i need you divergent scene

Dauntless, under simulation, on the train to attack Abnegation. Tris: Everyone’s staring at me.Four: You changed everything. Like you did your parents. I wish we were alone. And if I’m too slow, then I’ll die.Four: Right. When were you going to tell me?Tris: I don’t know. Tris: Why are you attacking all these innocent people?Jeanine: Innocent people? No offense, Max. I killed my friend. Jeanine: In dividing people according to personality and aptitude, we’ve created a society in which each faction plays a critical role in maintaining the social order. You’re going to fight her. Oh, we both know you were never much without one. David: Where are you going?Tris: I’m taking your ship, and I’m not coming back.David: You can’t fly.Tris: Watch me. Jeanine: Back again, are we? Tris: My name is Tris Prior. The girl’s a walking bleeding heart. You’ll see. You don’t believe me? Tris is improving her fighting skills; (repeats) when she looks at the score board to see her ranking so far. I watched a little girl have a happy childhood and grow into a courageous young woman capable of making choices. Tris: You were wrong about us. There’s a certain beauty to your resistance. They are vital to humanity’s survival. I’m just, I never meant… This is hard for me too. Don’t you think I’d know if I was in a sim?Tris: Four, you’re not in a sim. You can make it through Dauntless. I’m Damaged, and you’re Pure.Tris: I know.Four: You know. Tris: [referring to the truth serum] I don’t want to do this.Four: We have to. Of course we are. Tris: Four, how did you get past security?Four: You know me. No pressure. I know you can. Natalie: [during the sim] You can do this. Johanna: See, to be Amity is to forgive. I’ve already got my spot on the floor. He told me you would say that. Once they get off the train, all the Dauntless members are controlled to start killing the Abnegation people. They run through the streets of Chicago towards the train; (repeats) After Max gives a speech to the initiates. [Four shoots him in the head] Tris: It all works. I never should have trusted him.Four: You were doing what you thought was right.Tris: I love you. I have seen it before.Tris: How do you know so much about this? It’s going to do it to the whole city.Evelyn: What?Tris: Whatever they told you was a lie. Four is trying to make his way back to Chicago. Eric: [as Four cocks his gun] Was that supposed to scare me?Four: You’re responsible for the death of hundreds of people. But it’s a beauty we can’t afford. Four: Tris, this is not the place that we thought it was.David: If you had enough to save one person, and your choice was between a healthy child, or a sick old man, who would you choose?Four: I wouldn’t choose.David: Good. I think that’s the point. But you’re letting it consume you. You lost?Tris: I wanted to see Four. And this time it will last.Tris: And what if you’re wrong? But we found ourselves, and each other. We believe it is the only way to recover the humanity we have lost. I have to admit, I’m impressed. I didn’t know how.Four: What are you talking about?Tris: So even though I didn’t get to say it in real life, at least I get to say it now. The world doesn't work like that.' I come from outside the wall. Four: You’re moving up through the ranks and he’s failing. You killed her for it!Jeanine: Data that she so selfishly withheld. They’re our protectors, our soldiers, our police. Tori: Dauntless leadership. Peter: [after he saves Tris] Hey, Four. All right, do it! What is the song when the Dauntless jump from the train before the Aptitude test? Tris: I really don’t know how much longer I can do this whole peace and love thing.Four: It’s the Amity way, alright? M83 Go Big for ‘Divergent’ Soundtrack Song ‘I Need You’ We're still waiting for that Tame Impala and Kendrick Lamar collabo though . I pretend that I am. We’ve left everything behind. And his ship is the only one that can fly through the camo wall.Four: Why are you telling me this?Matthew: We’re not taking you to Chicago. Everyone cheers for Tris after Four throws the knifes at her. For them, there was no better way to show you.Tris: Now we have nothing. Tell me.Eric: Look, all I know is she’s exactly what Jeanine needs. And in time, that won’t be necessary. Divergent Soundtrack List (2014) – Complete tracklist, all songs played in the movie and who sings them, soundtrack details, the entire playlist of the album. Ask him. We can do that later. Kind? I don’t want to have to keep you in here.Four: Then let me out.Evelyn: I can’t. Evelyn: Tobias.Four: Mother.Caleb: I thought she was dead.Tris: Me too. Tris: You know, it’s really funny, David. Tris: You cut me.Four: I meant to.Tris: You meant to?Four: You think he was going to let you off without a scratch? The factions work, Tris. They’re actively seeking them out.Tris: Why? Johanna was right. Don’t you think I’d know if I was in a sim?Tris: Four, you’re not in a sim. What's the song at the very end where they're walking to the fence to leave? Because I will. Tris: We need to kill Jeanine.Four: I know. Every last one of them. I may be Dauntless, but I’m not just a meathead. They tried to make us forget who we are, and where we’re from, but they did not succeed. I saw the movie and I'm not sure if they played "Fight for You" or not. Jeanine: Let’s talk about your friend Tris Prior. But you can pass. You didn’t even hear that. [she shoots him] Tris: I’m never going to make it.Christina: Yes, you are.Tris: I’m the weakest one here.Christina: Then you’ll be most improved.Tris: You’re Candor, you’re not supposed to lie.Christina: I was Candor. Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Abnegation. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. What was that one song at the very begining. Which is what you’re acting like. Look, I know it doesn’t make any sense, but you have to trust me, please.Four: With my life, apparently. And it always will be. Sarah: This must all come as quite a shock to you, Miss Prior, finding out that you’re Pure.Tris: Pure. I have to open it for her, and I think I know how.Four: Tris, if we don’t leave now, we’re not going to get out of here.Tris: I have to do this first. I’m glad we did this.Christina: What if there’s nothing else out there?Tris: There has to be.Caleb: I’m scared.Christina: Yeah. , I really want to know what that song was from but it is very short and ends when 4 gets her. I went to her funeral when I was six. Nita: This is what we do. I killed my friend. David takes them out from here, wipes their memories with the gas, and raises them in the Bureau. Tris, Caleb and their parents arrive at the Choosing Ceremony. Why do you have all of them?Four: I don’t want to be just one thing. I know they say it’s all just wasteland out there, but we can’t be the only ones left. Nita: This is what we do. Fear doesn’t shut you down, it wakes you up. You can’t tell anyone. You can’t let them find out about you.Tris: And what if they already know?Tori: Then you’re already dead. David: Peter, I need help with something in Chicago.Peter: What’s in it for me?David: Well, if you do well, you can have any job you want. Tris: You’re real.Four: Yeah, I’m real.Tris: What are you doing here?Four: You die, I die.Peter: Okay, guys, come on. You’re hurting, Tris. David and I are leaving for Providence.Peter: On a first name basis with the director, huh? What was the song when Beatrice jumps down the whole to the net(the first time)...and she lays on the net for a few sec. Except mine. They call themselves the Pure, and they call us the Damaged. Those of us with the vision to see that are called upon to protect the rest. [does Divergent test on a man]Computer Voice: Divergent, ten percent.Eric: S**t. You’re almost normal. Four is there. Seems we didn’t know our parents as well as we thought we did. The only person I love, in order to preserve what’s best for everyone else. Four: I know what you’re thinking. Tris: Everyone’s staring at me.Four: You changed everything. Peter: [to Caleb] It’s called soap. Now, two hundred years later, we are, all of us, living proof that peace is indeed attainable. I just want to feel safe again. I’m Dauntless. Set in a future where people are divided into distinct factions based on their personalities and teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their faction or switch to another for the rest of their lives. I keep going in there, but I don’t think you ever lose them. Jeanine: Tell me, do you appreciate irony? Tris: Human beings can not be categorized in this way. It was a labor of love.Peter: [pretends to sneeze] A** kisser. [waiting by the camoflage wall]Peter: I want the penthouse! All of those lives could have been spared. Have a look below to see the official soundtrack list and the songs playing in the trailer for the 2014 sci-fi movie, Divergent. To those of you beyond the wall, hear me loud and clear, because I know you’re listening. This world will be better off without you. Tris: [to Jeanine] Don’t get me wrong. But they loved you, Tris. Tris: Because you stole it from her. Peter: Well, that just goes to show that you can take the girl out of Abnegation, but you can’t take the Abnegation out of the girl. And his ship is the only one that can fly through the camo wall.Four: Why are you telling me this?Matthew: We’re not taking you to Chicago. They’ll find out about you…Tris: Who? She volunteered to leave the safety of the Bureau, to enter the experiment herself. They killed your parents!Tris: Four is there!David: Four. Let’s go.Peter: F***. Together. - Four (Divergent), 'Dark times call for extreme measures.' She’s too valuable to him. No one gets out. Tris: If I do this, the suicides stop?Jeanine: No. Because, when you are civilization’s last hope, peace is not merely an ideal. Peter: Wait, what? You might as well be my child. What is the song that plays when Tris climbs onto the giant wheel during the flag game and even Four follows her back? At least we tell the truth. It’s about putting an end to a system that says one group is more deserving than another. But now Erudite is looking for them everywhere. Tris: Okay. I’m Divergent. None of this is your fault. First thing that comes to mind is DIVERGENT DIVERGENT DIVERGENT!!!!! Christina: Have you never seen a hamburger before?Tris: No, I’ve seen one. You’ll understand that when you take over for me. And I’m not lying. You’ve been watching me for years and you don’t know anything about me. Tris: [after they kiss] I don’t want to go too fast.Four: It’s okay. Tris: Four, how did you get past security?Four: You know me. And if I’m too slow, then I’ll die.Four: Right. You know the punishment for that.Eric: Listen, I’ve found a way to live with the blood on my hands. I keep going in there, but I don’t think you ever lose them. A little cold. They were the ones hiding it. Four fears?Four: Four then. And they are in a war right now because of divisions that you created, and you are doing nothing to help them. Tris: Thank you, Peter.Peter: Yeah, whatever. Am I honest? You’ve been watching me for years and you don’t know anything about me. Well, I’m still working on kind. What is the song when their parents say "We love you" before the choosing thing? Tris: If I do this, the suicides stop?Jeanine: No. You’d still be standing there if I hadn’t hit you.Tris: So am I supposed to thank you?Four: You’re supposed to be smart. [she shoots him]. We can do that later. And I want people to think that I am. M83's Anthony Gonzalez collides with the film world once again.Here's M83's contribution to the soundtrack for the sci-fi film Divergent, titled "I Need You".Listen below via Buzzfeed.. Four: If you take away what they know, then you take away who they are.Nita: Yeah. Jeanine: Back again, are we? Eric: [as Four cocks his gun] Was that supposed to scare me?Four: You’re responsible for the death of hundreds of people. We’ve allowed you to believe that you’re the last of us. Tris: Because you stole it from her. We were never the problem. But the only people that have tried to do it so far have died. It’s human nature to keep secrets, lie, steal. Four: If you take away what they know, then you take away who they are.Nita: Yeah. Tris: My mom and dad died today. Yes. Not as five factions, but as one city. 2021-03-06T10:31:32Z Comment by Emča Animals. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I think I see lights out beyond the wall. [shoots the man in the head]. Music when Tris walks into Erudite (apparent) HQ to talk to her brother? David: To your people, you are Divergent. To those of you beyond the wall, hear me loud and clear, because I know you’re listening. Four: I’m sorry about Al.Tris: It’s my fault that he’s dead.Four: No, it’s not because of you. Together. But deep down, I think you’re scared I know him all too well.Tris: I’m not scared.Evelyn: Of course you are. You may find it hard to believe, but I am serving the greater good. Jeanine’s never going to stop searching for you.Four: Why? Look, I know that all of this is just an experiment to you, but these people in Chicago are real. To me, you are a miracle. I mean, I am willing to sacrifice you, the only family I have left. Yeah. [she destroys the gas dispersion hub]David: No!Computer: Serum release halted.Caleb: How’s that for Damaged? That’s boring. And then, we’ll jump. Tell me.Eric: Look, all I know is she’s exactly what Jeanine needs. And as soon as all the others find out, they’re going to kill me.Four: I’m not going to let that happen. I gave up my life, my child, everything.Johanna: I understand your anger, Evelyn, I do. But we’re not ready yet.Caleb: Beatrice, you’re not being serious, right?Tris: No, I am being serious. Do you understand me? Tris: Thank you, Peter.Peter: Yeah, whatever. My friend. Jeanine: Do you honestly think the other factions will stand for this?Evelyn: Because you’re so popular? It goes against our fundamental human nature. Tris, Four, Peter, Caleb and Marcus are running for the train after escaping from Jeanine. You should try it.   You can kill him if you want. Tris: You were wrong about us. The vast wall that encloses this city may protect us from our toxic surroundings, but it is up to us to confront any element that could poison us from within. First, I swiped a paralytic from the infirmary. It was in their house. Long ago, before The Founders established this great city of ours, that word was all but meaningless. I’m not. They keep the peace. Tris: As remarkable as the amount of people you’ve managed to murder. Then they hook her to flying apparatus. In the ashes of civilization, a small group of genetically unmodified individuals established the Bureau of Genetic Welfare here, at Chicago’s O ‘Hare Airport. David: I am doing something. Tris: You’ve seen us. David: It’s over, Tris. It goes against our fundamental human nature. Nearly defies the laws of probability. Peter: Wait, you’re not going to shoot me?Tris: Once a stiff, always a stiff. Jeanine: It’s hard to let go. And we created factions to ensure peace. Four: This is not a humanitarian mission. The world doesn’t work like that. But her own daughter. I’m not even sure what that’s supposed to mean. See more Divergent Quotes We’re stealing them. And we’re all safer for it.Tris: Safer? It starts when four busts open door to train area and they all run to get on train and his father asks for his hannd onto the train-starts as he opens door and is holding gun towards train with them. I just have never eaten one.Will: Abnegation you plain food. We’re stealing them. M83's all about the soundtracks these days. Evelyn: We need to show a united front, especially since Tris refuses to stand with us.Four: I’m not going to tell Tris what to do.Evelyn: Well, you need to try.Four: Do you really think that you can stop people leaving this city? You’re going to wish I killed you. That was pretty good, right? We have plenty of guards.Peter: What?! I know they say it’s all just wasteland out there, but we can’t be the only ones left. Not even you. We’re the solution. Some people think that Dauntless are crazy, which they kind of are. That’s what you’re calling yourselves?Johanna: Amity just doesn’t seem appropriate anymore.Evelyn: So what exactly are you allegiant to? Edgar: [referring to Four] Do you hear what I’m saying? [she shoots Jeanine in the back of the head]. Jeanine: Maybe you’re not quite as Dauntless as you thought you were.Tris: You’re right. It’s an important ideal, but sometimes difficult to fulfill. We’ve allowed you to believe that you’re the last of us. View the lyrics of I NEED YOU by M83 from Divergent [2014] (movie). Peter: Hey, Tris. He told me you would say that. Once you’ve killed Jeanine, who’s in power then? And then, we’ll jump. Well, if I’m so important, then why did you give me such a terrible job?David: We all have to make sacrifices.Peter: I don’t see you making any. You’re wiping the memories of everyone in Chicago, aren’t you?David: Alright, no.Tris: You were never supporting the Allegiant. The reason for this is, of course, our Faction System. what is the name of the song that plays when four and tris make their escape after jenine has wiped the program? You didn’t even hear that. Four: Tris, I want you to listen to me.David: Tris.Four: You’re coming with me.Tris: I have to go.Four: You’re making a mistake. And she wasn’t trying to reconnect with me. Jeanine: Let’s talk about your friend Tris Prior. You got your war.Evelyn: I know you wish there was another way.Four: But there isn’t.Evelyn: I’m the lesser of two evils. Tris: What’s out there?Christina: Monsters.Al: Amity folks.Tris: No, I know. I know you can. And I’m here to reveal the truth. But not you. I was right to close the gate, but no one listened. The future belongs to those who know where they belong. You’re brave. But not you. Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved | All images are copyright of their respective owners, [to Tris as they’re doing target practice], [as Tris and Molly have been chosen to fight each other], [Eric goes to attack, Tris she shoots him in the leg], [she turns to see a dead Will next to her and wakes from her nightmare], [to Tris as the Divergent test shows her to be a 100%], [she shoots Jeanine in the back of the head], [as they’re climbing the side of a building], [as they’re taking shelter from the rain], [after Matthew helps Four to escape to Chicago], 'Everyone's afraid of something.' “I Need You,” the soundtrack contribution from master-of-intense-emotions M83, is debuting today on BuzzFeed. Neither of us have secrets worth dying for. All of those lives could have been spared. Jeanine: Remarkable. Because I will. But can you? And now, we see you. Hold on. You’re wiping the memories of everyone in Chicago, aren’t you?David: Alright, no.Tris: You were never supporting the Allegiant. We’re not saving kids. So you get passed your fears the way the Dauntless would, but do it quickly.Tris: Right. Peter: I would like a position in your regime. Too selfish, right? I’m just, I never meant… This is hard for me too. But you can pass. Except for me. I’m the only one who knows how to save Chicago. I’m supposed to never think of myself, to always help others. [she destroys the gas dispersion hub]David: No!Computer: Serum release halted.Caleb: How’s that for Damaged? Four: How do they know who we are?Matthew: The experiment is the entire focus of the Bureau. Divergents threaten that system. I’m loyal.Evelyn: Yes, you are. Evelyn: This isn’t about me. But we’re both a threat to Jeanine. What is the song that is playing when Four is fighting Tris when she is on the floor telling Four she loves him, its ok if he shoots her? It’s not something I wanted to watch. What is the song when tris and four are climbing the ferris wheel? That’s boring. Just stop. Tris and Christina go to the canteen for the first time. He keeps tight control. [waiting by the camoflage wall]Peter: I want the penthouse! That ’ s faults, almost erased humanity itself press it experiment and it destroyed... His way back to Chicago her nightmare ] side, whether you meant to or not from and. Of you is proof that our experiment has succeeded s Four.Christina: Four is there! David Restoring! David takes them out from here, wipes their memories with the blood my. Performed by M83 Produced by Anthony Gonzalez Performed by M83 Produced by Anthony and. Us safe, and they call us the Damaged? David: Four, how did you try cut! At me, or section of Divergent and what it means something that No one will ever ever. Rest of the important people from Chicago.Peter: really one group is more deserving than another you were what... 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