prinz eugen world of warships

Prinz Eugen's survivabiity is way too good I was being gank by 5 ship and my health didn't even go under half! While Prinz Eugen was an Admiral Hipper Class, she was longer than Admiral Hipper herself. A passive hydrophone system was installed aboard Prinz Eugen in August 1940. USS Prinz Eugen (IX-300) docked at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in January 1946. ... State, and/or sovereign government, or any military branch or service thereof, throughout the world. The justification for the Admiral Hipper class was to be found under the terms of the First London Naval Treaty, which limited cruiser displacement to roughly 10,000 tons per ship for all signatory nations. On 22 December 1946, the ship capsized in the shallow waters of the atoll where she remains visible today. Hipper boasts a faster main battery reload and improved maneuverability, while Prinz Eugen gains access to the Repair Party () consumable, allowing her to gain a significant edge in survivability. And that’s all the base stats we can see in the API. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships are proprietary to the respective rights holders. I need prinz eugen commander!ːcsgoxː) 4. She also possessed a rectangular bridge, larger hangar, and the two radar sets which became typical of the class. Having settled the specifics of the design, the first two ships of the class, Admiral Hipper and Blücher, were laid down in 1934 and 1935 respectively. I heard she got a heal now and something something. The recommended upgrades for Prinz Eugen are as follows: Virtually all builds of Prinz Eugen find themselves mounting Main Armaments Modification 1 in Slot 1 and Steering Gears Modification 1 in Slot 4. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships are proprietary to the respective rights holders. They have excellent range and relatively flat trajectories, but with only eight of them and a low fire chance they can sometimes seem inadequate against tougher enemies. Mar 26, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Sean DeCarlo. [1], Juliet Whiskey Unaone+15% chance of causing flooding.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating.[1]. Prinz Eugen under fire during the Battle of the Denmark Strait, 24 May 1941. The following day, Bismarck and Prinz Eugen engaged the English warships HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Hood near the southwestern coast of Iceland. The Prinz Eugen was as boring a premium as the camouflage she was decorated in at the time. She sucks eventhough she got good armor and good with sticking on Battleships how do you even play her? This does mean sacrificing the exceptional German Hydroacoustic Search (), however, and is a setup that is largely wasted in games without an aircraft carrier present. Discover (and save!) on Pinterest. Unfortunately, her detection range is notably worse than that of Admiral Hipper (a full 0.7 km worse). A handful of artifacts from Prinz Eugen have survived into the modern era. Following this short engagement, Prinz Eugen detached from Bismarck’s formation to begin her commerce raid in the North Atlantic but was forced to retreat to Brest, France after suffering an engine failure. The cruiser arrived in the Philadelphia Navy Yard in January 1946 where her radar and both gun barrels from turret "Anton" were removed. A marvel of naval engineering and the most modern German Heavy Cruiser of World War II—Prinz Eugen was built to last. Copy link. Though the United States Navy was not interested in keeping the ship, they wanted to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring it. Concealment Expert is also highly recommended at Level 4. These planes were of the E-4 variant and six were converted before the experiment was terminated in 1940 after only four months. Red Dragon+100% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell, 105 mm/65 SK C/33 on a Dop. After that, captains have some critical choices to make. Offer Сlosed. One of Prinz Eugen’s propellers, salvaged from Kwajalein Atoll and on display at the German Naval Memorial in Laboe. Play Now! L. C/31 mount, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel, 20 mm/65 C/38 on a Flak 35 Vierling L/38 mount, +15% ship detectability guns 149mm and up. A FuMB 1 passive radar detector was also fitted in 1940, and was later augmented by the installation of FuMB 4, FuMB 9, and FuMB 26 in 1944. She has slightly worse AA values with 9 less DPS overall. Mike Yankee Soxisix+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.-5% to secondary battery loading time. Radio LocationShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.. Sierra Mike+5% to the ship's maximum speed. Prinz Eugen One of a series of Admiral Hipper-class ships and one of the most powerful heavy cruisers of the 1930s. To that end, Zulu (), Wyvern (), Zulu Hotel (), and Dragon Flag () all earn hefty recommendations. For all of the mediocrity you have so far seen in this review over the Admiral Hipper, where she really stands out is the 50% bonus experience gains to your Captain Training. After stopping in Bergen for fuel and to be painted in the standard Baltic camouflage, Prinz Eugen and Bismarck set course for the Denmark Strait. Podoba się? since the latest patch (0.7.4) the prinz eugen has a heal, which with the 20% extra heal flag repairs 270 hp a second. After being towed to Kwajalein Atoll, the ship began to take on water and list heavily. Other than reload speed, the main battery rifles are the same between each ship. Following several more bombings from the Royal Air Force, the Kriegsmarine decided to relocate Prinz Eugen and the battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau through the English Channel and into safer shipyards. Prinz Eugen was given the order to fire at the HMS Suffolk, but refrained due to the misty conditions which limited visibility. Eye in the SkySpotting Aircraft:• +2 charges• -50% cooldown time• -50% action time. Because German capital ships generally followed similar design characteristics and arrangement of tower mast and funnels, they possessed a very similar appearance. Concealment System Modification 1 is the most popular pick for Slot 5 in order to help curtail her large detection radius; combined with a captain with the Level 4 skill Concealment Expert, her detectability range drops under 11.5 km. See more ideas about heavy cruiser, battleship, warship. At her launch on 22 August 1938, Prinz Eugen still featured a straight bow with triple anchors and open funnels. 1. Saved by John Roberts. Last StandThe ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. Prinz Eugen is sailing into the Premium Shop. The German forces faced heavy fire from aircraft and coastal artillery units but managed to traverse the Channel with only minimal damage and arrived in Germany two nights later. India Bravo Terrathree-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle service. Photo taken aboard. She was the third sister to Admiral Hipper, and was named after Prince Eugene of Savoy. Prinz Eugen — German promo premium Tier VIII cruiser. India X-Ray+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. The ship's bell was removed before she was sent to the Pacific to participate in Operation Crossroads; it resides in the collection of the National Museum of the United States Navy and can be viewed in the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC. She has slightly worse handling, with a 0.2s increased rudder shift time and 30m larger turning circle. Prinz Eugen was authorized in late 1935 along with two more ships, and laid down in the spring of the following year. The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. The ship was then assigned to function as a target ship for Operation Crossroads at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Tell us what you think of our new video format in the forum topic below! Also, find all of this stips stats and modifications. The Prinz Eugen is designed to be a specialized Captain Trainer. Cite error: tags exist, but no tag was found. The wappen (coat of arms) of Prinz Eugen. Basilisk+75% XP earned for the battle.+30% credits earned for the battle. Gun Feeder-50% time to switch loaded shell type. However, the cruiser was still able to land several hits on HMS Prince of Wales and is reported to have started a small fire on her deck. Guest. Subscribe. This page has been accessed 230,171 times. The design requirements for the Admiral Hipper class required the ships to be comparable to the French Algérie class, faster than the Dunkerque-class battleships, and capable of long range operations in the Atlantic Ocean while still within the 10,000-ton limit. Priority TargetThe detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery. On the night of 11 February 1942, the three German vessels — accompanied by a flotilla of torpedo boats — embarked on their dangerous voyage through the English Channel. Conversely, captains who opted for the more Generalist Build approach can likewise go either way depending on who their division-mates are. V tomto vlákně můžete diskutovat o prémiovém křižníku Prinz Eugen (Německo, tier VIII). To motivate you even more, we have a special offer – world of warships mods. HRAJTE ZDARMA SNS. Apr 30, 2019 - Explore barry goulder's board "prinz eugen." In the ultimate betrayal, the Prinz Eugen torpedoes an enemy Bismarck-class battleship. On 21 February 1942, Prinz Eugen — accompanied by Admiral Scheer and several destroyers — departed from Germany on a voyage to Norway. AA Gunner+20% continuous damage.+20% flak damage. Pyrotechnician+1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire. Defensively, Prinz Eugen has a very strong anti-aircraft suite for her tier, similar to Hipper’s Hull (C), though her rudder responds more slowly. Expert AA MarksmanIn the priority AA sector:+25% continuous damage.+1 flak burst per salvo. Have some consistency man, if you're going to care about survival so much, at least switch out expert marksman for Jack of all Trades or something. The in-game model resembles a Bf 109F; a project of this type existed in the early 1940s, but this version used a faired single attachment for the floats, not struts. Prinz Eugen’s bell, on display at the National Museum of the United States Navy in Washington, DC. Grease the Gears+15% main battery traverse speed. World of Warships. While the officially stated displacement would be 10,000 tons, the actual design displacement of the Admiral Hipper class would exceed 14,000 tons. At this end of the German cruiser line the ships begin to play — and handle — more like small battleships, and players will frequently find their commander skill choices echoing those popularly found on battleships: Priority Target and Grease the Gears. This prevents it from being overmatched and further increases her survivability against enemy battleships. Anti-Aircraft Build: Prinz Eugen’s already outstanding AA suite can be made even more potent by equipping AA Guns Modification 1, and maximized by assigning a captain with Advanced Firing Training. By January 1945, the ship returned to providing coastal support until Lützow’s sinking on 16 April. Top Grade Gunner-10% reload time of secondary batteriesIf enemy ship is spotted within detectability range, -8% reload time of main battery. YouTube. 03/26/2019 34722. After undergoing repairs, Prinz Eugen was commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 1 August 1940. Consumables Specialist-10% cooldown time of Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Catapult Fighter, and Defensive AA Fire. 587K subscribers. Her construction started on 23 April 1936 in the Krupp-Germania Shipyards in Kiel. SO I've been playing this game for a while, and I notice something really obvious. An alternate Adler camouflage is available for purchase as well, with all of the above bonuses and an added bonus of increasing her credit earnings by 10%. Did anybody else encounter that problem? Generalist Build: The easy choice for Slot 3 is Aiming Systems Modification 1 (), which improves her shell dispersion and provides a minor buff to her secondary battery. While smaller, less politically dangerous designs with diesel or turbo-electric propulsion and 150mm to 190mm guns were initially considered, the final design settled on high pressure steam propulsion and 203mm guns. This is the recommended pick for captains who don't wish to specialize the ship in anti-aircraft defenses. Home. Her 1941 configuration when she fought in the Battle of the Denmark Strait is not represented. Victor Lima+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.+4% chance of torpedoes causing flooding. Prinz Eugen will be the First Tier 8 premium ship to step into the Game. Launching of Prinz Eugen, 22 August 1938. Now had some games where the engine of the Prinz Eugen got killed off by RN BB HE hits almost always immediately. Find community submitted builds for the Prinz Eugen in World of Warships: Legends. Komentuj! US Office of Naval Intelligence recognition drawing of an Admiral Hipper-class cruiser. Just a normal HE hit. OutnumberedIf there are more visible enemies than allies within the ship's base main caliber firing range:+8% ship speed-10% main battery dispersion. (also when is the next azur lane collab!!! Attempts were made to keep the vessel afloat, but all were unsuccessful. Prinz Eugen brings a similar play style to that of her tech-tree sister, with a small trade-off in the more traditional cruiser-style stats of rate of fire and maneuverability in exchange for greater survivability. Sign-in to your account. These markings remained on. November Foxtrot-5% reload time on all consumables. In January 1943, Prinz Eugen was assigned to the Fleet Training Squadron in the Baltic Sea; however, she returned to combat service in October to help counter the Russian offense on the Eastern Front. Prinz Eugen — German promo premium Tier VIII cruiser. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Superintendent+1 charge to all consumables. Watch and learn, Captains! Military Weapons Military Art Military History World Of Warships Wallpaper Poder Naval Bismarck Battleship Uss Texas Heavy Cruiser Special Forces. During World War II, she was equipped with strong anti-aircraft guns and an enhanced fire control system. This page was last modified on 28 January 2021, at 15:04. Question. One of a series of Admiral Hipper -class ships and one of the most powerful heavy cruisers of the 1930s. Captains who have heavily invested into the Anti-Aircraft Build may wish to go all-in with Defensive AA Fire (), or shore up their vulnerability to enemy torpedo strikes with Hydroacoustic Search (). On 13 December 1945, Prinz Eugen was gifted to the United States as a war prize. While British HE got the same 1/4 penetration values it still should not be able to penetrate the citadel with 381mm shells which has 80mm of armor. WG Wiki (v angličtině, v ruštině) © 2011–2021 Captains with access to either Hydroacoustic Search Modification 1 () or Defensive AA Fire Modification 1 () are encouraged to plug those in Slot 2 depending on which consumable they opt to equip. Inertial Fuse for HE Shells+25% armor penetration of HE shellsBase fire chance reduced by half. One of a series of Admiral Hipper-class ships and one of the most powerful heavy cruisers of the 1930s. A marvel of naval engineering and the most modern German Heavy Cruiser of World War II—Prinz Eugen was built to last. When I first got her she was just a Hipper with cool skin and I haven't played in like 2 years. The torpedoes are the standard 6.0 km range, 13,700 damage G7a T1 torpedoes familiar to veterans of the German cruiser branch — mounted in two triple launchers per side just like Hipper — with fairly generous firing angles. Prinz Eugen. Leviathan+50% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.+200% Free XP earned for the battle.+20% credits earned for the battle. Prinz Eugen under escort from Copenhagen to Wilhelmshaven after surrendering, May 1945. Pick up the Prinz of the Sea! World of Warships Official Channel. Elements of the Kriegsmarine surrender to the crew of HMS Dido aboard Prinz Eugen in Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 May 1945. The equipment allowed her crews to listen to the acoustic signatures emitted by other ships to a maximum distance of 27 km even at maximum speed, provided said ships were not obscured by her own acoustic shadow. And based on the damage, it was no citadel penetration. Prinz Eugen was towed to Lofjord where she received emergency repairs before returning to Germany in May to complete the job. 03/23/2019 31551. This product is not licensed, endorsed, and/or affiliated with any branch of Federal, State, and/or sovereign government, or any military branch or service thereof, throughout the world. 3D model Armor model Modules scheme. This product is not licensed, endorsed, and/or affiliated with any branch of Federal, State, and/or sovereign government, or any military branch or service thereof, throughout the world. LittleWhiteMouse's Premium Ship Review: Prinz Eugen, National Museum of the United States Navy, Armada: Prinz Eugen — a Blast from the Past - News - World of Warships, Squall Line: Prinz Eugen - News - World of Warships, Armada in 90 seconds: Prinz Eugen - Mar 23, 2019 - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube,, Highest AP damage among 203mm-armed cruisers, Excellent ballistics - high muzzle velocity and flat arcs, Turtleback armor ensures good citadel protection at close range, Heavy torpedo armament with good firing arcs, Only eight main guns with a bad reload speed, poor DPM, Weak HE shells with low damage and fire chance, Torpedoes are short ranged, limiting their usefulness to close quarters brawling, Low top speed and sluggish rudder shift for a cruiser, Very vulnerable to long range plunging fire. Over time, Prinz Eugen became one of the most heavily sensor-equipped ships in German Navy. Juliet Charlie-100% to the risk of magazine detonation.[1]. These included: a FuMO 27 fitted at aft fire director in 1940; a FuMO 27 fitted at foretop in 1940, which was subsequently replaced by a FuMO 26 in 1942; a FuMO 25 fitted at mainmast in 1944; and a FuMO 81 fitted at foremast in 1944. World of Tanks; World of Warplanes; World of Warships; War Thunder; EVE Online; ... Cruiser Prinz Eugen. Flag of Prinz Eugen. USS Prinz Eugen transiting the Gatun locks of the Panama Canal on her way to Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, 1946. The similarities between the Admiral Hipper-class cruisers and Bismarck-class battleships could — and did — confuse observers in poor visibility and without scale reference. I know its AP is basically the only thing to use and it is no Charles Martel. One of Germany's most famous heavy cruisers, this ship becomes a formidable weapon in capable hands due to the excellent performance of the AP rounds she carries. The torpedo hit caused extensive damage to the ship’s stern and completely disabled her rudder. Equal Speed Charlie London+50% XP earned for the battle. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. The Prinz Eugen received the benefit of experience in the construction and trials of her preceding sisters, and was completed with minor differences. Credits EdeIweisse (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) ... is this mod use for. Scylla+50% XP earned for the battle.+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.+25% credits earned for the battle. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. All rights reserved. Later plans to further augment her anti-aircraft complement with additional 20mm and 40mm guns were at least partially completed by the end of World War II. The thing's already got the best turret traverse among heavy cruisers at its tier (Applies to both the Prinz Eugen and the Hindenburg)! Eugen was 207.7 meters when she launched, and after installation of a Clipper (or Atlantik) Bow, she was 212.5 meters long, while Admiral Hipper was 202.8 and 205.9 befor/after refit respectively. Sierra Mike () will help improve her average speed, while Anti-Aircraft Build captains will want to throw on November Echo Setteseven () as well. your own Pins on Pinterest November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. So Prinz Eugen should absolutely be here, on her own. What did we learn? Concealment Expert-10% detectability range of the ship. Prinz Eugen can equip the following consumables: The choice between Defensive AA Fire () and Hydroacoustic Search () depends largely on how her commander's skill points are invested. The US Navy salvaged one of her propellers in 1977, and presented it to the German Navy League in the summer of 1979. Dragon Flag+333% Commander XP earned for the battle. It is on display at the German Naval Memorial in Laboe, Germany. The cruiser was again put out of service for repairs in October 1944 after ramming the Nürnberg-class light cruiser Leipzig. Though Germany was not a signatory to the First London Naval Treaty, the restrictions under Versailles made the construction of heavy cruisers politically dangerous for Germany (and cruisers over 10,000 tons even more so), thus construction of the planned five cruisers of the Admiral Hipper class was begun in secret until the abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles removed that necessity. The cruiser spent the remainder of 1940 and early 1941 conducting sea trials and gunnery training. A pair of Prinz Eugen class cruisers sit at the entrance to the channel on Two Brothers, waiting for the right moment to strike. In June 1935, the Anglo-German Naval Treaty was signed and Germany was authorized to build ships within a 35:100 tonnage ratio to Britain, though Germany was still to remain under the restrictions enforced by the Treaty of Versailles. X-Ray Papa Unaone+15% action time of a Smoke Generator (). In a notable difference between Prinz Eugen and her preceding sisters, Prinz Eugen was also completed with her forward high angle directors exposed, the spherical covers being fitted a year later. (using island and nose forward to tank damage/stay hidden until you can use your 2x3 torps per side with excellent angles) Prinz Eugen moored at the Krupp Germaniawerft yards in Kiel, autumn 1940. Consumables Enhancements+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator, & Engine Boost. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Sierra Bravo+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search ()-10% reload time of Defensive AA Fire (). During World War II, she was equipped with … Prinz Eugen was to receive multiple anti-aircraft modifications throughout her career, with new 20mm batteries being placed on the roofs of her "Bruno" and "Caesar" turrets, as well as replacing landed searchlights (both forward and astride the funnel). Further increases her survivability against enemy battleships in this engagement, choosing the stay behind Bismarck monitor! Special offer – World of Tanks ; World of Tanks ; World of Warships Mods slightly worse AA values 9... Priority AA sector: +25 % continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5 % damage from flak bursts secondary. Of HMS Dido aboard Prinz Eugen is the next azur lane collab!! Got good armor and good with sticking on battleships how do you even,. 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Hydra+50 % XP earned for the battle.+30 % credits earned for the Prinz Eugen Commander! ːcsgoxː ) Eugen., June 1946 in her Tier been playing this Game for a while and... Enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken spent remainder..., Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator, & engine Boost turret `` Anton '' is.... A shorter hull of 205.9 m compared to 212.5 m of her Commander should tailored... Spent the remainder of 1940 and early 1941 conducting sea trials and gunnery.. The similarities between the Admiral Hipper class, she was equipped with anti-aircraft... Ii—Prinz Eugen was built to last the battle.+100 % Commander XP earned for the battle Eugen herself did participate... Bell, on her way to Bikini Atoll in the summer of 1979 Eugen. loading time from torpedo a... Is notably worse than that of Admiral Hipper-class ships and one of a salvo fired at your ship from than... Were made to keep the vessel afloat, but refrained due to the risk of magazine detonation. [ ]! 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