I’d met Vinnie when he played one night at the Baked Potato, where we struck up a conversation. When it comes to odd meter drumming I think one of those benchmarks must be Vinnie Colaiuta’s playing on “Keep It Greasy,” from Frank Zappa’s album Joe’s Garage. Colaiuta's performances on Zappa's albums Tinsel Town Rebellion, Joe's Garage and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar are considered by many drummers to … And I … In January of 1980, I had the chance of a lifetime when Frank Zappa was holding open auditions for Vinnie Colaiuta’s replacement. Colaiuta played on the successful Zappa albums Tinsel Town Rebellion , Joe's Garage , and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar . His work with Zappa is still acclaimed as unparalleled. I couldn’t conceptualize it, and while it was frustrating to not continue, I had no complaints. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Los Angeles had been pummeled with rain, and the sun was nowhere to be found. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. Colaiuta's performances on Zappa's albums Tinsel Town Rebellion, Joe's Garage and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar are considered by many drummers to be among the most astounding ever recorded. He took to it naturally, with little instruction. Colaiuta was given his first drum kit when he was seven. www.ultimate-guitar.com Reactions: AustinFitz, 1990rookout, drumaniac and 14 others. One of the best drummers in modern history, Vinnie Colaiuta has had a storied career in the music industry, playing with the likes of Frank Zappa, Sting, Herbie Hancock, Jeff Beck and countless others. My Audition for Frank Zappa, Long Ago… May 12, 2010 May 3, 2020 David Aldridge 1 Comment In January of 1980, I had the chance of a lifetime when Frank Zappa was holding open auditions for Vinnie Colaiuta’s replacement. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. Vinnie Colaiuta Recalls Brutal Zappa Audition, Reveals How Much He Was Paid 'The bread was, like, very low, but I didn't care at that time,' the drummer said. www.ultimate-guitar.com "It was a risk, but I had to take that chance." Add lyrics on Musixmatch. We stayed in touch, and one day, he let me know he was leaving the band and asked if I was interested in getting an audition. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. In 1978, Vinnie moved to L.A., and a few months later, the polyrhythms he had practiced in his attic as a youngster came in handy on the audition with Frank Zappa. thoughts on music, the brain, and learning, Music Psychology and Neuroscience Research, Education, Cultivation, Music cognition, psychology and neuroscience, You can preview the books by visiting www.TheElementsofRhythm.com, http://frankzapppa.blogspot.com/2014/01/list-of-frank-zappa-drummers.html. Vincent “Vinnie” Colaiuta (born February 5, 1956) is an American drummer who has worked as a session musician in many genres. After three intense and challenging years with Zappa, Vinnie decided that it was time to pursue his dream of becoming a session drummer and left the band with Frank's blessing. That’s what I got out of that day in North Hollywood, and with everything I’ve seen and done since then, music remains the best…, This is a list of drummers who have performed on officially released Frank Zappa recordings..http://frankzapppa.blogspot.com/2014/01/list-of-frank-zappa-drummers.html. As Zappa’s touring and studio drummer, Vinnie was featured on Joe’s Garage (1979), considered one of the top-25 drumming performances of all time in a 1993 Modern Drummer Magazine article. Lucky for Zappa, he found such a drummer - the inimitable Vinnie Colaiuta. Start the wiki. I introduced myself to the guy at the desk, and a few minutes later, he ushered me into the actual studio…. When Zappa was away, Arthur led the band’s rehearsals. Vinnie Colaiuta Recalls Brutal Zappa Audition, Reveals How Much He Was Paid | Music News @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com 'The bread was, like, very low, but I didn't care at that time,' the drummer said. It's Vai talking about how insanely good Vinnie was. He begged himself an audition and the rest is history. Playing Terry Bozzio's drums, having never played double bass before, Vinnie won the gig. He played with Zappa in 1978 and '79, appearing most notably on the album Joe's Garage and, on video, in the Circus Krone concert filmed in Germany in 1978. The song was in 13/8, subdivided 4/4 + 3/8, (four measures) with a measure of 12/8 afterwards. Buddy Rich was his favorite drummer until he heard the album Ego by Tony Williams, an event that changed his life. Everyone in town was lined up for this shot, and I was lucky enough to get a chance at the chair. Drummer. ... Fowler mentioned that Frank Zappa was looking for a rhythm section. We don‘t have an album for this track yet. I spent probably two weeks listening to every Zappa album I could get my hands on, embarking on a crash course in extremely advanced drumming. Jan 1, 2020 #2 amosguy DFO Master. ( Log Out / A producer once told Vinnie Colaiuta that if you threw Tony Williams and Steve Gadd into a blender, Vinnie would be the tasteful concoction. Who knows… but when I had the opportunity to audition for Arthur Brown (as in The Crazy World of Arthur Brown) a few months later, in Austin, I went in and gave it everything I had. Gold Supporting Member. One was "The Black Page." We started, and it was absolutely surreal. Do you know the lyrics for this track? These are moments in drumming history where someone is setting a new standard. There are not many tunes in the meter of 19/16 (please let me know of any others). Vinnie Colaiuta’s last gig with Frank Zappa was in December of 1980. Vinnie was born on … Zappa gave him a couple different pieces to try out on. ( Log Out / I remember having a strange dream several months after the Zappa audition while I was living in Austin, wasting a lot of time in bars and being foolish with my time and health. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I was in some pretty heavy company and was trying to remember to breathe…. Arthur told me just keep time, and that’s what I did. My world had been spinning for months, meeting famous drummers through Julius and being exposed to musical opportunities I’d only dreamed of…. Change ). Add a video, Do you know any background info about this track? Arthur Barrow was playing bass, and he was also Zappa’s musical director. In January of 1980, I had the chance of a lifetime when Frank Zappa was holding open auditions for Vinnie Colaiuta’s replacement. So now, here I was at ground zero of the ultimate real deal. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. Read about Vinnie Colaiuta Tells The Story of His Zappa Audition by Mark Feldman and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Still, the opportunity for the experience begged that I give it a leap. Shortly after Vinnie’s arrival in L.A., the polyrhythms that he’d practiced as a youngster served him well on an audition for legendary composer/performer Frank Zappa. We played that 13/8 deal for a few minute, then played some variations on the 12/8 measure with a 7/8 turn-around… I was able to make sense of it, but when it came to playing reggae in 13/8, I was toast. Audition. Zappa shook my hand and thanked me for coming in. He is known for his innovative drumming style, which, combines with his theatrics and energy behind the drum set, making him one of the most entertaining drummers today. Steve Vai on Vinnie Colaiuta So, I was having conversations in a thread about best Zappa drum parts, and I remembered this old snippet from an interview with Steve Vai I heard once. It came on a grey and dreary afternoon. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Everyone in town was lined up for this shot, and I was lucky enough to get a chance at the chair. I drove over to a North Hollywood rehearsal studio, took a deep breath, and went inside. He looked me right in the eye and said, “You just don’t have what it takes.”. ( Log Out / "I got in there," Vinnie says, "and no joke, these guys would last an average of 15 seconds before Frank would yell, 'Next!' The rhythm book became that focus, and now, the crosshairs are once again back on the correct path of playing. Do you know a YouTube video for this track? ... What was the audition like? Colaiuta was also listening to organ groups, notably Jack McDuff, Jimmy McGriff and Don Patterson. Soon, he landed the drum chair in Frank Zappa's band after running the gauntlet during an audition process that withered his competition. I also worked on a book about the fundamental rhythm patterns, which took forever… It’s done, a publisher is reviewing it, and now, all I want to do is play and continue the exploration of odd meters and polyrhythms from many years ago. He was inducted into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 1996, and the Classic Drummer Hall of Fame in 2014. I put drumming and music aside for many years after that to pursue other opportunities, becoming a professional writer, and later, an airplane flight instructor. Zappa welcomed me and described what he wanted to play. In a November 1982 interview with Modern Drummer, drummer Vinnie Colaiuta recounted how Zappa tested his ability to read music, not just play it, during his audition for the Mothers of Invention. That day taught me that ANYTHING is possible, and I mean MILES beyond what you might think. Interview by Vinnie Colaiuta for Modern Drummer, including a description of Vinnie's audition for Zappa; Black Page Drum Solo & #2, from the 'Zappa Plays Zappa' tour This page was last edited on 4 May 2021, at 01:12 (UTC). His break came in April 1978 at the age of 22, when he auditioned for Frank Zappa, an audition that involved performing the notoriously difficult piece entitled “The Black Page”. Of all the talented drummers operating in rock and jazz, Vinnie is considered the master of the polyrhythm. "I wanted to play all different kind of music," he explains. He played on the successful Zappa albums Tinsel Town Rebellion, Joe’s Garage, and Shut Up ‘n Play Yer Guitar. I asked if he minded if I jotted the directions down, and he had no objection. I ‘d been listening to Joe’s Garage and was blown away by what Vinnie was doing with polyrhythms and how smooth he made the odd meters flow. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. He laughs modestly while he shrugs off the compliment, but it is probably an accurate description. I landed the gig, recorded with him, got my drumming heard on an MTV video, eventually got interviewed for Modern Drummer… and basically, went places I never expected to go. I was 20, had been playing odd meters for about five years, knew a little about polyrhythms from the Gary Chaffee books, but was not a killer reader by any means. It’s too late to give Frank another shot, but it’s never too late to give it your best shot. I don’t think I left the house during that time, because I did NOT want to miss the call to go audition. I’d met Vinnie when he played one night at the Baked Potato, where we struck up a conversation. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. With sticks in hand, Vinnie beat a path down to the Culver City Studio where a "cattle call" audition was in progress. When he was fourteen, the school band teacher gave him a book that taught him some of the basics. ( Log Out / Drumming transription Pdfs @ http://www.kevoshea.com/lessons.html His career has included long associations with Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell, and Sting. If my reading had been at a higher level, maybe things would have been different. He looked you right in the eye, and there was a value in that moment I have cherished for years. Now that’s a helluva message in a dream, and I realized it was true… unless I chose to change my world, get back on track and focus on what mattered. Vinnie played Top-40 and jazz gigs in Boston for a time, before moving to Los Angeles in 1978. Not too long ago, I sold a cymbal to the drummer who eventually got the job. I grew up in a small town in Delaware, and had been in music school for two years in Baltimore. I really wasn’t sure what to play, but I knew I’d better listen to everything Arthur did, because he was holding down the fort. The band was rehearing a version of “A Love Supreme,” only it was “A Mouth Supreme” or something like that… funny as hell. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. For two years, he toured with Zappa and appeared on vintage Zappa recordings Joe's Garage, Tinseltown Rebellion, and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar before setting his sights on the L.A. studios. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Vinnie Colaiuta is a renowned drummer based in Los Angels. Vinnie Colaiuta. Vinnie Colaiuta Recalls Brutal Zappa Audition, Reveals How Much He Was Paid 'The bread was, like, very low, but I didn't care at that time,' the drummer said. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Joined Aug 5, 2005 A duplicate of Terry Bozzio’s double bass kit was set-up, and in front it stood The Man himself. Go directly to shout page. I’d moved to California on a whim to meet a famous percussionist/composer named Julius Wechter (leader of the Baja Marimba Band) who, like myself, also had Tourette’s. Vinnie Colaiuta Recalls Brutal Zappa Audition, Reveals How Much He Was Paid Music , People December 31, 2019 “The bread was, like, very low, but I didn’t care at that time,” the drummer said. We talked about the audition, and I learned that he’d attended Cal Arts, where he learned a great deal about advanced drumming, polyrhythms, etc. Connect your Spotify account to your Last.fm account and scrobble everything you listen to, from any Spotify app on any device or platform. Colaiuta's performances on Zappa's albums Tinsel Town Rebellion, Joe's Garage and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar are considered by many drummers to be among the most astounding ever recorded. Vinnie Colaiuta. Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. I mean it was deep, man - brutal. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. A new version of Last.fm is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. The audition was successful and Colaiuta went on to work with Zappa as his principal drummer for studio and live performances. Music career Colaiuta's performances on Zappa's albums Tinsel Town Rebellion, Joe's Garage and Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar are considered by many drummers to … Are not many tunes in the meter of 19/16 ( please let me know of others. Some pretty heavy company and was trying to remember to breathe… others ) rehearsal studio, a! T conceptualize it, and Shut up ' n play Yer Guitar me the! To a North Hollywood rehearsal studio, took a deep breath, and Sting all different of. 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