The Count of Toulouse ceded the northern portions of his lands to the Crown directly, with the rest of it becoming royal lands upon his daughter's death in 1271. The final Cathar stronghold in southern France falls, eliminating their last refuge, since the Roman Catholic Church began the Albigensian Crusade to crush the sect in 1209. The war pitted the nobility of staunchly Catholic northern France against that of the south, where the Cathari were tolerated and even enjoyed… The 1229 Treaty of Paris ended the Albigensian Crusades. King Louis VIII of France led another crusade in 1226 and the Inquisition established itself in Toulouse in 1229. Over 10,000 men in Lyon were ready to head south. The Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) was a brutal 20-year military campaign initiated by the Roman Catholic Church to exterminate the Cathars in southern France. Yet it was not until 1244 that the great Cathar stronghold of Montségur in the Pyrenees was finally captured and destroyed and the Albigensian heresy of … By 1209 the possibility of action in the crusades was imminent. This did not revive the crusade on quite the same basis as before, as in April, Innocent’s great bull Quia Maiorlaunching the new Holy Land crusade restricted indulgences for the Albigensian crusade only to those living in ‘Provence’, i.e. The Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) was part of the Roman Catholic Church's efforts to crush the Cathars.. It is also known as the Cathar Crusade. The "Albigensian Crusade" was the name given to the 1209-1255 campaign to wipe out the Cathars in the Langue D'Oc region in southern France.. The motivations for the Crusade were, like all of the other Crusades, political, with trappings of religious fervor thinly disguising naked grabs for power.. A full discussion of Catharism is for another node; suffice it to say that: 3 Among “ the most reprehensible Crusades ” he writes, was the Albigensian Crusade of the early thirteenth century, 4 where more than 99% of the sect was eliminated -- close to a million people -- in “ a holocaust more devastating to the Albigensians than the Nazi holocaust to the Jews .” In response, Innocent launched a crusade against Languedoc, beginning the Albigensian Crusade – the term Albigensian was frequently used for Cathars in the Languedoc region, allegedly due to their association with the city of Albi. Cathars and Carnage in the Albigensian Crusade, The History Press, Stroud, 2015, p. 13. Languedoc. Albigensian Crusade, Crusade (1209–29) called by Pope Innocent III against the Cathari, a dualist religious movement in southern France that the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical. Like all crusades it was a war, declared by the Pope, ( Innocent III ) backed by the Roman Church with promises of remission of sins and a guaranteed place in heaven. Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100-1250, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1974, p. 100; “one of the most brutal conflicts in Western Europe in the entire Middle Ages, and perhaps the most brutal of all”, Sean McGLYNN, Kill them All. Albigensian Crusade photo from WikiCommons When the knights of the Second Crusade returned to Europe in the middle of the 12th century, they brought back with them a dazzling array of knowledge and technology from the Arab world, a including medical knowledge, new techniques of castle construction, and mathematics. The Crusade was prosecuted primarily by the French crown and promptly took on a political aspect, The Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade (1209–1229; French: Croisade des albigeois, Occitan: Crosada dels albigeses) was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc, in southern France. The Albigensian Crusade was a Crusade against the people of the Languedoc which began in 1208. The Roman Catholic hierarchy considered the sect heretical.The violence inflicted upon the people of southern France was extreme even by medieval standards. The Cathars were especially numerous in southern France, in the region of Languedoc, then part of the Catalan-Aragonese Confederation or Kingdom of Aragon.They were termed Albigensians because of the movement's presence in and around the city of Albi.
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