religious fundamentalism examples

7. political power) fundamentalism is enforcing narrow sectarian practices for strengthening religious orthodoxy as well as achieving political power. Fundamentalism is generally understood to have religious connotation but it can be non-religious also. This article appeared in The Christian Century, August 28-September 4, 1985, pp. In the process, it often incorporates -- without criticism -- the values of the social environment, becoming, in fact, little more than the legitimizer of its social context. The three religions, we have our fundamentalist groups, small in relation to all the rest. These tendencies are exemplified by early Christian heresies that doubted any possible relationship between Jerusalem and Athens, and developed an extensive legalistic theology against the "compromising" church. Defining religious fundamentalism. It is openly racist and white supremacist, believing that only Germanic or Nordic “white” people are the true inheritors of the ancient Israelites, and thus God’s “chosen people”. One thinks here not only of the Iglesia en Kristo in the Philippines -- which may be the fastest-growing sect in Asia -- but also of the Soka Gakkai in Japan and several indigenous Christian traditions in Africa. These are seen as decisive because either they are predetermined, or those who do not observe them will experience the damning consequences. These features differentiate fundamentalists from other evangelical and conservative thinkers. It was a rebellion against the liberal effects of modern education on historic Protestant denominations. All religions contain, at their core, something like a "metaphysical/moral vision" about what is true, reliable and worthy of ultimate loyalty. What is being pla yed out. They believe that their own religion is beyond any fault and thus, should be forced on others. All religions are, to be sure, social in character; if they do not incarnate in some specific social group and give guidance about living in community, they dissipate. Religious Fundamentalism There are a number of examples of religious fundamentalism from the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. Today, most religions of the world tend to be associated with fundamentalist elements. Hence, all fundamentalisms tend toward a political religiosity or a political theology in the sense that they establish an identity between religious community and whatever political community has coercive authority. RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM CULTURAL DEFENCE 2. Religious fundamentalism, often confused with conservatism or traditionalism, is a name for a movement in any religion that retrieves “fundamental” elements of that religion and projects them into new formulations in reaction to challenges from modernity, however that is defined. Those who subscribed to these five fundamentals were called Fundamentalists. USA Toll-free: The Essay Rubric for the Project Evaluation. © Copyright 2009-2019 GKToday | All Rights Reserved, Difference between Fundamentalism and Communalism, Awards, Honours, Persons & Places in News, Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs, Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021. This is due to the strict, literal interpretation of a script such as the Bible or the Quran. Perhaps the best example of this tendency is Theravada Buddhism. Those who do believe, obey and enforce what is already predetermined become true agents of the ultimate power of history -- God, Allah, karma or dialectic -- and will lead in time to the visible realization of the ultimate truth. 6. Fundamentalism and Terrorism. He identifies two examples: Poland Iran 12. Religious fundamentalism is the movement based on belief of a community (or individuals) in absolute authority of the sacred texts of its own religion or faith. Sayyid … ... An example is the Islamic revolution in Iran 11. The Religious Fundamentalism-Scale (we used the German version by Schnell, 2010) developed by Altemeyer and Hunsberger (1992, 2004), for example, has determined strong associations between fundamentalism and RWA (for a review see Altemeyer and Hunsberger, 2004: correlations between 0.62 and 0.82). Recent actions by the World Reformed Alliance and the Lutheran World Federation against the quasi-fundamentalist defenders of apartheid in South Africa are an example; • loving one’s enemies. Fundamentalism refers to one’s unwavering belief in the infallibility of the religious / philosophical scriptures in all matters of faith, religion and philosophy. Fundamentalism has gained wide currency in the contemporary world and it refers to a variety of norms, values, attitudes which either judge the fundamentalists or condemn them outright. However, some sections such as Buddhists of Rakhine state in Myanmar, Buddhists of Sri Lanka, Soka Gakkai sect of Nichiren Buddhism in Japan etc. First, they emerge out of a need to defend religious tradition. This is one of the reasons that the Fundamentalism in Hinduism is more subdued that other major religions though not fully non-existent. Once used exclusively to refer to American Protestants who insisted on the inerrancy of the Bible, the term fundamentalism was applied more broadly beginning in the late 20th century to a wide variety of religious movements. The fundamentalists defended what they believed wer… Despite the peculiarities of modern American Christian fundamentalism, there are surely movements among the world’s other religions that have roughly comparable contours, and it may be useful to reflect briefly on these similarities and contrasts in a broad and hypothetical way. Western Michigan University, 1995 The Hindu nationalist movement, known as "Hindutva," which originated during the British colonial period in India, manifests itself in Indian politics today in the form of the Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.). Fundamentalism refers to one’s unwavering belief in the infallibility of the religious / philosophical scriptures in all matters of faith, religion and philosophy. Because fundamentalism must draw its adherents from among those who are outside the religious mainstream, it tends to ally with populist extremes. If the movement survives early hostility and adjusts to the demands of social and economic life, however, fundamentalism will tend to become more priestly, mystical and communal. Islamic fundamentalists believe in literal interpretation of the Quran and Hadith and attempt to enforce the Sharia law into every aspect of the Islamic Life. Fundamentalism ordinarily requires a text -- a scripture -- as the exclusive source and norm of its authority. Fundamentalism, for example. The Islamic doctrine of scripture -- that the very words of the Koran are ‘‘Un-created," literal dictations of the eternal thoughts of God and not subject to modification by translation or interpretation -- presses this tradition toward literalism. Thus, Wahabi movement supported by Saudi Arabia is often described as being responsible for the popularity of contemporary Islamic fundamentalism. 2. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.. Citizens worldwide are becoming all too familiar with the accelerated frequency of terrorist attacks in the 21 st century, particularly with those involving a religious underpinning. Treating the fundamentalists with charity and grace, while leading them to a larger, deeper and broader vision of that to which they are attached, attempting always to draw them into a wider ecumenical conversation. POLAND From 1945-1989, Poland was under threat and communist rule by the Soviet Union. While communalism is all about political or economic interests of a particular community, fundamentalism is enforcement of sectarianism with all rigidity for political mobilisation of a community for the power-goals of its elite. 4. In the later years, the term was used to relate to t… These dissenters hold to inerrancy of Scripture, see both the faith and the world as caught in a militant struggle between the faithful and the secularizers (or compromisers), and understand history in terms of a dispensational premillennialism. Instead, some of the most prominent examples of what many consider Islamic fundamentalism—notably Sayyid Qutb’s writings and the Iranian revolution—were actually in … Rise Of Religious Fundamentalism Essay, examples of persuasive essays in mla, examples of short memoir essays, international relations dissertation topic ideas . IN INDIAN . In practice, however, leaders of … CULTURAL DEFENCE Bruce sees one function of religion as a cultural defence where religion serves to unite community against an external threat. The term fundamentalism was first used to describe a conservative strain of Protestantism that developed in the United States roughly from 1870 to 1925. by Cassandra Rausch. The most influential fundamentalist movement was the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna as a reaction against the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and emergence of European imperialism. Although all the world’s great religions have seen something like fundamentalism come and go, some religions are so constituted that fundamentalism cannot claim to be the authentic representation of that tradition. All religions have worldviews and their followers become defensive when threatened. this is the religion that supports and sustains firmly entrenched political power. The term ‘religious fundamentalism’ has come to be applied to regional, national, and even global developments holding both religious and political dimensions. 3. It is not a Church as such, but a far-right, fascist fringe adheres to these ideas, and many of the so-called “lone wolf” terrorist attacks have … Those who do not believe, obey, enforce or submit themselves to enforcement will be destroyed in a great crisis, either apocalyptic or revolutionary. If profound religious leaders do not provide these, they will be sought in simplistic answers; • being willing to declare that fundamentalism is schismatic and heretical, and being able to show why this is the case when militants attempt to take over or subvert serious religious understandings and communities. Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. The Jewish fundamentalists make effort to establish strict adherence to orthodox Jewish culture and Jewish Law (halacha) in all aspects of Israeli life. (I Cor. One might also mention that Mao Tse-tung’s "Little Red Book" played a similar role in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers. Don’t think Christian fundamentalists are a bunch of dumb rednecks; they’re not. Steve Bruce divides fundamentalism into two distinct types: (1) communal(giving Middle-Eastern Islam as an example) and (2) individual(giving strict Protestant conservativism as an example)4. In keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the mission of Jesus Christ, and the role of the church in society, fundamentalists affirmed a core of Christian beliefs that included the historical accuracy of the Bible, the imminent and physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s Virgin Birth, Resurrection (see resurrection), and Atonement (see atonement). This religious sect was founded by the prophet Nanak as a rather gentle spiritual and contemplative movement. Later, this term was used for extreme believers of any community. Based on the early prophetic message of the Buddha, it enjoyed great and rapid expansion, condemning the priests, mysticism, cultural patterns and adherents of its predecessor, Hinduism. Its purpose is to reaffirm the key theological tenets of one’s religion and stress on inerrancy of every word of his / her scriptures. 5:1-11). But subsequently caught in the struggles between Hindus and Muslims, and threatened economically, politically and militarily as well as religiously, the Sikhs became decidedly militant. Here you can order a professional work. We can find examples of numerous religious-fundamentalist movements, such as Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, and Christian. Fundamentalism tends to arise in lower and lower-middle classes at times of class mobility. When this vision becomes blurred, neglected, threatened or subject to neglect, the fundamentals are not only reasserted, but reasserted in specific formulas or cultic forms that are often confused with the fundamentals themselves. More recently, with the Punjab as the locus of one of the most successful areas of the "green revolution," the sect has experienced upward mobility accompanied by a new burst of militant fundamentalism. This world is sometimes used in place of communalism. However, in today’s context, both are political instruments and try to mobilize people on religious grounds. For example, if Jack is an evangelical Christian because he believes it is the mission of Christians to convert non-Christians to Christianity, he is not, on those grounds, a fundamentalist pg. While communalism is the exploitation of sentiments of a religion-based community for a secular goal (i.e. This is prevalent in Israel. The key objective is this movement was to reaffirm five theological tenets including infallibility of every word of the Bible; virgin birth of Jesus; bodily resurrection of Jesus, that Jesus’s death was the atonement for sin and historical reality of Jesus’s miracles. If, however, he believes this because he believes this directive has been infallibly communicated to him by a perfect God, then he is a fundamentalist^. This reaction may lead to protective withdrawal by groups in some cases, at least in early stages. In fact, the categories of "left" and "right" simply may not help much in identifying the probable directions of fundamentalism. More often, fundamentalism tends to arise when the nonprivileged classes experience upward mobility after being converted to a highly disciplined piety that has carried them through tragedy and pain. Several other conditions besides mobility seem also to be required, like the presence of a charismatic leader who defines reality for those whose world is threatened by chaos. However, there is subtle difference between the two in below aspects: Thus, there is a very thin line that differentiated the fundamentalism with communalism. Some social historians identify similar developments in the militant Anabaptist movements of the late medieval and early Reformation periods. They are “the Chosen”, “the Elect”, “the Saved”. An enduring fundamentalism is difficult to maintain in some religions. Sikhism is one of the youngest religions of the world and has been particular associated with Hinduism. … However, the Khalistan movement of late 1980s was seen as a Sikh Fundamentalist Movement whose main aim was to achieve an independent Sikh homeland. Firm assumption that scriptures are historical and factual. Unlike most other religions, Hindu Fundamentalism does not assign supreme authority to one scripture, one god or Prophet or one belief. And as such, they are “privileged” or “burdened” with a … There is no scope for scrutiny or even criticism of the scriptures on logical explanations and scientific evidences. Although not all Theravada Buddhists are fundamentalists, the role of the Pali Canon in that tradition makes the sect more prone to fundamentalism than, for example, Mahayana or Zen Buddhism. Unable to develop an apologetic that meets the tests of adequacy from cosmopolitan scholars, it enforces its doctrine by exclusion, by intensifying internal discipline or by coercion. Understood in this sense, people can change any belief into a religion. But as some Anabaptists moved to the left and others to the right, and as Sikhism has plunged both ways, so Theravada Buddhism today tends to support a leftist government in Burma, a militant conservatism in Sri Lanka, and a traditionalist regime in Thailand. Copyright by The Christian Century Foundation; used by permission. Furthermore, if the evidence from some branches of Orthodox Judaism and of Black Islam in America is taken into account, it may be that the simple clarities of fundamentalism give persecuted people whose lives are in disarray the clean-edged structures by which discipline and order can be imposed on chaos from within. It soon spread to the Baptists and other religious by 1920s. Fundamentalism essentially applies to those who have split off from modern Christianity’s mainline developments. Non-theistic examples may include many Marxists and secular humanists, as well as many devoted atheists. However, soon this word was also used for Protestant Christians who had a separate attitude from modernity. Nevertheless, downward mobility appears to be the occasion for the rise of fundamentalism in a number of instances. Many in these traditions hold that the scriptures do not point to the ultimate truth, but are themselves the ultimate truth. Class mobility, however, occurs in many places and at many times without rendering a fundamentalism. Fundamentalism has a very specific meaning in the history of American Christianity, as the name taken by a coalition of mostly white, mostly northern Protestants who, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, united in opposition to theological liberalism. In fundamentalism, a definite orthodoxy is linked to a specific orthopraxy, forming a manifest power structure that will, it is believed, confirm its truth to history (although not always within history). Islam is more given to fundamentalism than other religions with Semitic roots. It is impossible to predict whether fundamentalism will be left-wing or right-wing. Its affiliates, the Vishwa Hindu When speaking of causes and movements considered fundamentalist, the conventional wisdom assumes that these are inherently opposed to modern, scientific, and secular values. Fundamentalism tends to arise in prophetic religious traditions. Protestant fundamentalism emerged in the early twentieth century as a reaction to broad changes in the American society, which was arguably the world leader in modernization at the time. These features differentiate fundamentalists from other evangelical and conservative thinkers who accent the "five smooth stones" by which the Goliath of secular humanism is to be slain: substitutionary atonement, Christ’s imminent return, the reality of eternal punishment, the necessity of personal assurance of salvation and the truth of the miracles. Why is it unimaginable? Today, in many parts of Southeast Asia. Nonfundamentalists, on the other hand, make a distinction between the decisive religious community and political authority, even if there is a good bit of mutual influence. The concept of modern religious fundamentalism was introduced with the publication of the The Fundamentals, a series of books published between 1909 and 1920 appealing to Christians to believe in certain religious doctrines of Christianity. Religion Online is designed to assist teachers, scholars and general “seekers” who are interested in exploring religious issues. Perhaps the best illustrations are found in Islam and that modern "secular religion," Marxism (particularly when it becomes a movement that follows a fixed doctrine or party line). Perhaps the best example, however, can be seen in the history of the Sikhs. For example, people can become so attached to markets unrestrained by governments, or to … Nonetheless, it has to be clear that using the term „fundamentalist“ for everyone who pursues at least one of the fighting strategies enlisted above can be in many cases misleading in the case that other considerations are not taken into account. The following eight theses -- more like suggestive proposals than finished conclusions -- may provide possible loci to interpret our own distinctive experience with modern Christian fundamentalism. religious and political, and in both realistic and idealistic senses. "Reassertion" is a decisive term here, for fundamentalism seems to rise when the authoritative bearers of a religious tradition are perceived as falling into intellectual drift -- when those responsible for cultivating and propagating the vision do not, cannot or will not defend the fundamentals that give the vision articulate form, or when they begin to advocate changing the definition of what is fundamental. The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States brought attention to Islamic fundamentalism and extremism. At the time this article was written, Max L. Stackhouse taught at Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, Massachusetts. 5. Here, nonfundamentalists must be cautious, for our hostility to fundamentalistic thought may be tinged with classism. Religion is whatever offers people an all-embracing means of interpreting the world. In time, however, Theravada Buddhism became more and more priestly, mystical, communal and conservative. to the participants in so‐called religious conflicts. It is a complex set of multiple beliefs, attitudes, faiths, scripts, sects and sub-sects. The attachment or belief is such strong that the believer takes a militant stand sometimes. RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM . The attachment or belief is such strong that the believer takes a militant stand sometimes. One example would be the RSS -- militant Hindus in South India who beat up Christian outcastes who get "uppity" when they improve their material condition. What is Religious Fundamentalism? Islam, like Marxism, has been allied with highly progressive movements as well as with decidedly reactionary regimes. The term "anti-intellectual," however, must be used cautiously, for fundamentalism internally develops elaborately rationalized schemes to explain almost everything, and it often develops a striking commitment to a dogmatic lay intellectuality. Its aim is to develop an extensive library of resources, representing many different points of view, but all written from the perspective of sound scholarship. Indeed, in the broad sense of the term, many of the major religions of the world may be said to have fundamentalist … All information about the notion of the essay rubric you can find here. Hence fundamentalist movements in these religions either fragment into tiny factions or modulate to join the mainstream. 1. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock. Key terms in fundamentalism include belief, obedience and enforcement. The early 21st Century has seen the rise of various Fundamentalist groups, for example: The increasing influence of the New Religious Right in the United States The rise of Zionism in Israel For example, if Jack is an evangelical Christian because he believes it is the mission of Christians to convert non-Christians to Christianity, he is not, on those grounds, a fundamentalistpg. There are only a few decisive ways to confront and combat fundamentalism. One cannot help but wonder whether the parallels with the South’s defeat in the American Civil War and the subsequent rise of the "Sun Belt" economy merit investigation. One can, however, find fundamentalist-like movements in almost every period of the church’s history, and today the evangelistic zeal of American fundamentalism has taken the movement to every continent where some indigenous Christian groups have welcomed it. Current articles and subscription information can be found at But our understanding of religion must be broadened. The followers of these religions exhibit little fundamentalism due to peace and non-violence being their basic tenets. 8. notions of religious fundamentalism. 15:1-11; Lk. Apart from the Five Fundamentals mentioned above, the Christian fundamentalists don’t accept the theory of evolution and some of them believe in the so called premillennial eschatology which says that world is doomed till Jesus returns and defeats the antichrist. Of fundamentalist movements in these religions either fragment into tiny factions or to... Are themselves the ultimate truth are a number of doctrines, religious practices symbols! Seen in the militant Anabaptist movements of the world of political and social, not religious and thus Wahabi! To defend religious tradition hence fundamentalist movements in these traditions hold that the fundamentalism a. 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