taurus negative traits

22 Positive & Negative Taurus Personality Traits and Characteristics Taurus Sign Overview. This earthy demeanor finds its greatest manifestation in their stubbornness. One of the more negative traits of the Taurus would definitely have to be their low tolerance levels it comes to delays, cues or anything that’s slow moving and mind numbingly boring. Well, those emotions sometimes come out in all sorts of unexpected ways, like in sudden angry outbursts or a deep depression. Taurus dates and personality - April 20 to May 20. Here are 5 Taurus personality traits that make them so off-putting to other zodiac signs. Taurus Woman Negative Personality Traits Stress can have a large impact on a Taurus woman’s life. If you’re dating a Taurus man, don’t be surprised if he suggests that you get breast implants. They are often selfish, and that selfishness can create problems for them; this is Taurus’ dark side that they don’t want anyone to figure out. At the same time, Taurus has negative personality traits. Taurus is an earth sign, depicted as a bull. And if you thought they were stubborn before, they can get even more fixated on what or who they feel has slighted them when they are angry. Don’t expect them to try new things, because they aren’t comfortable with the unknown. Why are Taurus so difficult and how do they act when hurt in love? They are packed with ambitious dreams to make it big and they want to live a healthy and wealthy life. What You Didn’t Know About The Taurus Woman; Conclusion: Taurus woman traits Negative Traits of the Moon in Taurus. Their sensual, easy-going... 3. There are many variations in a Taurus man, with positive qualities like loyalty, endurance, trust, understanding, and stability. Most of Taurus’ negative personality traits stem from their signature stubbornness, which dictates almost every aspect of their life. What follows is a comprehensive breakdown of major Taurus traits and personality characteristics. Emotionally, Taurus individuals are closed off, which is the dark side of this sign. Taurus is very set in their ways. Like the other zodiac signs of astrology, Taurus natives too have their share of bad qualities. Truth be told, all zodiac signs have their character flaws. Not only are they possessive, but they’re also very jealous and dependent in a relationship. Posted on Last updated: December 23, 2020 By: Author Maria Moore. As an Earth sign, Taurus cares about their own comfort but also the safety of their family and home.These folks also have an interesting relationship with money and will develop lucrative ideas for earning, saving and investing funds. An insensitive Taurus man or woman could blurt out their inconsiderate remarks and be indifferent to someone's pain. Taurus will hold on to grudges for a very long time refusing to stoop down or budge from their decisions. It could be impossible to accept change for the Taurus native. If on a self-indulgent streak, they'll drain money extravagantly, sometimes to the point of accumulating debts. Taurus man personality traits show that he is the kind of person who prefers to prepare his self-esteem first before others. Taurus Negative Traits Stubborn - At times they will be so stubborn and rigid that they will refuse to listen to anyone or agree to anything. Taureans may end up being selfish with their own priorities. While this strong will is an asset, it becomes his or her weakness when the actions are hurtful or disrespecting of others. Here is a list of some of his traits that leave much to be desired. It’s impossible for them to always be the center of attention to those around them, and they need to realize that. Astrology Zodiac Compatibility or These traits are called negative because most Taureans use them like a vice. They love challenges and winning over their contenders. All rights reserved.Privacy Policy. Negative traits of Taurus, when it comes to love romance, like stubbornness and illogical insistence might lead to stalemate once jealousy is involved. When they are in a committed relationship, they get stuck in a rut so when they are sure they’ve won your heart, they’ll start taking you for granted. Being the boss is what they definitely prefer; we’re talking about naturally dominant people who’ll argue as much as it takes till they get their way. All they want is to live a wealthy and good life, so they have a lot of grand plans for making it big time. Generally considered as peace-loving people, Taurus also can show multiple negative traits that may take people by surprise. Typically they work hard enough from time to time. Ultimately, they are focused only on the things they need so they could get angry if dinner is not on the table at precisely 7 pm. Motto: I own. They find it hard to find their autonomy. However, in search of stability and security, they sometimes tend to become slaves to routine. Freeing themselves from attachment would be possible if they developed themselves spiritually. Each sign has its own characteristics, both negative and positive. So, when faced with insecurities, Taurus would demand your conformity and expect repeated explanations for your actions. Taurus’ negative traits include being a procrastinator, so they find it hard to balance their time with relaxation and work. When it comes to their body image, Taurus is a perfectionist due to the natural connection they have to their physical side. Horns are horns, but they're easy to go and polite. They can be stubborn, especially when they think that they are right and once they settle into their routine, it’s hard to change their mind. Taurus Negative Traits Jealous. When it comes to relationships, they find it hard to give up on one, even way after it has clearly been over. One of Taurus’ flaws is that they are so connected to the material world that it makes them somewhat... 2. When a Taurus sets their mind on something nothing will stand in their way. Negative Traits Of The Taurus Man – The Dark Side Of Taurus Man So you’ve found yourself falling for a Taurus man. The truth is, they don’t open up to many people, especially not right away so they only have a few close relationships. It’s very easy for them to put on weight because of their love of rich cuisine (including cheeses, alcohol, and meats), and their stocky nature. Otherwise, sweet and kind, Taurus natives will be found seething in rage when they fail to be in control of their lives or disrespected. If you are looking for these answers, here is a list of 10 bad, negative personality traits of the Taurus Zodiac sign that you should know: 1. Taurus Negative Traits. The astrological Taurus comes with a brilliant mind, but you can never guess his thinking. Positive traits: Practicality, loyalty and trustworthiness; Negative traits: Prejudice, laziness and self-indulgence; Symbolism: The Bull is a symbol of provoked aggressiveness and wilfulness. When it comes to food, they have a relationship with it that would be best described as love/hate. Taurus negative traits are not necessarily totally negative. They definitely won’t ever be the life of the party, but quite the opposite. They like routine and orderliness. Just look at how many dictators were Taurus; Adolf Hitler, Catherine the Great, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and Saddam Hussein were all born under this zodiac sign. Taurus is controlling Extremely possessive and jealous, Taurus men and women are competitive. Video 1. They are selfish. Because they’re an Earth sign, Taurians can be lazy, passive, too stubborn and focused only on possessions. Any disrespectful verbal comebacks may backfire and cause build up of resentment which makes their relationships unhealthy. This inability to adapt could make them boring and lead to a feeling of being alienated in a crowd. Materialism. Extremely possessive and jealous, Taurus men and women are competitive. They will simply take a stand and refuse to budge from it. Sticking to a routine. It is difficult to cope with such a partner who lacks compassion and expects their lover to take responsibility for all the wrongs whether guilty or not. This earthy demeanor finds its greatest manifestation in... 2. When you go to a party with them, they’ll look dapper but they won’t speak to anyone the whole time, and they’ll just sit in a corner. Copyright © 2021 Think aloud | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. They’re very preoccupied with acquiring wealth so that they could live a comfortable life. This is a key aspect of the Taurus symbol. Take note of the Taurus man personality chart I’ve also included below the positive and negative traits that shows the strength of several major Taurus characteristics. They are looking for warmth and a life of luxury. Learning the Taurus star sign personality and Taurus traits can help you coexist in harmony with this zodiac sign, which can be sensual and elegant but also overindulgent and lazy. The bull is a force to reckon with. Expecting them to blend everywhere is futile as they are frustratingly rigid. One of the most negative of the Taurus characteristics (male and female) is their extreme stubborn streak. Taurus men and women are gentle and patient until provoked or taken advantage of. You are chilled out and quite lazy and laid back for the most part. They are possessive about everything that’s necessary to them. Even though they are at first slow to open up, winning their trust is, in the end, totally worth it because they are a very reliable friend and partner. They stick to their guns, and they’re very strong-minded. This could mean a partner in a relationship with a Taurus will have to succumb to unnecessary pressures. Taurus is a go getter and when things get in their way and prevent them from … This could derail any effort on the part of their partners to open themselves up and speak their hearts out. She is not a sign that bears stress well. They'll make excuses and avoid dealing with something that needs their immediate attention. People who are born between April 21 and May 21 are called Taureans. All charged up, they could often disappoint others with their sense of pride and boastful and their blunt refusal to ask for help. They have low self-esteem and lack maturity and when someone praises or checks out their partner, they hate it. The Taurus zodiac sign is a representation of development and growth. Intimate talk means cataloging for you their neck pains, sports injuries, bulges, scars, and hemorrhoids. If they have made up their minds to ignore or give up on someone, it is hard to find a way back into their lives. Their concern with acquiring wealth is also something that bothers their partner, but let’s focus on the jealousy. It takes a lot to calm them down! Taurus at their worst are obsessed with their own comfort while compulsively spending money on their both physical and material desires (food and luxury items). Such thick-skinned behavior might cause them to lose out on good company and give in to narcissistic tendencies. Simultaneously, there are also bad traits in the Taurian guy, which comprise stubborn attitudes, jealousy, suspicion, and over-possessiveness. They are ready and willing to spend their resources and as much money as it takes to have luxuries and comfort in life. So, impulsiveness and quick decision-making could be the hardest thing to do for the Taurus native. They'll get defensive about all that they do and make sure there is no challenge to their way of thinking. They believe the world is going to hell in a handbasket, voting is useless, a positive attitude is foolish, and the best part of life is over. Taurus Woman: Overview & Personality Traits. Possessiveness. What do Taurus struggle with? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the most powerful chakra for the Taurus personality and how to find the balance you need to amplify your best traits. © Copyright 2019 Astro 79. They secure the lives of their loved ones. They are unwavering and strong, but they are also wise, deeply caring, and smart. When she is under stress, she can lash out. Ruled by Venus, the Empress of Love (whose motto is “All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals”), the Taurus … Taurus can be very lazy after they have retired from a hectic schedule. Stubborn. However, after the honeymoon phase, you’ll start noticing all of Taurus’ bad traits. You could very easily be initially attracted to this zodiac sign. They'll show off their material possessions and hoard on objects they don't even need. If you are looking for these answers, here is a list of 10 bad, negative personality traits of the Taurus Zodiac sign that you should know: A Taurus man or woman is extremely rigid. Materialistic. Sure, we were told since we were little that we should not judge a book by its cover. As an aggressive bull, they could tear down their opponent and lash out when their patience is tested. Taurus is stubborn. So, it is always at their pace or not at all. It is very easy to be initially attracted to a Taurus. Most of the time, they work really hard so that others wouldn’t see any problem with them indulging themselves every once in a while. Anger management is something they could consider taking seriously if they wish to maintain peace in the lives of others as well as their own. If someone threatens them or the things close to them, they become extremely jealous and when it comes to appearances and physical pleasures, they are naturally jealous. They are usually very successful when it comes to their career but they’ll often prefer an income that’s reliable over a dynamic and tough job. Their ruling planet is … You’ll be drawn by their... 2. Today, let's have a look at some negative traits of Taurus. This jealousy can be trace as one the bad trait of Taurus. But enough about that, because we are here to look at Taurus’ negative traits, which include that they are rough, slow, and stubborn. When it comes to the finer things in life, they have a taste for it. She feels bad about it later, but can’t help it at the time. If you ask them about it, they'll just tell you it's their dedicated nature and not them trying to be difficult. 1.1 Materialistic; 1.2 Lazy; 1.3 Opinionated; 1.4 Stubborn; 1.5 Highly jealous and possessive; 1.6 He is … Like every astrological sign, there are some negative personality traits associated with a Taurus woman. To improve themselves, they need some sort of material payoff. Sometimes they get a taste of the finer things in life. Taurus Negative Personality Traits. Taurus Men are overbearing. They don’t like to have changes in their lives or to be pushed, and love their routine life and home comforts. Therefore, even if they aren’t attractive themselves, they’ll expect their significant other to be manicured, firm, and fit. The symbol for Taurus gives us insights into the deeper nature of this astrological sign. You tend to be very dependent on relationships, very jealous and overly concerned with acquiring wealth in... Lazy. This is one of the most dependable and reliable zodiac signs. There’s a reason why there’s the saying ‘when you mess with the bull, you get the horns’ and those who are familiar with Taurus’ bad traits know this best. What are Taurus bad traits? With a high sense of morale and values, it is tough for the Taurus individual to overlook little mistakes and repose their trust in someone again. You could very easily be initially attracted to this zodiac sign. They could go overboard with this quality when the moral lines are overstepped and they amass wealth through unscrupulous means. Taurus is stubborn A Taurus man or woman is extremely rigid. He seems to be quite dreamy but there have to be some negative sides to him right? Taurus Man Personality Negative Traits 1. A Taurus individual is one of those people who will be there for you whenever you need them. They always like giving their partner and friends advice on self-improvement, diet, and exercise. So, what are the bad characteristics and weaknesses of Taurus? This is one of the things that Taurus woman like to deal with on their own, but when they become too stressed they will accidentally lash out at friends and family. However, people who express the nature of their sign in a negative way are, either unconsciously or consciously, in some way repressed. There are many more infamous people born under this sign, such as Sid Vicious, John Wilkes Booth, and Albert Fish (the singer of The Sex Pistols, the man who killed Abraham Lincoln and a serial killer, respectively). A wasteful tendency reflects his or her self-absorbed dark trait. As a pleasure seeker, they would never put themselves in a situation where their comfort is compromised. This website was developed byCreative Geeks. Their territoriality is fierce and if crossed, they'll crush the trespassers.Taurus will drain your energy and sap off all interest to communicate because of their frustrating need to prove their superiority. Their craving for material things is, in fact, for security but a lot of people think of their possessiveness as greedy and self-indulgent. Taurus Woman Personality: Negative Traits. … Negative Taurus Traits Just as bulls are known for their incredible stubbornness, people born under the Taurus sign are often viewed as being very set in their ways. Taurus – Negative Qualities Since people born with Moon in Taurus seeks stability in every different situation, these people do repetitive work without any problem. Why are Taurus so difficult and how do they act when hurt in love? This could be due to long-term unaddressed issues with confidence which shows up when the least expected. They are confident and extremely strong. If they embraced their natural compassionate and creative sides, they’d feel better. When dating a Taurus, you’ll find yourself enjoying trips to amazing natural retreats and you’ll also spend your nights at five-star hotels where you’ll enjoy fine dining and wine. Another worst thing about Taurus borns is that they have a shy type of nature. 1. They are slow and any new change could only be implemented in their lives when they have been convinced in their own sweet time. Overbearing; Impatient; Competitive; Unpredictable; Taurus Woman: Is The Taurus Woman Faithful? Just think about the metaphor the bull represents, and you’ll figure out a lot about this sign. All of these are Taurus’ negative traits, but you should never only look at what’s negative about them. They also have positive qualities, and if you focus on them, you can help them deal with those that are negative. You will find a Taurus very jealous in nature be it by looking at the success of others or by the things others possess. One of the toxic traits of the Taurus male and female is a deep-seated superiority complex owing to the Venusian influence. They have a strong urge to love and romance, and even if they don’t get love in life, they don’t show their desires to the outer world. Chief among the traits of a Taurus is their built-in energy conservation program. Feeling of being alienated in a relationship with it that would be best described as love/hate packed with dreams! And jealous, Taurus would demand your conformity and expect repeated explanations for your.. Taurus can be lazy, passive, too stubborn and focused only on possessions ’ re also very jealous dependent! And females rely on and trust their capabilities why are Taurus ’ is! Hard-Working values can be trace as one the bad characteristics and weaknesses of Taurus still. 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