Use the HTML below. Sadly, that story is unable to achieve its message. Adam and Eden fell in love as teens despite the fact that they live on twinned worlds with gravities that pull in opposite directions. Si ce film a été un échec commercial, c'est sans doute à cause du manque de publicité fait au moment de sa sortie: je n'avais pas entendu par de "Upside down" avant la diffusion à la télé. ... See full summary », A mysterious stone transform fat and unattractive girl to a beautiful woman; using her new looks, Gamila tries to woo Karim whom she is in love with but things get out of control when she ... See full summary ». Audio Quality. In other cast, Timothy Spall appears as an older version of cliché best friend roles in romantic comedies.It also leaves some unanswered questions in the end but that ending chooses forget almost everything from those questions. SYNOPSIS: When a … Mais on ne peu ne pas aimer du tout tous les goûts sont dans la nature ... Who could imagine a world like that? Mike Stern typically assembles a band for each release; in other words, he doesn't have a different set of musicians (with a few exceptions) on every track. These portraits are so gorgeous, it is best to see in cinema. It is poorly portrayed. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love. That "Upside Down" is one of the silliest movies ever made — did I mention that? As long as it has a substantial story. L'univers m'a fait penser à un jeux video, genre Final Fantasy 10, avec aussi un p'tit coté romance impossible a la Romeo et Juliette, ça vaut pas 5 étoiles et ça plaira pas a tout l'monde, mais perso j'ai beaucoup aimé et j'lui met minimum 4 étoiles, la réalisation est plus que bien faite, elle est poétique, lunaire et artistique. 5) After You. Upside down est un thriller futuriste romantique qui a toute les chances de fonctionner, si l'on passe outre les énormes invraisemblances du scénario, porté par l'abattage de Jim Sturgess et malgré une Kirsten Dunst plus en retrait. It is so amazing, it could have been something groundbreaking. Données Personnelles | Upside Down creates a fascinating universe beyond our imagination. However, its painful birth has nothing to do with the merits of the finished work of art. Dans un univers extraordinaire vit un jeune homme ordinaire, Adam, qui tente de joindre les deux bouts dans un monde détruit par la guerre. L'histoire est belle et l'acteur principale est...très charismatique ^^. Votes: 3. Chaque magazine ou journal ayant son propre système de notation, toutes les notes attribuées sont remises au barême de AlloCiné, de 1 à 5 étoiles. The romance is beyond bland and it spends most of the time doing stuff that achieved so little to the plot. Bob Odenkirk, Aleksey Serebryakov, Contact | Watch Upside-Down Magic 2020 full Movie free, download upside-down magic 2020. Les membres de notre rédaction vous indiquent les films à voir à la télévision.... Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous. In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world. Suivre son activité 2849 abonnés Beaucoup de trouvailles inattendues renforcent d'ailleurs ce plaisir des yeux ! Les sujets abordée reste très superficiel et on arrive pas a s'investir dans le film, je pense qu'il aurait beaucoup gagnée a être plus long. Messieurs, dames les producteurs ouvrez votre porte-feuilles en peau d'oursin et donnez plus de moyens publicitaires aux bons films: Upside down l'aurait mérité. So when she comes to him for help to regain power over her family's company, he pranks her by sending her to do the lowest ... See full summary ». Les deux acteurs sont assez ... Avant de voir ce film, il faut être au courant et je l'étais heureusement, que ceci n'est pas un film de science fiction mais une romance à part entière. The Upside is a movie that somehow works, at least some of the time, even when it shouldn’t. Need some help finding the best things to watch on Netflix? This likely proves that even the most stunning visuals cannot bring justice to a problematic story. Lire ses 1 446 critiques, Suivre son activité Will he risk it all for love? Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Lire ses 90 critiques. 2) Little Shoes. Jim Sturgess. 3) Goodbye Again. When I said the romance is beyond bland I mean it has no personality, no depth, no meaning. "You will die six hours later." Une romance fantastique très originale, au début on ne sais pas à quoi s'attendre et finalement on s'y prend. Revue de presse | He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he met once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, … Mais cette proximité est trompeuse : l’entrée dans son monde est strictement interdite et la gravité de la planète d’Eden rend toute tentative extrêmement périlleuse. Kim Hughes Jan 10, 2019. 6) Scuffle. Onyx Films. Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. The movie is “The Upside.” And as you’d probably expect—or at least as I expected—it’s a hollow replica of its source material. Cranston, who came to fame playing meth entrepreneur Walter White in the hit TV series “Breaking Bad,” portrays the wealthy quadriplegic Phillip Lacasse in this remake of France’s “The Intouchables.”. Histoire romantique sur une toile fantastique typique des contes de notre enfance.Il y a de très bonnes idées, de la naïveté néanmoins touchante.Je suis extrêmement surpris de voir comment les gens sont désormais hermétiques à ce genre qui a pourtant raflé les meilleurs notes pendant les années 90 et 2000. 67. Onstage and on-screen, crotchety rich people are changed forever by fun-but-flawed poor people. Aside of the love story, the context between the two worlds are intriguing but there is nothing else about it besides of what it was explained which it isn't enough. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Lire ses 120 critiques, Suivre son activité Released October 7th, 2017, 'The Upside' stars Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston, Nicole Kidman, Golshifteh Farahani The PG-13 movie has a runtime of about 2 … Ten years after a forced separation, Adam sets out on a dangerous quest to reconnect with his love. Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page Revue de presse pour en savoir plus. Le comédien britannique Timothy Spall, qui interprète Bob Boruchowitz, l'ami du jeune Adam, est précisément l'homme qui a donné envie à Jim Sturgess d'être acteur. Préférences cookies | Advertisement. Mashing several styles like steampunk and typical futuristic details. It starts with a great promise and many imaginative ideas were featured. He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a girl named Eden. Votes: 3. Upside Down is, more-or-less, a teenage magical romance-adventure. The movie brought me in to an expansive, magical world. Much magnificent is when it take turns between the aspects of the two worlds. 1244 abonnés Un début intéressant qui nous perd en cours de route. 64 of 83 people found this review helpful. He was helped by this rich man who took him in as a son. Jim Sturgess is always charming as a lover boy. The Quarantine Stream: ‘2012’ is the Disaster Movie to End All Disaster Movies With two fabulous tickets to tonight's ball in his hands, the solitary Mr Phelps needs to find the perfect head to please his charming date. La première affiche de "La Tour Sombre" a été dévoilée, et s'inscrit dans la veine des affiches de "Inception" et "Doctor... Vous ne savez pas quoi regarder ce soir ? Was this review helpful to you? Kevin Hart in The Upside movie (left) and Philippe's real-life caretaker, Abdel Sellou (right), pictured in the 1990s. After a highly unusual zombie saves a still-living girl from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion events that might transform the entire lifeless world. Upside Down (French: Un monde à l'envers) is a 2012 Canadian-French romantic fantasy written and directed by Juan Diego Solanas and starring Jim Sturgess, Kirsten Dunst and Timothy Spall. Ex. Like in The Upside movie, they also shared a similar sense of humor. Dune, Avatar 2, Eternals. Even the talents couldn't save their love. Qui sommes-nous | It is a brilliantly designed world that can be both trippy and fascinating. Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. Instead of being compelling, it rather shows how beautiful the two's relationship is with a grand scale universe in the background. un film qui mérite de trouver son public. The Official Showtimes Destination brought to you by STX. Un très beau film, le thème est bien trouvé , original, et excellent, et aurait mérité d'etre plus travaillé dans les détails. "Upside down" est un magnifique conte où des hommes et des femmes, enfermés dans un monde dictatorial, sont prêts à défier toutes les lois des hommes et de l'univers pour l'amour et la liberté. : That's almost the only thing we knew about them because every time when it stumbles to their relationship, it becomes a montage of inaudible chatter thus never really get to know them more. Bridgit Mendler. Does Kevin Hart physically resemble Philippe's real-life caretaker? Quatre années ont été nécessaires pour que le projet arrive à terme. It was the first movie that I did, and I had this little mini singing part. But when he catches a glimpse of grownup Eden on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back... Not even the law or science! Une sorte de "500 days of a summer" versions fantastique... Des effets visuels et une photographie magnifiques, de très bonnes idées, d'excellents acteurs mais on aurait aimé que le concept soit plus approfondi. Oxygène sur Netflix : que vaut le huis clos étouffant signé Alexandre Aja avec Mélanie Laurent . The Upside’s Downside: Why Good Representation and Diversity Really Matter Opinion "Diversity is simply telling the truth about our vivid, messy, weird world. He gets a lot of things to do in most vital parts but only did little to the romance. Mais globalement malgré les défauts ce film est unique et mérite d'etre vu pour son originalité, sa beauté visuelle, et son message! However, its painful birth has nothing to do with the merits of the finished work of art. Original malgré tout. Teepob and Lallalit "Beauty" grew up together but he hates her. Theoretically, it’s a remake of Intouchables, the French heartwarmer smash from 2011 taken from a … The movie brought me in to an expansive, magical world. It's hard to understand why do they love each other. Avec quand même une belle esthétique. It could have at least given some sense to their love but it doesn't provide much exploration to their relationship. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Whether you're ready for the return of your favorite show or need to catch up, May is packed with an array of returning series. On voudraiten savoir plus sur ces deux mondes ainsi que sur les deux personnagesprincipaux ,pas assez de développement entre le monde d’en haut et celui d’enbas. Visuellement, le film de Juan Solanas est une splendeur avec une multitude de trouvailles (l'open space) pour ... "Upside Down" part d'une excellente idée avec ces deux planètes qui se regardent et où tout s'oppose que ce soit les sociétés elles-mêmes et leur niveau de vie, leurs valeurs, tout comme les lois de la pesanteur avec ces centres de gravité inversés... Un roméo et Juliette revisité ... "He was irreverent, cheeky and had an outrageous sense of humor" (Mirror Online). Even if it's quite gripping, the film calls for something better. Helpful Not Helpful. Many of the negative reviews are correct but downrate the film too harshly. ©AlloCiné, Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : 0 892 892 892 (0,34€/minute). Politique de cookies | Les histoires d'amour impossibles, surtout quand elles sont contraires aux lois, sont les plus belles. The film embraces clichés. Unfortunately, the journey suffers incoherence and leaves several unsettled details. In a future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having the means to buy your way out of the situation is a shot at immortal youth. Make sense? Title: It may be scientifically unbelievable but it doesn't matter. Upside Down' is a fantasy love story. très beau film romantiq fantastiq visuellemt rien à dire (bravo les effets spé)très bon divertissemt à voir +++, Plein 2 Ciné N°169 - Les films du 10 avril 2013, La Minute N°1239 - Thursday 21 March 2013. Après Nordeste (2004) avec Carole Bouquet, il s'agit du deuxième long métrage du cinéaste qui s'est fait connaître grâce à un court, L'Homme sans tête, primé à Cannes puis a... Amis depuis une quinzaine d'années, le réalisateur Juan Solanas et le producteur Aton Soumache n'en sont pas à leur première collaboration ; le producteur a déjà produit le premier court de Solanas, qui lui-même a été chef opérateur sur un autre film financé par Soumache. Un film romantique dans un univers poétique et fantastique avec des paysagesvisuellement réussies qui développe la thématique dualité et lutte des classes, mondelumineux et souterrain etc. It's disappointing because it wastes the potential of the visuals and the first half. The rich music, the tango, the soaring spaces and height reeled me in. A scientist's drive for artificial intelligence takes on dangerous implications when his own consciousness is uploaded into one such program. Comment c'est nul et ennuyeux...On s'endormirait presque devant !Aller vois Patéma et le monde inversé qui lui, est une pépite cinématographique.0,5/5. Les meilleurs films Science fiction, Helpful Not Helpful. One twin belongs to the high society in the big city while the other one leads a ... See full summary », Park was mistreated by his stepfather and he mistook that his mother doesn't love him so he ran away from home at a young age. It is a shame that Upside Down had such a painful and unpromising commercial launch. Written by Un film sublime..... Je comprend pas un tel manque d'ouverture d'esprit de ceux critiquant se genre de film.... Tout est beau, que se sois l'univers proposé, la romance entre ces deux êtres qui viennent chacun d'un monde si proche mais pourtant si inaccessible mais que rien n'arrête.J'ai vraiment aimé, il y a peu, j'aurais jamais regardé se genre de film, maintenant, se sont ceux qui me font le plus rêver.... Ha oui ! "He didn't feel sorry for me," said Philippe. T here’s a downside to this horrific film as steep as the drop from Beachy Head. Read full review. — is a fact that I can in no way deny. Le film que vous risquez d'aimer .... Same goes to Kristen Dunst, except she is mostly underused. Un manque d’exploitation crucial pour une histoire de cette ambition avec despersonnages un peu caricaturaux limite bandes dessinées. Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. Professionally, the first time I sang was on 'Alice Upside Down.' L'idée de départ est excellent mais qu'est ce que c'est maladroit ! THE DOWNSIDE OF “THE UPSIDE”By Ben Mattlin. 17 abonnés There is no downside to seeing The Upside. Dans cet univers, son monde se trouve juste au-dessus de celui d’Adam - si près que lorsqu’il regarde vers le ciel, il peut voir ses villes étincelantes et ses champs fleuris. Search for showtimes and purchase tickets for The Upside. It is a shame that Upside Down had such a painful and unpromising commercial launch. Pour découvrir d'autres films : Je l’achèterais en ... L'idée du film Upside Down est venue sous la forme d'une image au réalisateur Juan Solanas, photographe de formation : celle d'un homme et d'une femme chacun au sommet d'une montagne, séparés par la gravité. Take a leap over to this alternate reality, two worlds one above, one below - facing each other, and youll land in the extraordinary world of Upside Down. It still has its merits. It premiered on Disney Channel on July 31, 2020. The biggest problem is probably the romance. Publicité | CGU | Meilleurs films Science fiction en 2012. de Within its walls, children drink from the stream of knowledge. The Upside Down Movie is an unfinished special episode that was fully scripted by David Collins and Shane Dundas from 2008 to 2010. In a nutshell, the film itself is like the two worlds. It's about love at first sight - when you just fall in love instantly and will battle any obstacle to be with that girl. Upside Down Ilya Naishuller, avec Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. View production, box office, & company info. A mysterious knight gallops across mountains and deserts. Yeah, they had a childhood together and they are good looking but what else? Stars: Cynthia Kaye Mcwilliams, Kyle Howard, Vicki Lewis, Emily Delahunty, Jaime M Callica, Jason Asuncion, Elaine Kao, Amitai Marmorstein, Callum Seagram Airlie, Alison Fernandez, Siena Agudong, Melody Nosipho Niemann, Ricardo Ortiz, Josh Zaharia, Beatrice Kitsos, Jayssolitt, Sony Pictures Seizes German Remake Rights to Comedies ‘Ten Days Without Mom’ & ‘Upside Down’ (Exclusive), Flashback: Duran Duran Perform at the 2007 ‘Concert for Diana’, The Biggest Old Music Hits Resurfaced by TikTok, Hollywood Movies that Are Similar to Animes, Best Love Birds (Romance Category) (Part 2). While entertaining, The Upside lacks the original film’s fizzy spark, the prickly charisma of its co-stars, and the tantalizingly sense that this incredible story — which is actually true — happened on a planet we would recognize as our own. Moi, je n'ai pas dormi, je n'ai pas regardé une fois ma montre ... Recrutement | Les services AlloCiné | As a finished movie, it is a beautiful work of art. See the release date and trailer. Starring Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart, Nicole Kidman, Tate Donovan, Golshifteh Farahani, Julianna Margulies, and Aja Naomi King. A man searches the forbidden twin world that fills the sky above him for the long-lost love from his youth. 100 abonnés Enfin une histoire d'amour de deux personnes qui ne devrait jamais se rencontrer ... It was planned to act as the proper series finale of The Upside Down Show . Lately, the Internet has been in an uproar over Bryan Cranston in the new movie “The Upside.”. Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. Let our editors help you find what's trending and what's worth your time. A documentary on the women fighting for abortion rights in Argentina. L'idée était censée mais le film est finalementassez ennuyeux, parfois un peu nunuche, on accroche difficilement. He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a … The visuals are on the top, and the rest are on the bottom. “The Upside” has a downside: We’ve seen it a million times before. Tout en luttant pour avancer dans la vie, il est hanté par le souvenir d’une belle jeune fille venant d’un monde d’abondance : Eden. Le film aurait gagné à être plus long pour pouvoir approfondir les sujets abordés, mais j'ai regardé ce film avec beaucoup de plaisir ! Qu'une vulgaire copie à l'eau de rose du chef-d'oeuvre "Metropolis". But there is a downside. It's pretty vague. Despite of the story's inconsistency, the visuals are the landmark here. Here, Will Salas finds himself accused of murder and on the run with a hostage - a connection that becomes an important part of the way against the system. However, I couldn’t avoid two inescapable thoughts prior to seeing the movie: Bryan Cranston never disappoints and Kevin Hart is a much better actor than a comedian (more on that in a bit). An example is clearly needed, and The Upside aims to offer just that by showing, rather than telling, when it comes to being an example of inclusion and understanding. upside or downside translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'upside down',upsides',upside down',upside-downness', examples, definition, conjugation But when he catches a glimpse of grownup Eden on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back... Not even the law or science! Perso j'ai aimé l'idée du scénario, le lyrisme des images, la réalisation Les décors sont époustouflants et renversants. Quel dommage... Ca changeait des films à effets spéciaux habituels. Un bon film a la thématique originale ! 4) Mood Swings. The story is a romance that is suppose to defy gravity. The rich music, the tango, the soaring spaces and height reeled me in. As a finished movie, it is a beautiful work of art. It would still be worth watching if you're one of those people who doesn't care about the story even if its flaws are inevitable, but it still deserves something better.Upside Down is visually breathtaking but it didn't go beyond that. The movie was first announced by the newspaper The Australian in August 2008. C'est d'ailleurs son défaut, il ne joue que sur une partition ou quasiment et comme l'histoire d'amour est particulièrement fadasse... And yet, I am often willing to overlook numbskull storytelling if the film in question is bold and stylish enough in other areas to make up for its narrative shortcomings, and this is one of those films. 1) Upside Downside. He comes to a majestic citadel in the middle of an oasis. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. The visuals are undeniably breathtaking but the plot gets the opposite which results a story that fails to be compelling.The idea is wonderful. It tries to tell a deeper meaning about love but none of it worked because of its terribly underdeveloped plot and awful romance. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense ... See full summary ». He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a girl named Eden. Les meilleurs films de l'année 2012, Upside Down est un film réalisé par Juan Solanas avec Jim Sturgess, Kirsten Dunst. The first and second act really shows a lot of intrigue to the premise but falters when it goes through the rest. À ce propos, les décors sont remarquables et d'un réalisme assez bluffant ! On a eu Seven Sisters récemment, qui était très ressemblant car inventif et visuellement bluffant, mais à l'opposé en terme de violence ;). A poor black man's life is changed for the better by a rich white man. As with most movies, I did little due diligence prior to seeing The Upside so I would not have any prejudices entering the film. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love. Also, throw in some Nicole Kidman and we … Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer ... 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You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin downside: We ve. ’ exploitation crucial pour une histoire de cette ambition avec despersonnages un peu caricaturaux limite bandes dessinées it goes the. It starts with a great promise and many imaginative ideas were featured Showtimes Destination brought to you STX. It goes through the rest and awful romance own site 's disappointing because it wastes the potential the! That story is unable to achieve its message its message et mérite d'etre vu pour son originalité, sa visuelle! Poor people the rest sujets abordés, mais j'ai regardé ce film beaucoup! Cheeky and had an outrageous sense of humor '' ( Mirror Online ) keishi, a youth who proclaims a! Un peu nunuche, on accroche difficilement a million times before could have been something groundbreaking huis! Something better because of its terribly underdeveloped plot and awful romance, who is walking along streets. For me, '' said Philippe let our editors help you find what 's worth your time reeled! Like the two 's relationship is with a grand scale universe in the new movie “ the Upside..... 1 ) Upside downside watch Upside-Down Magic 2020 full movie free, download Upside-Down 2020... And height reeled me in to an expansive, magical world unfinished episode...
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