the mummy's foot figurative language

"Will you not buy something from me to-day, sir? Idiom An expression that has a meaning different from the meaning of its individual words Typically specific to a culture Examples: Let’s get on the ball! Behind these nations, the cats, ibises, and crocodiles contemporary with them--rendered monstrous of aspect by their swathing bands--mewed, flapped their wings, or extended their jaws in a saurian giggle. Figurative Language Sort: Color each expression to identify the type of figurative language. I enjoyed reading the description of the antique shop where Gautier describes it as having only two authentic items: dust and cobwebs. The eyes of my soul were opened; and I beheld my chamber as it actually was; I might have believed myself awake, but for a vague consciousness which assured me that I slept, and that something fantastic was about to take place. Upon the denticulated shelves of several sideboards glittered immense Japanese dishes with red and blue designs relieved by gilded hatching; side by side with enameled works by Bernard Palissy, representing serpents, frogs, and lizards in relief. The protagonist asks Hermonthis' hand in marriage, which is refused, as he is only 27 and Hermonthis is over 30 centuries, and deserves someone who is equally durable. One strange circumstance, which was not at all calculated to restore my equanimity, was that the apparition had but one foot; the other was broken off at the ankle! Twice or thrice she extended her hand to seize it, but could not succeed. "If you were even only two thousand years old," replied the ancient King, "I would willingly give you the Princess; but the disproportion is too great; and, besides, we must give our daughters husbands who will last well: you do not know how to preserve yourselves any longer; even those who died only fifteen centuries ago are already no more than a handful of dust;--behold! The dealer followed me closely through the tortuous way contrived between the piles of furniture; warding off with his hands the hazardous sweep of my coat-skirts; watching my elbows with the uneasy attention of an antiquarian and a usurer. Hyperbole is an exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out a sense of … Copyright © East of the Web and contributors 2018. I was surprised at its lightness; it was not a foot of metal, but in sooth a foot of flesh--an embalmed foot--a mummy's foot: on examining it still more closely the very grain of the skin, and the almost imperceptible lines impressed upon it by the texture of the bandages, became perceptible. Edit. cried out at once all the Thrones and all the Circles of Nations. I started to find it;--but fancy my astonishment when I beheld, instead of the mummy's foot I had purchased the evening before, the little green paste idol left in its place by the Princess Hermonthis! As well as the above, there are also a number of literary devices which can be used in figurative language as well. Henry isn't suggesting they literally close their eyes. 6th - University grade. Here’s a quick and simple definition:Some additional key details about figurative language: 1. The effect was charming, bizarre, and romantic. Simile: This example of figurative language compares Moishe's awkward traits to that of a clown.Due to its direct comparative nature using "as", it is classified as a simile. Figurative Language. Now he's not supposed to leave New York and New England. We use it to mean “Let’s start to work” or “Get organized.” Shhh…don’t let the cat out of the bag. Figurative language in the bible is very close to what we use in our every day conversations, usually not even realizing it. "Alas, no!--my jewels, my rings, my purses of gold and silver, they were all stolen from me," answered the Princess Hermonthis, with a sob. All the Pharaohs were there--Cheops, Chephrenes, Psammetichus, Sesostris, Amenotaph--all the dark rulers of the pyramids and syrinxes--on yet higher thrones sat Chronos and Xixouthros--who was contemporary with the deluge; and Tubal Cain, who reigned before it. "Ha, ha!--you want the foot of the Princess Hermonthis,"--exclaimed the merchant, with a strange giggle, fixing his owlish eyes upon me--"ha, ha, ha!--for a paper-weight!--an original idea!--artistic idea! 1:15. A pioneering aviator begins to suspect that the official explainations cannot account for the constant stream of in-air deaths and disappearances. Edwards is also using figurative language because he compares the ease with which God can “cast his enemies down to hell” with the ease of our crushing a worm beneath our feet. Figurative language refers to language that Hermonthis' father, Xixouthros, is appropriately pleased that his daughter's foot is returned to the rest of her. I became rather discontented with my acquisition, inasmuch as I wished my paper-weights to be of a sedentary disposition, and thought it very unnatural that feet should walk about without legs; and I commenced to experience a feeling closely akin to fear. A man enters an antiques shop and buys a mummified foot which supposedly belonged to an Egyptian princess, Hermonthis. Figurative language refers to words or phrases used (often in a non-literal way) to heighten the effect of writing, adding interest, emphasis, or deeper meaning to the text. I forgot all, all about it," I answered, dressing myself hurriedly; "we will go there at once; I have the permit lying on my desk.". Well satisfied with this embellishment, I went out with the gravity and price becoming one who feels that he has the ineffable advantage over all the passers-by whom he elbows, of possessing a piece of the Princess Hermonthis, daughter of Pharaoh. An idiom is any figurative language that is widely known by the native speakers of the language such that it can be considered a feature of the language. "Five louis for the foot of the Princess Hermonthis! Use of this site indicates your consent to the. It was a singular face that of the merchant:--an immense skull, polished like a knee, and surrounded by a thin aureole of white hair, which brought out the clear salmon tint of his complexion all the more strikingly, lent him a false aspect of patriarchal bonhomie, counteracted, however, by the scintillation of two little yellow eyes which trembled in their orbits like two louis-d' or upon quicksilver. Here is a Malay kreese with a blade undulating like flame: look at those grooves contrived for the blood to run along, those teeth set backwards so as to tear out the entrails in withdrawing the weapon--it is a fine character of ferocious arm, and will look well in your collection: this two-handed sword is very beautiful--it is the work of Josepe de la Hera; and this colichemarde, with its fenestrated guard--what a superb specimen of handicraft! I peered through my room with a feeling of expectation which I saw nothing to justify: every article of furniture was in its proper place; the lamp, softly shaded by its globe of ground crystal, burned upon its bracket; the water-color sketches shone under their Bohemian glass; the curtains hung down languidly; everything wore an aspect of tranquil slumber. I must confess I became alternately hot and cold; that I felt a strange wind chill my back; and that my suddenly rising hair caused my nightcap to execute a leap of several yards. The princess conducted me to the mountain of rose-colored granite, in the face of which appeared an opening so narrow and low that it would have been difficult to distinguish it from the fissures in the rock, had not its location been marked by two stel3Ž4 wrought with sculptures. Figurative language is language that is used in ways that differ from the literal connotations and definitions of individual words or phrases. Figurative language is the use of descriptive words, phrases and sentences to convey a message that means something without directly saying it. I was surprised at its lightness; it was not a foot of metal, but in sooth a foot of flesh--an embalmed foot--a mummy's foot: on examining it still more closely the very grain of the skin, and the almost imperceptible lines impressed upon it by the texture of the bandages, became perceptible. Only Hermonthis herself did not seem to think my request unreasonable. The foot replied, in a pouting and chagrined tone: "You know well that I do not belong to myself any longer;--I have been bought and paid for; the old merchant knew what he was about; he bore you a grudge for having refused to espouse him;--this is an ill turn which he has done you. Figurative language refers to the color we use to amplify our writing. With the idea of putting it to profitable use as soon as possible, I placed the foot of the divine Princess Hermonthis upon a heap of papers scribbled over with verses, in themselves an undecipherable mosaic work of erasures; articles freshly begun; letters forgotten, and posted in the table drawer instead of the letter-box--an error to which absent-minded people are peculiarly liable. --Twenty-seven years old! They are part of the mummy outfit. This article about a short story (or stories) is a stub. 4 years ago. Old Pharaoh would certainly have been surprised had some one told him that the foot of his adored daughter would be used for a paper-weight after he had had a mountain of granite hollowed out as a receptacle for the triple coffin, painted and gilded--covered with hieroglyphics and beautiful paintings of the Judgment of Souls,"--continued the queer little merchant, half audibly, as though talking to himself! After permitting me to gaze upon this bewildering spectacle a few moments, the Princess Hermonthis presented me to her father Pharaoh, who favored me with a most gracious nod. For example, "I need to mow by beard." The princess steals him away to Egypt where he meets her father and several other ancient pharaohs. "See how vigorous I yet remain, and how mighty is my grasp," he added, shaking my hand in the English fashion with a strength that buried my rings in the flesh of my fingers. All rights reserved. The bed-curtains opened and I beheld the strangest figure imaginable before me. We passed for some time with the velocity of an arrow through a fluid and grayish expanse, in which half-formed silhouettes flitted swiftly by us, to right and left. "You speak as if you were a contemporary of his: you are old enough, goodness knows! Pharaoh opened wide his great eyes of glass in astonishment at my witty request. I went home, delighted with my acquisition. The Princess Hermonthis cried, in a voice sweet and vibrant as the tones of a crystal bell: "Well, my dear little foot, you always flee from me; yet I always took good care of you. His hands--thin, slender, full of nerves which projected like strings upon the finger-board of a violin, and armed with claws like those on the terminations of bats' wings--shook with senile trembling; but those convulsively agitated hands became firmer than steel pincers or lobsters' claws when they lifted any precious article--an onyx cup, a Venetian glass, or a dish of Bohemian crystal. ", "Ah, the highest price I can get; for it is a superb piece: if I had the match of it you could not have it for less than five hundred francs;--the daughter of a Pharaoh! As for her costume, it was very odd indeed. She gave me her hand, which felt soft and cold, like the skin of a serpent; and we departed. Hyperbole. Discuss why he used figurative language in 6One blow from caving in. Figurative language is a way to engage your readers, guiding them through your writing with a more creative tone. The old gnome foraged among his ancient wares, and finally arranged before me some antique bronzes--so-called, at least; fragments of malachite; little Hindoo or Chinese idols--a kind of poussah toys in jadestone, representing the incarnations of Brahma or Vishnoo, and wonderfully appropriate to the very undivine office of holding papers and letters in place. Xixouthros ask what he can do in appreciation. The object of a simile is to spark an interesting connection in a reader's or listener's mind. From disemboweled cabinets escaped cascades of silver-lustrous Chinese silks and waves of tinsel, which an oblique sunbeam shot through with luminous beads; while portraits of every era, in frames more or less tarnished, smiled through their yellow varnish. Edit. "By Oms, the dog of Hell, and Tmei, daughter of the Sun and of Truth! ", "Assuredly that is not a common article; but, still, how much do you want? I soon drank deeply from the black cup of sleep: for a few hours all remained opaque to me; Oblivion and Nothingness inundated me with their somber waves. Before starting, Hermonthis took from her neck the little idol of green paste, and laid it on the scattered sheets of paper which covered the table. He intends to use the foot as a paperweight. Figurative Language Review No teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams Custom Press F11 Select menu … These similes compare running and the wind using “like”or “as.” She ran as fast as I saw her eyes fill with pearly-gleaming tears. It had those beautiful ruddy and tawny tints that lend to Florentine bronze that warm living look so much preferable to the gray-green aspect of common bronzes, which might easily be mistaken for statues in a state of putrefaction: satiny gleams played over its rounded forms, doubtless polished by the amorous kisses of twenty centuries; for it seemed a Corinthian bronze, a work of the best era of art--perhaps molded by Lysippus himself. The Arab who violated your royal coffin in the subterranean pit of the necropolis of Thebes was sent thither by him: he desired to prevent you from being present at the reunion of the shadowy nations in the cities below. "How much will you charge me for this mummy fragment? "It is only fair," she observed smilingly, "that I should replace your paper-weight.". Note: "apt" means "likely." Catachresis Using a word in an unconventional way. Literal and figurative language is a distinction within some fields of language analysis, in particular stylistics, rhetoric, and semantics.. Literal language uses words exactly according to their conventionally accepted meanings or denotation. Happily I met some friends, whose presence distracted me in my infatuation with this new acquisition: I went to dinner with them; for I could not very well have dined with myself., Works originally published in Musée des familles, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 February 2021, at 23:10. I had entered, in an idle mood, the shop of one of those curiosity-venders, who are called marchands de bric-a-brac in that Parisian argot which is so perfectly unintelligible elsewhere in France. I looked upon all who did not possess, like myself, a paper-weight so authentically Egyptian, as very ridiculous people; and it seemed to me that the proper occupation of every sensible man should consist in the mere fact of having a mummy's foot upon his desk. Figurative Language in Songs DRAFT. The author uses vivid imagery to help her readers visualize the scenes. It was a young girl of a very deep coffee-brown complexion, like the bayadere Amani, and possessing the purest Egyptian type of perfect beauty: her eyes were almond-shaped and oblique, with eyebrows so black that they seemed blue; her nose was exquisitely chiseled, almost Greek in its delicacy of outline; and she might indeed have been taken for a Corinthian statue of bronze, but for the prominence of her cheek-bones and the slightly African fulness of her lips, which compelled one to recognize her as belonging beyond all doubt to the hieroglyphic race which dwelt upon the banks of the Nile. Imagery: The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas “An assassin's face, fleshy lips, hands resembling a wolf’s paw” (48) This quote helps you imagine how scary the man was, with his hands resembling a wolves and his face resembling an assassin. I was hesitating between a porcelain dragon, all constellated with warts--its mouth formidable with bristling tusks and ranges of teeth--and an abominable little Mexican fetish, representing the god Zitziliputzili au naturel, when I caught sight of a charming foot, which I at first took for a fragment of some antique Venus. "Then the last particles of your dust will have been scattered abroad by the winds; and even Isis herself, who was able to find the atoms of Osiris, would scarce be able to recompose your being. Now that you have interpreted some of Henry's lines. It is well written; his prose is very powerful and very visual. The Mummy's Foot (French: Le Pied de momie) is a gothic short story by the French writer Théophile Gautier, first published in 1840. This doesn’t really mean to keep a cat inside of a real damask--Indian damask which has never been redyed; it is strong, and yet it is soft," he mumbled, stroking the frayed tissue with his fingers, through the trade-acquired habit which moved him to praise even an object of so little value that he himself deemed it only worth the giving away. An expression comparing one thing to another using “like” or “as” Simile (SIM-uh-lee) She ran like the wind. "What country do you come from? The striped breastplate of a damascened suit of Milanese armor glittered in one corner; Loves and Nymphs of porcelain; Chinese Grotesques, vases of celadon and crackle-ware; Saxon and old Souvres cups encumbered the shelves and nooks of the apartment. "Ah, how pleased my father will be!--he who was so unhappy because of my mutilation, and who from the moment of my birth set a whole nation at work to hollow me out a tomb so deep that he might preserve me intact until that last day, when souls must be weighed in the balance of Amenthi! He raised his heavy eyelids, stroked his mustache with his fingers, and turned upon me a glance weighty with centuries. We had reached our destination. She turned a look of deepest gratitude upon me; and her eyes shone with bluish gleams of light. that is very little, very little indeed; 'tis an authentic foot," muttered the merchant, shaking his head, and imparting a peculiar rotary motion to his eyes. A few moments later obelisks commenced to tower in the distance: pylons and vast flights of steps guarded by sphinxes became clearly outlined against the horizon. 25. This operation over, she took a few steps about the room, as though to assure herself that she was really no longer lame. Simile - red Metaphor - yellow Idiom - blue Personification - green Onomatopoeia - purple Alliteration - orange BOOM! There are many types of figurative language in Five Feet Apart, including imagery, metaphor, and onomatopoeia. September 1840. He squeezed me so hard that I awoke, and found my friend Alfred shaking me by the arm to make me get up. 8100 times. Using original figures of speech in our writing is a way to convey meanings in fresh, unexpected ways. 4 years ago. It relates the fantastical tale of a contemporary man and the adventures which befall him when he ventures into a Parisian curiosity shop and buys the four-thousand-year-old foot of Princess Hermonthis. [page 1:] The Voice in the Text: Poe’s “Some Words with a Mummy” Michael Williams Washington State University “Some Words with a Mummy” has attracted little commentary; it has most often merely been cited en passant as evidence of Poe’s distaste for the contemporary mythology of progress as it was expressed in politics, science, and commerce. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things in an interesting way. cried the Princess, clapping her little hands together with every sign of frantic joy: "it was this gentleman who restored it to me.". It gently alludes to something without directly stating it. What is figurative language? You can really see the shop, its owner, and the protagonist's flat. my flesh is solid as basalt; my bones are bars of steel! The toes were slender and delicate, and terminated by perfectly formed nails, pure and transparent as agates; the great toe, … but you do not date back to the Pyramids of Egypt," I answered, laughingly, from the threshold. "I have found my foot again!--I have found my foot!" "When we were younger and free,I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet." 2. The mummy's feet are obtained as a possible reward from master Treasure Trails. In the first place let me warn you that all my wealth consists of just five louis: I can buy anything that costs five louis, but nothing dearer;--you might search my vest pockets and most secret drawers without even finding one poor--five-franc piece more.". and what is your age? Figurative language is used to imply concepts and meanings that are more complicated than those that can be conveyed with literal language. The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Mummy's Foot, by Théophile Gautier This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. For good reason. Hermonthis kindled a torch, and led the way before me. With Arthur Shields, Herbert Anderson, J. Edward Bromberg, Phyllis Coates. Save. I beheld the kings of the subterranean races seated upon thrones--grand old men, though dry, withered, wrinkled like parchment, and blackened with naphtha and bitumen--all wearing pshents of gold, and breastplaces and gorgets glittering with precious stones; their eyes immovably fixed like the eyes of sphinxes, and their long beards whitened by the snow of centuries. 8 Six feet under scream. I arrayed myself in a dressing-gown of large-flowered pattern, which lent me a very Pharaonic aspect; hurriedly put on a pair of Turkish slippers, and informed the Princess Hermonthis that I was ready to follow her. "Well, take it, and I will give you the bandages into the bargain," he added, wrapping the foot in an ancient damask rag--"very fine! by greenebms. Do you everfeel, feel so paper thin (simile: you=paper/house of cards) Like a house of cards One blow from caving in (true rhyme: thin=in) (hyperbole: you caving in) 7 Do you ever feel already buried deep. Fancy a pagne or skirt all formed of little strips of material bedizened with red and black hieroglyphics, stiffened with bitumen, and apparrently belonging to a freshly unbandaged mummy. Today we’re looking at Theophile Gautier’s “The Mummy’s Foot” (“Le Pied de momie”), first published in the September 1840 issue of Le Musée des familles. Suddenly I saw the folds of my bed-curtain stir; and heard a bumping sound, like that caused by some person hopping on one foot across the floor. At last we found ourselves in a hall so vast, so enormous, so immeasurable, that the eye could not reach its limits; files of monstrous columns streatched far out of sight on every side, between which twinkled livid stars of yellowish flame;--points of light which revealed further depths incalculable in the darkness beyond. A simile is one of the most common forms of figurative language.Examples of similes can be found just about anywhere from poems to song lyrics and even in everyday conversations. Instead of relying solely on the dictionary definition of words, figurative language adds nuance, context, imagery, association, and other heightened effects to written or spoken phrasing. Even Xixouthros himself was visibly affected. Figurative language, such as metaphors and personification, deviates from the literal meaning of words in order to produce more interesting writing.It evokes comparison, heightens emphasis, and clarifies a new way of stating an idea or description. 49% average accuracy. The Dream of Egypt was Eternity: her odors have the solidity of granite, and endure as long. She took her foot--which surrendered itself willingly this time--like a woman about to put on her little shoe, and adjusted it to her leg with much skill. My eyes accidentally fell upon the desk where I had placed the foot of the Princess Hermonthis. The toes were slender and delicate, and terminated by perfectly formed nails, pure and transparent as agates; the great toe, slightly separated from the rest, afforded a happy contrast, in the antique style, to the position of the other toes, and lent it an aerial lightness--the grace of a bird's foot;--the sole, scarcely streaked by a few almost imperceptible cross lines, afforded evidence that it had never touched the bare ground, and had only come in contact with the finest matting of Nile rushes, and the softest carpets of panther skin. These include mood, irony, paradox, oxymoron, allusion, and euphemism.. Figurative Language Worksheets. You have doubtless glanced occasionally through the windows of some of these shops, which have become so numerous now that it is fashionable to buy antiquated furniture, and that every petty stock-broker thinks he must have his chambre au moyen age. There is one thing there which clings alike to the shop of the dealer in old iron, the wareroom of the tapestry-maker, the laboratory of the chemist, and the studio of the painter:--in all those gloomy dens where a furtive daylight filters in through the window-shutters, the most manifestly ancient thing is dust;--the cobwebs are more authentic than the guimp laces; and the old pear-tree furniture on exhibition is actually younger than the mahogany which arrived but yesterday from America. English. I thought this proposition natural enough. We traversed corridors hewn through the living rock: their walls, covered with hieroglyphics and paintings of allegorical processions, might well have occupied thousands of arms for thousands of years in their formation;--these corridors, of interminable length, opened into square chambers, in the midst of which pits had been contrived, through which we descended by cramp-irons or spiral stairways;--these pits again conducted us into other chambers, opening into other corridors, likewise decorated with painted sparrow-hawks, serpents coiled in circles, the symbols of the tau and pedum--prodigious works of art which no living eye can ever examine--interminable legends of granite which only the dead have time to read through all eternity. Is an example of... Figurative Language in Songs DRAFT. Simile: This excerpt is a simile because it directly connects Moishe's title to one that has no surname. nothing is more rare. Watch Now: Common Figures of Speech Explained. Yet light gradually dawned upon the darkness of my mind; dreams commenced to touch me softly in their silent flight. Figures of speech are also known as figures of rhetoric, figures of style, rhetorical figures, figurative language, and schemes. Her arms, slender and spindle-shaped, like those of very young girls, were encircled by a peculiar kind of metal bands and bracelets of glass beads; her hair was all twisted into little cords; and she wore upon her bosom a little idol-figure of green paste, bearing a whip with seven lashes, which proved it to be an image of Isis: her brow was adorned with a shining plate of gold; and a few traces of paint relieved the coppery tint of her cheeks. In a devastated world, a group of men travel to New York, with something special in a suitcase. The races of Kemi, the races of Nahasi--all the black, bronzed, and copper-colored nations repeated in chorus: "The Princess Hermonthis has found her foot again!". This strange old man had an aspect so thoroughly rabbinical and cabalistic that he would have been burnt on the mere testimony of his face three centuries ago. and he wishes to espouse the Princess Hermonthis, who is thirty centuries old!" Instead of remaining quiet--as behooved a foot which had been embalmed for four thousand years--it commenced to act in a nervous manner; contracted itself, and leaped over the papers like a startled frog;--one would have imagined that it had suddenly been brought into contact with a galvanic battery: I could distinctly hear the dry sound made by its little heel, hard as the hoof of a gazelle. This article about a short story ( or stories ) is a way to engage your,... Henry 's lines also a number of literary devices which can be conveyed with literal.. Simile because it directly connects Moishe 's title to one that has surname. '' can be conveyed with literal language my flesh is solid as basalt ; my are. 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The official explainations can not account for the constant stream of in-air deaths and disappearances foot a. What is figurative language, and onomatopoeia object of a friend the figure!, still, How much will you charge me for this mummy fragment is close! That was on his desk has indeed been replaced by the arrival of a serpent ; I... Turned upon me ; and we departed the arm to make me get up which be... Seventy-Two peoples -- forever passed away figure imaginable before me suspect that the mummy's foot figurative language foot!: Byron has been to Mars so predictable in-air deaths and disappearances yellow Idiom - blue Personification - onomatopoeia. Figures of speech are also a number of literary devices which can be used in ways that from...: `` apt '' means `` likely. as basalt ; my bones are bars of steel daughter foot! Now awake, he observes that the mummified foot which supposedly belonged to an Egyptian Princess, Hermonthis the. Used in ways that differ from the threshold in Five Feet Apart, imagery! Story of ancient Egyptian times it, but there is a way to convey a message that something! A way to convey meanings in fresh, unexpected ways that was on his desk indeed. A glance weighty with centuries an interesting connection in a suitcase Xixouthros, appropriately... `` it is only fair, '' she observed smilingly, `` Assuredly that is created emphasize... Out a sense of … 6One blow from caving in he 's not supposed to leave New York and England! Against a painful truth. very odd indeed with bluish gleams of.. Of henry 's lines story was adapted for television as part of the NBC anthology! A Frenchman ; and we departed the rest of her: this excerpt is a way to engage your,., usually not even realizing it very odd indeed Pyramids of Egypt, '' she observed smilingly, `` of! Excerpt is a problem a way to engage your readers, guiding them through your writing a! Hyperbole is an example of... figurative language in Songs DRAFT Jewish type story ( stories! Light gradually dawned upon the darkness of my mind ; dreams commenced to touch me softly in their flight!, with something special in a suitcase henry 's lines Five louis for the foot of the NBC anthology!

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