she is very gorgeous to me copy and paste

I’d like to run this race to the end and therefore, wear gloriously the crown of love. In the day, I’ll make you glow and at night, I’ll let you have a sound sleep like a sleeping child. I longed to let the whole world know that you are mine, it quickly occurred to me that more than a little of men would gaze in envy. I’ll love you like you want to be loved cause your happiness is my goal. I’ll be a better friend when it’s dark than the moon and stars to the earth at night. Be my love till the end of time, my darling. Take my heart with you and let’s swim in the river of passion. Each of my gazes on you is to let you know that I’m trapped within your heart. Just think it in your heart, and I’ll be sure to make your dreams come true. Everything dies when you are not by myself. But everything comes alive the moment I see your beautiful smile next to me again. Babe, just wanted to let you know that if anyone tries to flirt with me – whether it’s in person or over a text message – I will proudly let them know that I am in a very committed and loving relationship with my amazing boyfriend. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You made me realise that love was to found me and when it did, I knew in my heart that I was blessed amongst all men. If I fail to be anything in life, I’ll be sure to make a good husband to you. I need to be around you. Even hell won’t forbid me from loving you the way that I want to. But with our hearts as one, we’ll make it into the palace of peace where the waters of love surrounds our home, where the green grasses of prosperity swerves in awe of our love. This much I know, cause you preserved yourself from a stream of men who wanted you so badly. I love you.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-narrow-sky-1-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1')}; .narrow-sky-1-multi-116{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. I want you to love me wholeheartedly simply because I love you truly. And if I ever make it to heaven, I want your love to make me qualified. So keep using and keep creating different font ideas that people LOVE. I’m thankful for the gifts you’ve given to me. If I ever misbehave by your side, please call me to order, cause I’ll be ready to follow your bid. Fire may be quenchable and rivers may dry out, but never will this flame of love die down and never will my feelings for you be gone. I’ll keep you safe in our home. I will always find a place in my heart to keep you especially. Love is the best thing to ever happen to me, cause I found you, honey. Do you use Windows 8, you must only use the Windows search for the term search “Character”. I’ll build your world with the moon and the sun. As soon as my eyes sight the glorious sun, your thoughts inevitably travel so fast to my head. You’re the one that makes my life beautiful. You are the brightest star of my night. As the clock ticks away, I’ll confess my love for you. I love you so much to keep you till eternity to come. No matter how indescribable your feelings may be, and how much she overwhelms you, in all truth, there are thousands of words that make a great paragraph to capture precisely what you feel for your lady. I just want to be yours forever. If I miss out on the beautiful things of life, I’ll fight to have a taste of your love, my darling. 81. Your innate vigour is rare and your eloquence speaks well of you than the Queen of England. 98. Something in movies and in TV shows. Simply type or copy the normal text into the blank text field. My love, you’re everything. Your hair waves like happy grasses on the field. You’re a different type of lady. You’re simply the best of everything there is. As the name suggests, kaomojis come from Japan and are distinct from Western emoticons in that they are meant to be written and read horizontally. 8. I’ll let my life be an expression of this love. They both went into the house. I’ll love you so much so, you’ll be satisfied. Know this much is true, I love you more than I could ever love anyone else. And it still is. Like a fresh breeze, your love swept my heart. Select this like a regular text, and copy to the clipboard. When I have reasons to smile, sharing it with you is my first thought. Simply say the word and I’ll be anything for you, my love. Bullet point symbol and • middle dot point symbol are icons used to introduce items in a list. 10. 80. I’ll build my world around you and love you like I can’t any other. I love you, my lady. The best thing my heart ever did well was to love you. By your side, I recognised I couldn’t do it all alone. You give meaning to my life with each word you say to me. And when the heat of anger betides me, it’s you I desire to share my pain with. I’ll buy anything worthy of your touch as long as you be mine forever.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; 15. I’ll forever keep the fire of my love burning in your heart. Let the flood see that it cannot sweep away the tent of our love because it is made with rocks and gems. Do not hesitate to spend forever with me; it is the most beautiful place to be in. Your heart cannot be broken; it will always remain whole. Come what may, I’ll storm the weather with you. Say it as you want it and I’ll do it the way you want. Remember my love for you all the way, so, you’d come back to me even when you’re gone away. I know there will come a time when we’ll fight for what we have and what we believe in. Life might be full of thorns, but the roses alone will I present to you. Together, we’ll have a nice time saving each other from harm’s way. My angel, your wings are my ride to eternal bliss. I have faith in this great love betwixt us because you capture my heart away from all earthly worries. Your pulchritude is a blatant head turner for all sexes. I’ll show you the truth of my heart and take you to the moon where we can both consume our love in its entirety. If you ever do me wrong, love will stand in for you. I met a girl who is very loyal to me. Hence I’m now a source of envy. I await the dawn of a new day because it is a divine gift of being by your side whilst beholding your sweet lips again. 8. 11. I want to be everything you’re not, so you can be attracted to me. How to copy and paste between files. Take my word for it, my darling; I just want to be with you for the rest of my life.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-narrow-sky-2-0')}; 41. I’ll always love you.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-sky-3-0')}; 79. I couldn’t wish for a better lover because you truly complete me. You’re the apple of my eyes and the one precious gem in my sight. You mean the world to me. Nothing is too big in my hands that I wouldn’t let go to you because my greatest reward is having you by my side, my love. I can share in your pain and joy, I wouldn’t mind. If the continents drift, my love for you will remain steadfast. I need more of your love as every second goes by because it is my strength. I do not mind swimming till the end of oceans, as long as you’re swimming with me, my true love. And my dream of love, hence, I’ll work hard for you to come live this dream with me. In a little room sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax. Lay your head on my shoulder for it was made for you. I can never place anything else above you, not even my need will I prioritize above your need. How powerful than the decree of the king is your step! You make life worth living twice. The features of your beautiful face are prominent; your high cheekbones jut out the ones of a supermodel. And so, I wait in love all night long dreaming of the nights where that star lays by my side from heaven afar. is a huge collection of song lyrics, album information and featured video clips for a seemingly endless array of artists — collaboratively assembled by our … Copy and Paste. I can assure you that, you’ll always be happy with me. Like an everlasting rock, you’ll dwell in my heart forever. You appeared unblemished and without a fault. I’ll never love again, for I’ve found my one and only true love. Without you, I’ll fail in love. I’ve searched through the earth ditto, the midst of angels, yet I find no one like you. I’d like you to kiss me first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Love is the most miraculous feeling every; it gives invisible wings and invincible strength. 8. 60. The thought of you has beclouded my mind. I’m committed to loving and adoring you like my idol. ᐈ Symbols Copy and Paste 1000+ Cool Text Symbols Best website for symbols copy and paste Welcome to, which is the best symbols copy and paste website, here you will get all kinds of symbols, text emojis and text symbols for copy and paste which you can use in … Touching you is my miracle. And all eyes will see how elated we are in love. Make me your own every day of your life. 91. 8. 52. 13. 6. I love you.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-small-square-2-0')}; 92. The joy that arises from the core of my heart and the cool springs of water that quenches the fire of anger within me. Never love me less. So, be not afraid for my desires are with you. I’ll make the men on earth go on a search for love. On the wings of love, I hope we fly to eternal life where our souls are redeemed to love over and over again. Before I found you, the winds of loneliness howled in my heart continuously. Let’s take today as the last day on earth, so we rest fully inside the tent of love. The one you’ll hold unto in the storms of life. What makes me feel better is my sacrificial love towards you and what makes me feel undeserving is your love towards me. 76. I’m not ashamed to look into the eyes of the world to tell her how much I love you. So a day will come when we’ll only live in sheer abundance, basking in love and joy. You’re a paragon of class. Like a great warmth of feeling; my ardor for you cannot be quenched. Then the desired icon is selected and can be easily inserted into the document. I never knew there was a feeling more pleasant than the faithfulness of solitude until you made the beauty of a union of two hearts so appealing to me. Such a fortress you are, I feel safe and secured in your presence. With might and strength, I’ll let you see how far I can go for you. I love you to the moon and back. Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste … The best star to feature in my life is you. So, I’ll make you mine till time stops to count. Her smile makes me feel heaven is for real. 64. In the strait of fears, I’ll be there to save the day. Our kingdom will last, cause you’ll be the queen and your word will be irresistible. Love will always be constant between us. The feelings are so very difficult to express. When computers, in a number of ways, have taken over physical interaction and sometimes even emotions, the generic computer-generated fonts also take away whatever is left of it. Let the touch of your loving palm heal me of my sorrow. 30. He couldn't please her whim. Now, I ask so humbly that, you make my dreams come true for it is my greatest wish while I breathe. You make me feel worthy of your love and your touch redeems my soul. You will get here all types of fancy letter symbols, cool symbol, Lenny face, text faces and many other types of cool text symbols. I’ll not only adore you with the good things of life. I hope you let your smile be my joy for the rest of my days. I do not mind walking the path of thorns just to pick you the most scintillating roses. I love you, my dear angel. Oh! With the strength of my voice, the rivers will roar, from the melody of which I sing, the winds would blow. We’ll only make it to the end if we allow our love to blossom. There is no shame in love, hence, I’ll show you off for all eyes to see like an epic artifact in a world-class museum. And when I’m down, I’ll lift you up so you won’t feel the pain of falling. I’d like to take this love with me to the moon where no man would envy its beauty. I embrace everything that you represent. No wonder – it is considered simple expression of love, friendship and solidarity. And I love every bit of getting to know you better. Read more Long Cute Paragraphs for Him to Wake up to Copy and Paste With Emojis. Your arm feels like the cradle of a sleeping child. I didn’t know it was love then, I just knew I had to find a way to be around you. A circle is complete at 360°. You are one beautiful princess that is worth more than anything in the world. Cute love paragraphs for girlfriend coy and paste. No matter how tough it gets, this road will lead me to only one heart. 25. I’ll admire my legs for how far it has come with you. I noticed that visitors of my site like artful text pictures. If you ever leave me, I’ll be broken cause my heart is well built by your words and presence. 38. Use them to destroy ambiguity and help your friends experience your text as you want. I’ll make everything I have yours and dance to the rhythm of your command. Glancing through the earth, I find your portrait more attractive than the one of classic Juliet. In the synagogue, I’ll go worship with you and in the house of music, I’ll dance joyfully with you. As a proof of my love for you, in times of war, I’ll never let you go. Copy and paste one of these love letters. A spark will transform into a beam of light; never will our fire die down. Flowing endlessly as the waters of an ocean. I’ll draw in the scent of your body, I’ll perceive your perfume all day long because it is joy and life to me. ... for showing up n00bs on Steam, or just for sending messages full of beautiful text to your buddies. I’ll return the favour into your bosom. Heart Symbol Text ♥ Easy Copy & Paste The heart symbol is one of the most popular characters on the World Wide Web and is used every day almost a million times. And I can smile through the odds of life as though it had nothing on me. The angels on high would sing the hymns of love to celebrate what purity our love is. Nothing renders me speechless like you. And prepare your body for my devotion. My only regret is failing to love you before now; I’ll make it up in eternity. Let’s hold each other tight like an anchor in the midst of a storm. So, I promise to love you like a final judgment would happen tomorrow on earth. I’ll love you till my heavenly Father can feel it on His throne. My words are unchanging and my feelings are infallible. So, look no further, my love. My legs desire to be in the company of yours as they travel the path of love. These technological advancements lead to people becoming increasingly busy. I’ll glory my love in its strength to do you right. I’m elated to let my mother hear the sound of your voice and behold the beauty of your face as I have seen the one of your heart. First, with the look in my eyes, the tone of my voice and the stretch of my hand, I’ll deliver my love to you. I hope you love me till the end of time, my darling. Like a plane, my heart takes flight whenever it sees you. Every day will burn a new passion for you. You came into my world and you invited me into yours with the way you cherish and love me. I’ll travel to the cardinals of the earth to bring you treasures untold. 90. I love the colour of your hair, it attracts every sparkling thing to you. The sea would not drown me cause I’m already drowning in your love. My heart breathes fine because it loves you without an iota of doubt. I’ll live my life to please you, cause I know you only want the best for me. I now breath in and breath out love because my heart is in love with a queen.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-square-1-0')}; 84. I’ll live to my old age to have a taste of your love for the longest of time. Don’t hide your feelings for me. Your eyes have captured me into your heart. Ever since you came into my life, you’ve filled me with very special, lovely and sweet indelible memories. You call out my name in the dark to show that you trust me. The only difference is that I won’t let your light set on me, even if I have to run with all my heart and soul to keep up with you. You’re the spring of my prosperity, cause loving you makes me be at my best. No matter how long it takes to prove my love for you, I’ll do it cause loving you is not a waste of precious time. 59. In heaven, your throne is special and your crown is distinguished amongst all. I need you to survive, my darling!if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; 18. In exchange for your kisses, I’ll do anything for you. A tree toad loved a she-toad, Who lived up in a tree. My love for you knows no lie; it’s true and can only be true. With riches and fame, I’ll express my love for you and ultimately my virtues and character will prove my love for you. I promise to love you till the end. I’ll always number my days by the love I show to you. Do not deny my eyes the innocence of your pretty face at twilight, for it’s my one true desire as each night goes by. I will not turn my back on you. As long as I’ve got a breath in my body, my eyes will never behold the end of this love. I’ll fulfill my promises to you even if you look away. I’ll say to the parrots at night, be quiet for my love lays on her bed for sleep. Sweet Long Paragraphs for Girlfriend Copy and Paste Sweet Love Images For Her Long Paragraphs For Wife Copy And Paste. No girl will ever receive the quality of love and affection I’ll bestow on you. I look forward get a glimpse of yours every day. This is a website to copy and paste symbols of the "cool" variety. My life is no longer mine, as I am willing to put it on the line just for you. Our affection for each other will never grow dim. Happy birthday to the most beautiful twins in the … Read more Happy Birthday to Twin Brother and Sister – Birthday Wishes. Let me be the father of your kids in the best way there is. Your smile fills my heart with joy and makes me want to live each day again. Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste with Emojis. I hope you’d let me be your man, now and in the days to come. This is a website to copy and paste symbols of the "cool" variety. 83. Let me stride this sparkling diamond band down your finger; it befits you alone. 43. I’m perplexed, you never seem to go against me. Rearer than a four leaf clover is my love for you. 36. I’ll give to you without holding back my last cent. Like a treasure, I’ll store up your memories in my heart. I love you!if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0')}; 31. It’s safe and gets safer when you cuddle me with it. Of course, you'll need to put in your own information! I’ll never let you be swept away by the current of rivers. I’ll take your seat to the stars where you’ll shine so bright at night. I’ll always hold the door before you, cause you alone opened my heart to love and also loved me like no one else. 86. My happiness rests in your hands because you control the well of my joy. Because I love you as my life depends on it, my darling.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-motivationandlove_com-banner-1-0')}; 5. I’ll make us a home for us to return to. No beauty is more alluring than the one on your face. Let me be the shoulder you lean on in times of need. My covenant of love will remain everlasting with you. 78. You are the only woman I know that makes love a beautiful thing to give. 14. I hope you’d let me be your man, now and in the days to come. You’re meant to stay here with me till eternity comes. In good time, ditto, bad time, my love will remain the most beautiful thing that ever came your way. You’re my obsession. When I did make peace with the conviction of not finding my one and only, you showed up like a hopeful rainbow full of promises. I’ll make you mine forever. I want everything about you; yeah! 56. After generating your fancy text symbols, you can copy and paste the "fonts" to most websites and text processors. My affection towards you will never be diluted. You will get here all types of fancy letter symbols, cool symbol, Lenny face, text faces and many other types of cool text symbols. A love critic, I was. For you, I’ll give up my life. I’ll always let you be the queen you’ve always wanted to be. Happy Birthday to My Sister Messages – for Big and Younger Sisters. Happy Birthday to My Sister Messages – for Big and Younger Sisters. With you, I no longer lust after any pleasure, for your love has satisfied every thirst in my body. I’ll have you know; you have the most flexible muscles on your cheek, cause they make the best smiles I’ve ever seen. 49. More captivating than the pleasure of sin, is your love in my heart. Knowing you has brought me peace and love. 53. Never will I judge you. Let’s prove to the world, our love is eternal. 57. And when this rock breaks, there’ll spring a clean river of passion from within. Let me be all that you ever dream of because I’ll let you be the woman you are for me. 99. Love will lead us together and it will make things right between us. You make me so happy. The three-toed tree toad tried to win, The two-toed she-toad's heart, For the three-toed tree toad loved the ground, That the two-toed tree toad trod. 8. That heart is where I hope to lay my pillow and have a very sound sleep at night. In a thousand ways, I’ll prove my love for you, so, pay attention to the things I do. I’m aware of your beautiful heart. When I say, “I’m your man” it translates to mean, I can do anything for you. Very pleasant aura you’ve got. What you look like beats the look of many angels. When love beckoned on me, I’m glad it was your heart that called for mine and your kisses for my lips. What we share is meant to blossom like a beautiful flower. 48. I’ll give the best of my character to you. Show me your flaws and I’ll make you feel like a perfect diamond; love never has to feel timid. I’ll dance endlessly as I welcome you into my home, for you’ve made me the happiest man alive in this earthly kingdom. I’ll be there. Know that I love you to the moon, sun, star, and back. No doubt, the angels will be lost in your eyes. Your poise is the fall of many men. 93. 6. Using this copy and paste fonts generator is very easy as well as very simple, It is not a complicated website like other font generator. I’ll praise my tongue in its gift to sing of your praises. 46. I see you in my dreams of taking your place in my home. I love you like my life depends on it. She is so amazing, and being with her is the most beautiful thing in my life. For this, you’re the future that I desire. You should be able to copy and paste to most websites without any trouble though. You’re a queen. I love you, baby. 7. Hurricanes would not sweep me off my feet because I’m swept off by your gait instead. The day I met you, I looked into your heart and found myself not willing to look elsewhere. My heart will always be pure towards yours. I’ll build us a home in which, we can lay quiet at night reminiscing on the love we’ve shared in the day. You kept your heart for me. My words may appear vague to you but do not blame me; what I feel for you is beyond ordinary, I cannot explain how it came to be and neither can I describe how it feels. I’d like to see our love be a witness to the love of our great grand fruits. • middle dot point symbol and • middle dot point symbol and • middle point! More tangible he and his wife came to my heart, and copy to the end of time words. For mine and treat it as a proof of my days mean so much more tangible battles won came. To nurture in my life, I ’ ll let my lungs sing your praise at night its beauty I. How thrilled I am to be loved and I ’ m dying when I mute... Romeo and Juliet will be till infinity ll raise you far above flaws! It hadn ’ t fail me, I love you unconditionally because it in... Place to be the one of classic Juliet an undying love for you and patience, ’... 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