Pursuant to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission request, FINRA makes short sale trade data publicly available for off-exchange (i.e., OTC) trades in exchange-listed securities reported to a FINRA Trade Reporting Facility (TRF) or the Alternative Display Facility (ADF), as well as for trades in securities traded over-the-counter and reported to FINRA’s Over the Counter Reporting Facility (ORF). The mission of ShortSqueeze® is to provide short interest stock market data and services, so our members will be better informed of short selling in the market, track short interest in stocks, and gain from the advantages of this powerful market data. When an investor makes a short sale, they do so with the belief that a security will decline in price. We make no guarantee on the accuracy of the data. Firm compliance professionals can access filings and requests, run reports and submit support tickets. The data may be doing something interesting, but your narrative is wrong so long as you think the short volume idea you got here invalidates the short position reading which is … The site is secure. SHORT POSITIONS AS OF 03 May 2021 BASED ON … Short Sale Volume does not—and is not intended to—equate to bi-monthly reported short interest position information. Investors that short sell a stock are betting that its price will decline in the future. To obtain a complete picture of the short sale volume to total volume for a particular exchange-listed stock, market participants must combine data from each of the TRFs and the ADF, as well as from each exchange. Daily volume files contain aggregate short sale volume by security. FINRA IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY, INC. FINRA operates the largest securities dispute resolution forum in the United States, Report a concern about FINRA at 888-700-0028. A short sale can be complicated, especially if you have a home equity loan, line of credit, or other liens against the property. BZX Equities; BYX Equities Please email any corrections or suggestions to webmaster@shortvolume.com. The total volume is 80,756,877. When an investor makes a short sale, they do so with the belief that a security will decline in price. In our experience, short selling remains one of the most highly-debated topics among academics, companies, investors, market makers and broker-dealers. Bats Exchanges (includes Bats BZX Exchange, Bats BYX Exchange, Bats EDGX Exchange and Bats EDGA Exchange). For additional information regarding the available data, please see Information Notice 5/10/19 and Information Notice 9/29/09 or contact FINRA Market Regulation at (240) 386-5126. The Short Sale Volume is not consolidated with exchange data. A concrete investment plan to can help keep you on track. The little guy resembles DFV. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. NASDAQ (includes The Nasdaq Stock Market, Nasdaq BX and Nasdaq PSX markets), NYSE (includes NYSE, NYSE Arca, and NYSE MKT). All quotes are in local exchange time. Prepare a thorough and detailed set of documents and financial data to support the claim that a short sale is a good solution for the lender. To help increase market transparency, the Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges make the following short sale information publicly available. Short Sale Volume excludes any trading activity that is not publicly disseminated. Short Volume is a data set that can be used to understand investor sentiment. Short selling is the sale of a security that is not owned by the seller or that the seller has borrowed. Arbitration and mediation case participants and FINRA neutrals can view case information and submit documents through this Dispute Resolution Portal. Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Pay Off Credit Cards or Other High Interest Debt, Stock Purchases and Sales: Long and Short, Publicly Traded Business Development Companies (BDCs), Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Cryptocurrencies, Smart Beta, Quant Funds and other Non- Traditional Index Funds, Structured Notes with Principal Protection, Researching the Federal Securities Laws Through the SEC Website, The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry, Data Reported to a FINRA TRF (NASDAQ TRF and NYX TRF), Short Sale Volume Data (NASDAQ TRF, NYX TRF, ADF and ORF). The Daily Short Sale Volume data provides aggregated volume by security for all off-exchange short sale trades. I strive to produce good data based on two principles, the data points can be quantified and or replicated. [7] requirement for short sales in Rule 203(b)(2)(iii) [8] Data Fails-to-Deliver Data [9] April 2021 Daily Short Sale Volume Files [10] Responses to Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Regulation SHO [11] Will close-out purchases required by Regulation SHO drive up a security’s price? Data for NYSE Chicago available as of November 4, 2019 - present. Short Sale Buyback Program. This data is also available via API to facilitate system integration and automation. Due Diligence. Transaction data reflects Cboe short sale executions as they appeared on the consolidated tape. Monthly Short Sale Transaction File . An increase in short sale volume suggests bearish (negative) sentiment among investors. The mission of ShortSqueeze® is to provide short interest stock market data and services, so our members will be better informed of short selling in the market, track short interest in stocks, and gain from the advantages of this powerful market data. For updates and guidance related to COVID-19 / Coronavirus, click here. To increase the transparency surrounding short sale transactions, several self-regulatory organizations (SROs) are providing on their websites daily aggregate short selling volume information for individual equity securities. A considerable amount of short sale data is currently available to investors, issuers, regulators, and other market participants and other data will potentially be available in the future. Now, some scammers have joined these forums to trick users into buying bogus information. Short position reports table Year To Date (CSV) | Quick Link Latest Daily (PDF) | Quick Link Latest Daily (CSV) It is important to note that ASIC’s aggregated short position reports are reliant on the accuracy of reports we receive from individual short sellers. Thank you for visiting this site. I feel like this picture is an entire mood for many. File a complaint about fraud or unfair practices. The short sale volume is 26,376,157. Note: Date Acquired and Date Disposed refer to Columns (b) and (c) on Form 8949 that you will report to the IRS. Short selling is a legitimate trading strategy. TAQ Group Short Sales & Short Volume provides Monthly Short Sales Files containing a collection of the month's end of day replay files of short sales data which is made available for the current month on the first of the following month. For Stocks, the disposed date is two business days later (settlement) if you closed at a loss. Investors who sell short believe the price of the stock will fall. Short Pump. available and potentially forthcoming short sale data. As a market operator and company CEO, I believe it’s critical to address the misconceptions that still exist around short sale data and the correlation to a stock’s fundamental value. As discussed more fully in Information Notice 5/10/19, the following key points about the Short Sale Volume may help avoid misperceptions regarding the data. You also can go to the SROs’ websites for the threshold securities list for those securities for which the SRO is the primary market. The meat of your short sale presentation should back up the statements made in the hardship letter. The file contains market center, trading symbol, report date, reported trade time, short sale type, size and price of the trade, and link indicator. Read this Director’s Take article to understand the risks of engaging in this type of speculative investing. Oil - US Crude: Retail trader data shows 48.85% of traders are net-long with the ratio of traders short to long at 1.05 to 1. Daily volume files contain aggregate short sale volume by security. In addition, the SEC discloses twice-monthly on its website fails to deliver data for all equity securities. A … NASDAQ, Inc. short interest is available by issuer for the past 12 months and updated twice a month. You can use bank statements, proof of income (or lack thereof), proof of the value of any assets, credit card or other loan statements and tax returns. Short Sale Daily Reports. The short sale volume percent is down -18% compare to May 10, 2021. If the price of the stock drops, short sellers buy the stock at the lower price an… Short Sale Volume Data (NASDAQ TRF, NYX TRF, ADF and ORF) NASDAQ (includes The Nasdaq Stock Market, Nasdaq BX and Nasdaq PSX markets) NYSE (includes NYSE, NYSE Arca, and NYSE MKT) In addition, the SEC discloses twice-monthly on its website fails to deliver data for all equity securities. A decrease on short sale volume suggests bullish (positive) sentiment. Prepare a thorough and detailed set of documents and financial data to support the claim that a short sale is a good solution for the lender. The trading strategy is motivated by the belief that the prices of a security will drop, providing an opportunity for the stocks to be repurchased later and for the difference in price to be taken as profit. We make no guarantee on the accuracy of the data. If the price drops, you can buy the stock at the lower price and make a profit. Short position reports table Year To Date (CSV) | Quick Link Latest Daily (PDF) | Quick Link Latest Daily (CSV) It is important to note that ASIC’s aggregated short position reports are reliant on the accuracy of reports we receive from individual short sellers. The sale of ETFs is subject to an activity assessment fee (from $0.01 to $0.03 per $1,000 of principal). Thank you for visiting this site. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. Visit https://developer.finra.org/ to get started with FINRA APIs. When an investor makes a short sale, they do so with the belief that a security will decline in price. BZX Equities; BYX Equities Securities that have had no short sales actively reported for the date shown are excluded from this report. Users need to be extra careful. See the Daily Short Sale Volume File formatting guide. The short interest data reflects aggregate short positions held by market participants at a specific moment in time on two discrete days each month, while the Daily Short Sale Volume reflects the aggregate volume of trades executed and reported as short sales on each trade date. Short Sale Files includes only trades that are publicly disseminated and excludes trades that are not publicly disseminated. - The record of security symbol ended with "-R" is short sales trading of NVDR The .gov means it’s official. U.S. stocks rose on Friday, continuing to rebound from a selloff early this week, after April retail sales data came in below forecasts. It is a HAFA alternative Deed … Remark - Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company's account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be. Watch this video to get started! Quality data is essential to well-functioning markets. Read our investor alert on the significant risks of short-term trading based on social media. The acquired date is the date you closed the short sale. The SROs are also providing website disclosure on a one-month delayed basis of information regarding individual short sale transactions in all exchange-listed equity securities. Learn more. GME - T+ Dates - Short Sale Data - Data Analysis - It takes a village of Apes. Short-selling hedge funds have suffered a mark-to-market loss of $19.75 billion year to date in the brick-and-mortar video game retailer GameStop, according to data from S3 Partners. Daily Short Sale Volume provides aggregated volume by security for all short sale trades executed and reported to a TRF, the ADF, or the ORF during normal market hours for public dissemination purposes (i.e., media-reported trades). Nasdaq publishes two types of short sale files based on the trading activity on The Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq), Nasdaq BX (BX) and Nasdaq PSX (PSX) market systems: The Daily Short Sale Volume Files reflect the aggregate number of shares executed on the Nasdaq, BX and PSX markets during regular trading hours. My previous Analysis/DD's SHORT POSITION DATA ANALYSIS PROVIDED BY HARRIS MARKET CONSULTING BASED ON REPORTED DATA TO IRROC BY EACH INDIVIDUAL MARKETPLACE WHERE TRADES WERE MARKED AS SHORT SALES. FINRA makes the data available in two ways: (1) Daily Short Sale Volume; and (2) Monthly Short Sale Transaction (collectively, Short Sale Volume). Please email any corrections or suggestions to webmaster@shortvolume.com. Short Sale Data Short sale data shows the amount of shares on issue currently reported as short sold. Test your knowledge on common investing terms and strategies and current investing topics. In our experience, short selling remains one of the most highly debated topics among academics, companies, investors, market … To start, investors should know that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved the alternative uptick rule, also known as a short-sale restriction, in 2010. Welcome to the THE HICKORY custom builtby LeGault Homes. short definition: 1. small in length, distance, or height: 2. used to say that a name is used as a shorter form of…. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. For short sale data provided by a specific SRO, you can click on the hyperlinks below. Real-time last sale data for U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only. Transaction data reflects Cboe short sale executions as they appeared on the consolidated tape. If the price of the stock rises and you buy it back later at the higher price, you will incur a loss. short position data analysis provided by harris market consulting based on reported data to irroc by each individual marketplace where trades were marked as short sales.
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