchant by convenient town listings that include the CTA name, address, and telephone number. //-->