If unable to make the submission through Listing Manager, as an alternative, listing documents may be submitted via email to [email protected]. Please refer to the 2.5.15 Corporate Governance: Certification Requirements for more information. Leadership defined by our market model, network, global visibility and services ... Forms, fees, manuals, applications and standards for our markets. Threshold securities listed for every settlement day. 3 copies must be provided to the Exchange when distributed to shareholders (at least 20 days in advance of the shareholders' meeting), unless otherwise filed electronically with the SEC. In the event that material to be filed within or submitted to the Exchange is not also submitted to the SEC via EDGAR, issuers must submit three (3) copies of such material to the Exchange. At least two weeks prior to intended share issuance date. NYSE American reviews and, if necessary, comments on the Additional Listing Application. ... NYSE American Options. Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. Navigating the evolving ESG landscape. The NYSE Arca listing application, listing agreement and SLAP can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE's fully integrated web application. Section 312.03 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual requires NYSE-listed companies to obtain shareholder approval prior to the issuance of common … 2 is available as a comment letter to this filing. Each aggregation scenario will undergo an individual "facts and circumstances" analysis, during which the following factors are considered: For questions regarding the listing of additional shares on the NYSE American, please call +1 212 656 5846. Notice must be emailed promptly to, At least 10 days advance notice of the proposed filing date of the charter amendment; and immediately upon filing the charter amendment. Submit within five business days after any triggering event specified on the interim affirmation form. When determination is made to cancel the listing authority. The guidance reminds NYSE-listed issuers that Sections 303A.08 and 312.03 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual outline the NYSE's shareholder approval requirements, including the matters on which shareholders may be required to vote. All rules and rule amendments filed and approved by the SEC pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 19b-4 thereafter. There are four basic steps in the additional listing process: Some transactions require the company to file an additional or substitution listing application, including: To meet stockholder approval requirements (for example, Section 712 and 713 of the NYSE American Company Guide), NYSE American staff may aggregate two or more transactions when they constitute one larger transaction. Specifically, Section 105(a) of the NYSE American Company Guide provides that NYSE American will not list warrants © Copyright 2021 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. The below NYSE American Corporate Governance Affirmations forms are interactive. directors. The company submits an Additional Listing Application —signed by an officer—along with supporting documentation and exhibits to the assigned corporate compliance analyst via email. Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. <3h>NYSE American Initial/Annual Corporate Governance Affirmation The Section 303A Corporate Governance Affirmations can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE’s fully integrated web application. The first step in the application process is to contact NYSE to request a confidential review of eligibility. If unable to make the submission through Listing Manager, as an alternative, the Section 303A Corporate Governance Affirmations provided below may be submitted via email to the Initial Listing Analyst reviewing the Original Listing Application. The following links provide the materials necessary to prepare an original listing application for the New York Stock Exchange. Overview of NYSE Quantitative Initial Listing Standards – The following charts provide an overview of the quantitative initial listing standards for the New York Stock Exchange. Why Companies List on Our Markets. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or +1 212 656 4651. Listing of Additional Shares Application and Supporting Documentation. Electronic submission of material to the SEC through EDGAR satisfies the Exchange's filing requirement. For an existing NYSE Arca issuer to list additional securities, it must receive NYSE Arca authorization and file a Supplemental Listing Application ("SLAP"). Visit the Listing section of the NYSE website to find resources for companies seeking to list, including company manuals, listing standards, and listing fees. Notice must be emailed promptly to, Material Disposition of Property or Stock, Knowledge of Actual or Proposed Deposit of Stock, At least 10 days advance notice of the proposed filing date of the charter amendment; and immediately upon filing the charter amendment. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or +1 212 656 4651. Example 1 - A company’s registration statement is declared effective on January 15, 2004, the company lists on the NYSE on January 16, 2004, and the company does not hold an annual meeting prior to October 31, 2004. NYSE Listed Company Manual * * * * * 202.06 Procedure for Public Release of Information (A) Immediate Release Policy [The normal method of publication of important corporate data is by means of a press release. The Company will follow the shareholder approval requirements listed in Section 613 of the TSX Company Manual in connection with ompensation equity c arrangements. 19b-4 filings relate to proposed changes to the NYSE American Rules and federal securities laws. Consistent with the NYSE's traditional approach, as well as the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, certain provisions of Section 303A are applicable to some listed companies but not to others. An "X" in the EDGAR column indicates material that can currently be submitted to the SEC through EDGAR. As one of the most prestigious exchanges to be listed on, the NYSE American affords its patron companies many opportunities not found elsewhere. The Exchange is proposing several changes to Section 312.03(b) of the Manual. NYSE Section 303A Initial Corporate Governance Affirmation. This may be either by telephone or in written form. At least ten days in advance of shareholders’ meeting is required. For an issuer to list on NYSE Arca, it must receive NYSE Arca authorization and file a Listing Application and Listing Agreement and other required documents. All outstanding proposed rule changes, called 19b-4 filings, filed by NYSE American with the SEC. NYSE American approves the Additional Listing Application. If unable to make the submission through Listing Manager, as an alternative, the NYSE American Corporate Governance Affirmation provided below may be submitted via email to [email protected]. Scroll down for the appropriate market. Typically, the NYSE American would reject an application for the nature of the company’s business, regulatory history and future projections, and reputation of management. The Exchange states that these changes would bring its shareholder approval requirements into closer alignment with those of Nasdaq and NYSE American.9 First, the Exchange proposes to modify Navigating the evolving ESG landscape. As a registered securities exchange, NYSE American is subject to the regulatory oversight of the SEC and all rules and amendments must be filed with and approved by the SEC pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 19b-4 thereunder. 6 The Commission notes that … Notice must be emailed promptly to, Non-Compliance with Corporate Governance Listing Standards, At least 10 days advance notice of the change is required. NYSE Listed Company Manual (“Manual”) Section 802.01A does not apply to SPACs, defines the term “public stockholders,” and corrects typographical errors. requirements in Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual, including with regard to director independence. Threshold securities listed for every settlement day. Compliance with NYSE's Timely Disclosure Policy is separately required. Please refer to the 2.5.15 Corporate Governance: Certification Requirements for more information. Questions relating to the corporate governance affirmations or NYSE American corporate governance standards may be directed to +1 212 656 4542. Section 713 of the NYSE American Listed Company Guide requires a listed company to Please call +1 212 656 5846 if the assigned corporate compliance analyst is not known. Generic templates for the NYSE Arca Listing Application, Listing Agreement and SLAP can be found below. Establishment of Record Date for a Dividend or Annual / Special Shareholder Meeting. companies from reducing the exercise price of listed warrants. Our industry and sector expertise, which will be even more compelling following your SPAC’s business combination. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For additional guidance, issuers may contact their assigned corporate compliance analyst. • The company’s Section 303A compliance date will be October 31, 2004. Press Releases on Material Corporate Developments, Immediately. If unable to make the submission through Listing Manager, as an alternative, the NYSE American Corporate Governance Affirmation provided below may be submitted via email to the Initial Listing Analyst reviewing the Original Listing Application. All NYSE exchanges are registered securities exchanges, and are subject to the regulatory oversight of the SEC. The proposed rules would amend Sections 312.03, 312.04 and 314.00 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual (the “Manual”) to permit companies to sell stock to related parties without obtaining shareholder approval in a number of circumstances. Promptly (following effective date of the 1933 Act Registration Statement). If issuing material news between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:00 pm, listed companies are required to call the NYSE's Market Watch & Proxy Compliance team at least ten minutes in advance of issuance and a copy of the press release or other Reg-FD compliant method must be submitted via email to The unparalleled network of NYSE-listed companies. The NYSE has broad discretion in listing a company. Notice should be emailed to. Change in Number of Warrants Outstanding (for which Securities Traded Primarily in the U.S represents 25% or More of the Value of the Underlying Index). The Exchange will consider on a case-by-case basis the appropriateness for listing of companies ("acquisition companies" or … No later than 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on the determination date of the warrants' settlement value. Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. Leadership defined by our market model, network, global visibility and services ... Forms, fees, manuals, applications and standards for our markets. Separately, NYSE American permits reductions, but only if the reductions meet specific criteria. The NYSE American Section 810 Corporate Governance Affirmations can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE’s fully integrated web application. The proposed rule change is available on the Exchange’s website at www.nyse.com, at the principal office of the Exchange, and at the Commission’s 34-86117; File No. Please note that original signatures are required for all forms. 1A company decides to issue additional shares of a listed security. At least two months, but in no event less than 20 days, in advance of the extension. Completed Affirmations and CEO Certifications must be submitted within 30 days of your annual meeting. Issuers noncompliant with standards of delaying filing annual or interim reports, Issuers pending delisting form the Exchange, List of NYSE Group exchange disciplinary actions, List of discretionary/nondiscretionary vote determinations, Conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries, Interviews from business leaders' home offices, Application, Section 303A written affirmation, statement of understanding, Agreements and documents for Non-U.S. based companies, Application, written affirmation and statement of understanding, Listing Application, Listing Agreement and Supplemental Listing Application, NYSE Initial Listing Standards (includes closed end funds), NYSE Arca Listing Standards for ETPs – Rule 5, NYSE Arca Listing Standards for ETPs – Rule 8, NYSE Listed Company Manual Section 907.00 in effect prior to October 9, 2015, NYSE Listing Fees for Securities of Closed-End Funds, NYSE Listing Fees for Structured Products, NYSE Arca Listings Fees for Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), NYSE Bonds Listings Fees for Debt Securities and Listed Structured Products, 2.5.15 Corporate Governance: Certification Requirements. The forms must be saved to a local desktop drive before the work completed within the forms can be saved. Inquiries can also be sent through this system. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or +1 212 656 4651. NYSE Listed Company Manual ***** Section 1—The Listing Process ***** 102.06 Minimum Numerical Standards - Acquisition Companies . ... NYSE American Options. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or + 1 212 656 4651. NYSE American periodically issues interpretive guidance related to SEC and exchange rules. See Section 1 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual for a more complete description of the initial listing standards. statement relating to the securities being listed. Offering traders deep liquidity across listed option contracts. Leadership defined by our market model, network, global visibility and services, Critical to floor operations and offering global visibility, Companies host thousands of events at the Exchange, Data and analytics to support your IR program, Forms, fees, manuals, applications and standards for our markets, The world's most trusted equities exchange, An exchange designed for growing companies, Supporting the institutional brokerage community, Combining the high performance of NYSE Pillar technology with a taker/maker fee schedule, Offering traders deep liquidity across listed option contracts, Offering an anonymous, flat, open market structure, Access to live, executable, transparent prices, Notices, fees, rules, calendars, forms and order types for our markets, Announcements and market updates for our trading community, System status alerts for our market community, Current and historical regulatory halts (news pending/news dissemination and LULD, View market quality, program trading, rule 605 and other reports, Our integrated trading technology platform that connects to all of our equities and options markets, Promoting price improvement for individual investors on retail order flow for NYSE listed securities, Low-latency, real-time market data feeds cover the various asset classes and markets in the NYSE Group, Cross asset class data across markets in the NYSE Group and on the CTA and UTP nationally consolidated data feeds, Designed to improve risk management and provide insights into key company transaction activity, Volumes, transactions and other market reporting, Data Pricing, Policies, Contracts & Guidelines, Required contracts, documentation, and policies which govern vendor use and distribution of NYSE market data, Specifications, post trade user guides for connectivity, Connecting the global market community to the broadest ranges of data sources, Eligible products and policies for academic use, Filings, amendments, SEC releases, extensions, and withdrawals, Interpretations, info memos, weekly and education bulletins, and rule changes. (Release No. Why Companies List on Our Markets. On April 2, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the proposed rule change filed by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to amend certain of the shareholder approval requirements in the NYSE Listed Company Manual. Notice must be emailed promptly to, Proxy Statement, Forms of Proxy and Other Soliciting Materials (1934 Act). NYSE American Additional Listing Applications can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE’s fully integrated web application. the company. NYSE Listed Company Manual, Section 102.06(f) Latham & Watkins April 16, 2021 | Number 2868 | Page 9 If you have questions about this Client Alert, please contact one of the authors listed … Issuers noncompliant with standards of delaying filing annual or interim reports, Issuers pending delisting form the Exchange, List of NYSE Group exchange disciplinary actions, List of discretionary/nondiscretionary vote determinations, Conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries, Interviews from business leaders' home offices, Governing Documents, Related Information and NMS Plans, 2021 NYSE American Listed Company Compliance Guidance Memo, Changes Related to the Shortened Settlement Cycle (T+2), Guidance Regarding Changes to Date of an Issuer's Earnings Release, Corporate Governance: Certification Requirements, 2.5.15 Corporate Governance: Certification Requirements, NYSE American - Initial/Annual Domestic Company Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Interim Domestic Company Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Initial/Annual Foreign Private Issuer Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Interim Foreign Private Issuer Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Initial/Annual Open and Closed-End Investment Company Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Interim Open and Closed-End Investment Company Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Initial/Annual Special Entity Written Affirmation, NYSE American - Interim Special Entity Written Affirmation, Reconciliation Sheet for Technical Original Listing, Filing Instructions (See also Part 3 of NYSE American Company Guide), ATM offering/Equity Distribution confirmation letter, Learn More About Filing Complaints and Inquiries, Governing Documents and Related Information, Links to all relevant national market system plans or plan sites, Extension of the Expiration Date of Warrants. Section 312.07 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual establishes voting requirements for matters that require shareholder approval under NYSE rules—these include adoption of or material amendment to equity compensation plans, stock issuances in excess of 20% of the outstanding voting power, stock Annual Corporate Governance Affirmation and CEO Certification. A Compliance Manual for Non- US Companies | September 2014 i US Securities and NYSE Regulation A Compliance Manual for Non-US Companies As a result of registration of ordinary shares including in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) under Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. The proposed changes would bring the NYSE’s shareholder approval rules into closer alignment with those of Nasdaq and the NYSE American. Leadership defined by our market model, network, global visibility and services, Critical to floor operations and offering global visibility, Companies host thousands of events at the Exchange, Data and analytics to support your IR program, Forms, fees, manuals, applications and standards for our markets, The world's most trusted equities exchange, An exchange designed for growing companies, Supporting the institutional brokerage community, Combining the high performance of NYSE Pillar technology with a taker/maker fee schedule, Offering traders deep liquidity across listed option contracts, Offering an anonymous, flat, open market structure, Access to live, executable, transparent prices, Notices, fees, rules, calendars, forms and order types for our markets, Announcements and market updates for our trading community, System status alerts for our market community, Current and historical regulatory halts (news pending/news dissemination and LULD, View market quality, program trading, rule 605 and other reports, Our integrated trading technology platform that connects to all of our equities and options markets, Promoting price improvement for individual investors on retail order flow for NYSE listed securities, Low-latency, real-time market data feeds cover the various asset classes and markets in the NYSE Group, Cross asset class data across markets in the NYSE Group and on the CTA and UTP nationally consolidated data feeds, Designed to improve risk management and provide insights into key company transaction activity, Volumes, transactions and other market reporting, Data Pricing, Policies, Contracts & Guidelines, Required contracts, documentation, and policies which govern vendor use and distribution of NYSE market data, Specifications, post trade user guides for connectivity, Connecting the global market community to the broadest ranges of data sources, Eligible products and policies for academic use, Filings, amendments, SEC releases, extensions, and withdrawals, Interpretations, info memos, weekly and education bulletins, and rule changes. The proposal covers broad admission criteria; conditions for founding shareholders, the management team, and controlling shareholders; and business… The Section 303A Corporate Governance Affirmations can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE’s fully integrated web application. New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual 303A.02 Independence Tests In order to tighten the definition of "independent director" for purposes of these standards: (a) No director qualifies as "independent" unless the board of directors affirmatively determines that the director has Call the Market Watch Group at 877.NYX.ALRT (+1 877 699 2578 or +1 212 656 5414) and email a copy of the press release to, At least ten days in advance of record date is required. NYSE Regulation welcomes information from investors and others who believe that a member firm or individual broker may have violated securities rules and regulations. 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